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In recent years, many research scholars more and more emphasis on the real economyand financial markets, the importance of two aspects. The rapid development of cross-straiteconomic and trade cooperation in the context of further cross-strait financial integration isnot only beneficial for the rapid development of cross-strait economic and tradecooperation to provide fast quality financial services, but also to promote cross-straitfinancial sector adjustment and optimization, to further improve the Straits two sides tojointly guard against financial crises. In this thesis, excluding political factors, particularlythe cross-strait political and military events of major emergencies under the premise ofcross-strait financial exchanges and cooperation in economic analysis. Shou Xian ZongShu domestic and foreign scholars in financial integration and Financial Exchanges andcooperation in research, based on clearly define financial integration discussed in Lianganthe basic content of the stages and characteristics, and made this paper cut into the analysisThe main point of view. Then, each set from the agencies, direct remittance, currencyexchange, and financing aspects of Taiwan cross-strait financial integration on the currentstatus and problems of cooperation in the analysis, and use VAR model to measure theextent of cross-strait financial integration, assessment, obtained the current cross-straitfinancial exchanges and cooperation between the level of cooperation, particularly thecapital market is still in a very low stage of conclusion. In addition, mainly from theeconomic point of view, is affecting and restricting cross-strait financial integration themain factors and the feasibility of cost-benefit analysis commenced obtained cross-straitfinancial connection and associated costs were continuously decreased, and discussed theabout promoting the realization of cross-strait financial integration path. Finally, on thebasis of the previous analysis, respectively, from the near and long-term perspective topromote cross-strait financial integration put forward policy recommendations.
     Mainland China and Taiwan have their own characteristics and advantages of the economic. Taiwan in a small area of the island created a modern industrialized economy,Asia's "Four Little Dragons" one, with a strong industrial base and technical strength. Themainland's reform and opening up policy, the economic strength increased rapidly, GDPhas been third in the world. Taiwanese investment in mainland China, the mainland'seconomic growth is an important reason. The mainland for Taiwan to provide a broadmarket. But due to historical reasons, the cross-strait economic and trade cooperation hasnot reached the required level. Especially in the real economy beyond the level ofcooperation such as financial market also carried out relatively slow, so capital can notflow freely in both sides. However, the trend of cross-strait economic and tradecooperation to strengthen irreversible cross-strait links between financial markets will begetting closer. There must be clear that we have the degree of cross-strait financialcooperation and cross-strait economic impact. In recent years, many research institutionsand researchers for cross-strait financial exchanges and cooperation in the research, let uscross-strait financial exchanges have a basic understanding of the situation. But in many ofthe research process there are some problems. First of all, not a broad view of research,related research on the most limited of cross-strait financial issues themselves, less oncross-strait financial issues can be placed in the context of globalization, and villages.Second, each study were more subjective, too much emphasis on the development ofcross-strait financial exchanges delayed the main reason is that the Taiwan authoritiesadhere to the "Taiwan independence" political position, and for a number of objectivefactors of the economic dimension is not enough. Again, the research also relatively simple,uniform, cross-strait financial exchanges involving banking, securities and insuranceindustries in many ways, but research is mainly concentrated in the banking industry, andfor securities and insurance industries The concern is not enough liquidity for the overallcross-strait situation assessment and study less.
     In addition, the financial industry is the most influential of the service sectorindustries, its business scope covers the banking, insurance, and securities industries, dueto global financial and trade very large amounts, affecting a country's overall economicstrength of the existence of great importance, the Strait of government control of theirfinancial sector are relatively numerous, and most stringent specifications. Financialmarkets on a country's economic activities play an important role in financialintermediation, once the process of financial liberalization and opening of the market made a mistake, will be the country's monetary policy and financial market stability, the extent ofthe damage caused enormous, so in the country between countries in the multilateral orbilateral negotiations, the countries most open financial services issues be cautious. Evenso, the general response to world financial markets and competitiveness needs of theinternational financial system and financial market liberalization, countries continued towork together as an international goal, was based on international financial law, andconsultations and exchanges of many countries under the framework of the formation ofthe new order of modern financial system of norms-the World Trade Organization. Inorder to more comprehensive, objective analysis of the cross-strait exchange issues relatedto financial markets, the correlation of cross-strait financial markets and the cross-straitfinancial cooperation on the role of economic development and growth throughout thedepth of analysis, this paper divided into six parts, the specific arrangements for paper isstructured as follows: The first chapter is an introduction, the main motivation of thisresearch explained, research methods, significance and structure of this paper. IntroductionThe main purpose is to introduce the research questions of this thesis, the theoretical andpractical significance and meaning, and innovation of this paper and to give readers thecontents of this paper have a general understanding. The second literature review chapter isto review the financial markets of cross-strait exchanges and cooperation fields progress,theoretical sources and related, investigated in detail with the aim of Jieshi straitexchanges and cooperation in financial markets the foundation and development trend.The third chapter of cross-strait financial development and cooperation, respectively, fromthe cross-strait financial industry, banking, securities and insurance industry level, thequalitative analysis of the respective cross-strait financial sector development andcooperation. Chapter undertake the analysis of Chapter III of this chapter from theperspective of empirical validation of the empirical analysis in this chapter, on therelevance of cross-strait financial markets carried out empirical research, using Copulafunction of the cross correlation of financial markets. Chapter V is the cross-straitcooperation in the financial markets on economic growth. In this chapter, on the basis ofdesigned and measured the degree of cross-strait financial cooperation, studied itsinfluence s on the economic growth. Chapter VI Conclusions and policy recommendations.This paper gives the cross-strait economic globalization in the context of how to furthercross-strait exchanges and cooperation in financial market measures, and propose how to establish effective financial regulatory system, financial innovations to strengthencross-strait financial markets, international cooperation in the depth of financial
     View full text of the actual situation through writing, the paper associated with thedegree of cross-strait financial cooperation on the economic growth of financial need forthe development of cross-strait financial cooperation lags behind the causes and problemsto be solved, etc. discussed more fully, but due to lack of relevant information, the lack ofpractical experience, theoretical knowledge of the limited, the article on how to break thebottleneck of cross-strait financial cooperation appears to be insufficient to explore thisaspect would also like to criticize scholars correction.
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