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     有关皮肤色素沉着类疾病,早在中医古籍中就有不少记载。隋巢元方在《诸病源候论·面皯候》指出:“人面皮上,或有如乌麻,或如雀卵上之色是也。此由风邪客于皮肤,痰饮渍于腑脏,故生皯 。”宋《太平圣惠方》中指出气血失和是导致皮肤色素沉着发生的病机:“夫面黧黑者,由脏腑有痰饮,或者皮肤受风邪,致令气血不调,则生黑。”而明代陈实功则于《外科正宗·雀斑》中提出:“雀斑乃肾水不会荣华于上,火滞结而为斑”;并于《外科正宗·女人面生黧黑斑》中阐明了黧黑斑发生的原因是由于“水亏不能制火,血弱不能华肉,以致火燥结成黑斑,色枯不泽。”清许克昌的《外科证治全书·面部证治》认为“面尘,面色如尘垢,日久煤黑,形枯不泽,或者起大小黑斑和面肤相平,由忧思抑郁,血弱不华”,不仅对皮肤色素沉着的症状体征进行了描述,而且还对其病机进行了探讨。清代吴谦等在《医宗金鉴·外科心法要诀》中对黧黑斑进行了更为全面更加深入的探讨,认为其因“忧思抑郁,血弱不华,火燥结滞而生”,且“妇女多有之”。
Skin pigmentation related illness has always been challenging fordermatology treatments, such as macula retinae, senile plaque,freckle, melanosis, facial melasma, mongolian spots and so on.These skin pigmentation related illness has cause significantimpact on beauty. With the development of modern society andimproved living conditions, improving skin beauty and health hasbecome a popular topic. Lots of people, men and women are in pursuitof healthy looking skin, especially those young men and women withfacial freckle, macula retinae and melanosis. Those people have agreater desire to improve skin condition. Skin pigmentation is asymptom and not the diagnostic term for the illness. Pigmentationhas found to be related to many skin illnesses. In the theory ofdermatology, skin pigmentation related illnesses are categorizedas skin hyperpigmentation disorders. Pathogenesis of this disorder/disease in this category is nothing more than a small number ofmelanocyte cells increase or enhancing its activity. From theetiology point of view, it can be divided into the following categories, they are genetic (freckles), metabolic (rmelanosis),endocrine (macula retinae), Inflammation (sunburn), tumor(melasma) and drug-induced (fixed drug eruption).
     You can find lots of articles relating to skin pigmentationillnesses and their treatments in ancient and historicaltraditional Chinese medicine books. Sui Chao Yuan Fang pointed outin <>“If someone’ skin coloris as dark as deep brown, just like Ma Que, this is trigger by thefluid from lung and the repository deep down in the lung tissue.The lung issue shows up in the skin, therefore, the color of pigmentchanges.” In Song dynasty, it is pointed out in <> that the unbalance of blood flow and qi are the rootcauses of skin pigmentation related illnesses. Excessive amount ofmucus and fluid in the lung could cause the skin turning into darkercolor. And the disorder of blood flow and qi could lead to darkercolor in skin as well, sometimes, even in black color. In Mingdynasty, Chen Shi Gong pointed out in the <> that freckle is the symptom trigger by kidney issues. Theliquid in the kidneys does not balanced causing internal heat ofthe body trapped inside and qi is inot flowing freely. Therefore,skin pigmentation shows up on face. In addition, it was stated inthe <> melasmais caused by the lack of water fluid to balance the fire head insidethe body and lack of blood flow to support the nutrition requiredby the body. Therefore, the excessive heat and lack of nutritionwill cause the darker pigmentation appears in skin, eventually itturns to be melasma. Skin looks unhealthy and lack of nutrition. In Qing dynasty, Mr. Xu Ke Chang stated in the <> that some spots on the faces get darkerand darker, eventually, they are as black as coal color and becomemelasma. The skin looks really dry and lack of moisture andnutrition. These melasma regardless of small pieces or large pieceswhich cover large area of the skin are all triggered by the innerunbalanced caused by constant worrying, anxiousness and lack offree flowing blood flow to transport nutrition and circulate aroundthe body. In his article, Mr. Xu not only described the symptomsof skin pigmentation illnesses, but also presented his researchstudy conclusion regarding the root cause of the illnesses. In Qingdynasty, Mr. Wu Qian and his fellow colleagues did further studiesin the root cause of melasma. They stated in the <> that constant worrying in a prolong periodof time causes the blockage of qi flowing inside the body, lack ofblood flow to circulate nutrition around the body. All theseproblems trigger inner heat to be block in the pocket inside thebody. After a period of time, spots of discolored skins show up andlead to skin pigmentation illness. The skin pigmentation relatedillnesses are found more often among females.
