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As a key member of the research team on the topic of Policy Innovation and Practice Renovation on Public Hospital Property System Reform with Social Capital Involved, in Investment Research Institute, Tongji University, during October 2002 to August 2003, the author worked on the project of Reform of No. Four Hospital, Suzhou. This research caused the author's deep ponder upon the model and reform policy of China's medical and health care system, which finally became the topic of this dissertation.Looking in the scope of the whole world, we can find that in resent years, both the government and market dominating health care system have exposed problems of imperfection. Reform on medical and health care system has turned out to be a global topic.China's medical and health care reform is now on the turning point. Where to go is just warmly discussed.According to the function, range and implementing means, the medical and health care systems in the world can be summarized into four types - UK's government dominating, US's government dominating, Germany's social insurance and Singapore's public and private collaborating types. The dissertation examined and summarized these four types of systems and formed models of each.On the ground of those models and by applying system methodology, the dissertation raised an ideal model of state medical and health care systems, for the purpose of indicating the establishing the scientific, reasonable and suitable system in our country.Based on the previous analysis and conclusion, the dissertation further developed the model of China's medical and health care system in the guidance of the ideal model, which was made up of two modules of medical and health care organization system and health care ensuring system. And made evaluation and testing according to the objectives of the ideal model, in aspects of fairness, accessibility, efficiency and the affordability both of the government and individuals.Thanks to the vast territory of China and the large difference on medical and health care condition and other fields of economy and society between different regions, the dissertation worked out the model of health resource allocation as necessary complements and modification to the model of China's medical and health care system given by the previous section, according to the system theory about disturbing factors and by using various statistic methods.At the end of the dissertation, the author got a chance to restate the major conclusion and deficiencies, and also to look into the future for further study.
    The innovations carried out in the dissertation are:a. The dissertation raised an ideal model of state medical and health care systems after examining and summarizing the four types of medical and health care systems in the world by applying system methodology;b. Based on overseas experiences and lessons and domestic practice, the dissertation further developed the model of China's medical and health care system in the guidance of the ideal model;c. The dissertation worked out a sub-model of health resource allocation as necessary complements and modification to the model of China's medical and health care system due to the large difference on medical and health care condition and other fields of economy and society between different regions in China's vast territory.
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