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空中交通管理ATM(Air Traffic Management,简称:空管)系统是一个采用航空卫星、数据链和计算机网络等综合技术的复杂的智能化信息系统,它将航空通信、导航、监视和自动化设施联接起来,为机场、航空公司和航空器等提供气象、航行情报和空中交通管制ATC(Air Traffic Control)等方面的信息服务,保障航空交通运输的安全运行。
     本文将安全系统工程SSE(Systems Security Engineering)理论应用到空管系统的信息安全保障和评估中,结合系统动态控制DSC(Dynamic System Control)的思想,提出了空管系统信息安全保障的方法。主要的创新点如下:
     第三,提出了基于SAP的空管系统业务数据安全访问方法。针对空管系统业务数据库的安全访问,提出了基于安全访问路径SAP(Secure Access Path)的空管系统业务数据安全访问方法,防御和阻止各种恶意的入侵攻击。该方法在安全接入节点SN采用Diameter实现了空管安全系统的统一身份认证,为空管系统重点数据库的访问提供了信息安全保障。
The Air Traffic Management (ATM) system is an open and complex intelligent system, which links the infrastructures and technologies of aeronautic communication, navigation, surveillance, and automation together to provides aeronautic information, aeronautical meteorology, and air traffic control (ATC) services to the airport, airlines, and aircraft. The targets of ATM system are enabling safe, orderly and efficient aircraft operations.
     An approach of information Assurance for ATM system based on Systems Security Engineering (SSE) theory is proposed in this thesis. The innovations in this thesis are as follows.
     (i) The model of security evaluation for information assurance of ATM system based on the theory of Dynamic System Control (DSC). This thesis established the theory of security evaluation for ATM system from the three views of function, operation, and attribution. The security indicator for information assurance of ATM system is proposed based on the security baseline policy. This theory is composed of security evaluate model based on DSC theory for the purpose of determine the security level of ATM element.
     (ii) The method of security evaluation for ATM system based on Artificial Neural Network. This thesis application of integrated decision making in ATM system based on grey correlation theory to solve the fuzzy relationship among a lot of complicated factors in ATM system. The security evaluation method of ATM system based on improved BP and RBF model of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is proposed in this thesis. Test result shows that the proposed method meets the requirements of ATM information security and efficient to the information assurance of ATM system.
     (iii) The secure approach of operational data in ATM system based on Security Access Path (SAP). The thesis proposes a database secure access approach of operational data in ATM system based on SAP, which could effectively identify users, carry access control, and resist kinds of attacks with the uniform authentication based on diameter.
     Experiments on information security of ATM system with practical operation data of ATM system have conducted. Result shows that the proposed approach in this thesis is effectively.
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