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The implementation of “Reform and Opening-up” since1978not only puts more moneyinto Chinese people’s pockets, but also changes what they eat, with the most significant shiftsbeing a decrease in grain consumption and gradually increasing demands for meat products. Thisgrowing appetite for meat, however, threatens to strain China’s resource conditions, as an everlarger population fights for a limited amount of arable land, water and environment. Ensuring abalance between supply and demand of meat is difficult. Meanwhile, though nutritionimprovement has been declared a success in China, there remain both under-nutrition andover-nutrition. The12th Five-Year Plan period is a crucial stage for building a moderatelyprosperous society in an all-round way and a time of difficult issues for deepening the reformand opening-up process while accelerating the transformation of the nation's economicdevelopment pattern. How to strike a balance between meat production, meat consumption andpeople’s nutrition has become an important task for China’s economic and social development.Given the conflicts between meat production and consumption, and between consumption andnutrition, to study meat supply and demand for the purpose of achieving nutrition balance, and tobuild a model where nutrition guides consumption and consumption leads production, will be ofstrategical and practical significance to our efforts in optimizing resource utilization, ensuringsupply-demand balance of meat products, and enhancing people’s nutrition and health.
     On the basis of collecting plenty of authoritative data, this paper probes into the currentsituation of meat production and consumption, attempts a forecast of their development in thenext decade by using a time-series model. and predicts the matching degree of meatsupply-demand from2012to2020. Puts forward meat supply and demand should reasonableplan. we need to adjust production according to nutrition-oriented consumption.
     Since our objective is to adjust meat supplies and demands with the goal of nutrition, thispaper uses as reference the meat consumption standards recommended in the Dietary Guidelinesfor Chinese Residents, verifies the standards for appropriate meat consumption according to theamount of required nutrients, and calculates the amounts of meat consumption for people indifferent age groups, different regions and different genders in accordance with differences intheir energy intakes. This paper also calculates the consumption amounts of pork, beef, muttonand poultry according to a rational meat consumption structure. After considering the waste,the actual meat consumption and nutrition target were compared and gap analysis.
     After analyzing the nutrition-oriented meat consumption amounts, this paper tries tocalculate the reasonable outputs of meat products. By borrowing insights from domestic andoverseas studies of similar subjects, and taking into account waste、losses and other elementsoccurring in various stages, this paper calculates the amount of meat outputs and the number ofanimals, extrapolates meat supplies in different regions across China with theproportional-sharing method,and situation of meat supply and demand in different regions,and proposes that to ensure effective supplies of meat products in China, measures should be taken toachieve output control and structure adjustment, unleash the potentials of superiormeat-producing regions and increase these regions’ meat supplies.
     This paper compares meat supply and demand based on nutrition with other scenarios andanalyzes its many benefits. Supposing meat consumption is at a medium-energy level, meatproduction that meets nutrition-oriented demands requires much less resources than that withoutthe guidance of nutrition objectives, promising to annually save up to81million tons of grains,147.8billion tons of water, and8.5million hectares of arable land by2020. In addition,nutrition-oriented meat demands are also conducive to ecological and environmental protection,by annually cutting807million tons of animal excrements,2.2618million tons of methaneemission and242,900tons of nitrous oxide emission.
     This paper ends with six policy suggestions that seek to achieve meat supply-demandbalance while ensuring nutrition and health: firstly, a new concept of food safety should beestablished that corresponds to nutrition goals; secondly, structure of animal food consumptionshould be adjusted while ensuring the balance of nutrition; thirdly, the production and structureof husbandry should be adjusted according to the purpose of nutrition and health; fourthly,policysupport for and input into the husbandry industry should be upgraded to facilitate its healthydevelopment; fifthly, a cross-departmental coordination mechanism should be put in placebetween the husbandry industry and nutrition;finaly,campaigns should be launched to spreadknowledge and enhance awareness of food nutrition and rational diet.
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