     Using traditional Chinese medicine for skin pigmentation illnesstreatment has a long history. A wealth of accumulated experiencein both theory and clinical practice has been researched, developedand practiced. Using traditional Chinese medicine to regulatingliver qi and improving blood circulation for skin pigmentationrelated illnesses treatment have been proven to be effective andreliable. This research further study the method of using traditional Chinese medicine to regulating liver qi and improvingblood circulation for skin pigmentation related illnessestreatments and prevention from both theoretical and practicalperspectives. This leads to a more effective, extensively usedapproach for skin pigmentation treatment (such as freckle, senileplaque, melasma, etc.) and illnesses prevention. This research alsowill establish the foundation of the invention of new traditionalChinese medicine for both illnesses and anti-aging treatment, thedevelopment of new makeup&cosmetics and new raw material toproduce makeup&cosmetics which promote long lasting healthy skinand younger looking. Furthermore, this research also contributesto the development of treating and preventing depression andother related mental disorders in a long run.
     With the development of modern society and improved livingconditions, improving skin beauty and health has become a populartopic. Lots of people, men and women are in pursuit of healthylooking skin, especially those young men and women with facialfreckle, macula retinae and melanosis. Those people have a greaterdesire to improve skin condition.
     Mentor professor Qiu Ming Yi put together a number of traditionalChinese herbs as a packaged traditional Chinese medicine toregulating liver qi and improving blood circulation for skinpigmentation related illnesses treatment. This invention are basedon core theory of using traditional Chinese medicine to treatmentskin pigmentation related illness; professor Qiu’s learning from decades of research and study of Shang Han diseases and professorQiu’s decades of clinical practices by using this invention totreat skin pigmentation related illnesses including macula retinae,senile plaque, freckle, melanosis, facial melasma, mongolian spotsand so on. This medicine has proven to be effective and treatmentresults are satisfactory via years of clinical practice in realworld. Currently, there is insufficient amount of laboratoryexperimental work to prove the effectiveness of this inventedmedicine from the theoretical perspective. This experimentalwork/proven can further expand the usage and adoption of thisinvented medicine, therefore, further promote the methodology ofusing traditional Chinese medicine to regulating liver qi andimproving blood circulation for skin pigmentation relatedillnesses treatment in clinical world.
     1. To verify the effectiveness and functionality of the packagedtraditional Chinese medicine to regulate liver qi and improveblood circulation for skin pigmentation related illnessestreatment. Form traditional Chinese medicine theory andherbal medicine mechanism perspective, bundled ultravioletirradiation was used on rats in conjunction with progesteroneinjection in the rats to create skin pigmentation relatedsymptoms. The number of melanocytes in the skin pigmentationwas measured. Then the same groups of rats were fed with thepackaged traditional Chinese medicine, afterwards, the numberof melanocytes in the skin pigmentation was measured again tocompare with the previous number collected. It was detected that the number of melanocytes in the skin pigmentationchanged and the content in liver lipofuscin melanin bodieswere also changed.
     2. To verify the effectiveness and functionality of the packagedtraditional Chinese medicine to regulate liver qi and improveblood circulation for skin pigmentation related illnessesprevention. Form traditional Chinese medicine theory andherbal medicine mechanism perspective, the rats were fed withthe packaged traditional Chinese medicine as a preventativemeasurement, bundled ultraviolet irradiation was used on ratsin conjunction with progesterone injection in the rats tosimulate the exposure to skin pigmentation illness. The numberof melanocytes in the skin pigmentation was measured tocompare the before and after situations. The changes of thenumber of melanocytes in the skin pigmentation and the changesin serum SOD, MDA's were detected.
     3. In addition, melanoma cells were produced in the lab, thepackaged traditional Chinese medicine to regulate liver qi andimprove blood circulation for skin pigmentation relatedillnesses treatment were added to the lab created melanomacells. Then melanoma cell proliferation, tyrosinase contentand melanosomes quantity of generation were measured andrecorded.
     1. Laboratory results concluded that the rats were treated in the number of skin melanocytes, the number of melanosomes, liverlipofuscin was significantly reduced (P<0.01or P<0.05).This leads to the conclusion that this packaged traditionalChinese medicine to regulate liver qi and improve bloodcirculation can treat skin pigmentation related illnesseseffectively.
     2. Based on the laboratory experiment results, the number ofmelanosomes in the skin of those rats was reduced, the serumMDA levels of those rats were significantly reduced (P<0.01or P<0.05) and the serum SOD levels of those rats rise (P<0.01or P<0.05). This leads to the conclusion that thispackaged traditional Chinese medicine to regulate liver qi andimprove blood circulation can prevent skin pigmentationrelated illnesses effectively.
     3. Based on the laboratory experiment results, the melanoma cellscultured in vitro, joined with this packaged traditionalChinese medicine to regulate liver qi and improve bloodcirculation in the medium proved that this packagedtraditional Chinese medicine to regulate liver qi and improveblood circulation herbs is effective and functional as themelanoma cells were significantly inhibited (P<0.01or P<0.05); and the tyrosinase expression also were inhibited (P<0.01or P<0.05). So that the melanosomes generated toreduce the number (P<0.01or P<0.05), and the more dosesof this packaged traditional Chinese medicine to regulateliver qi and improve blood circulation were used, the more significant the results were (the more obvious showing theinhibition of melamin).
     This packaged traditional Chinese medicine to regulate liver qi andimprove blood circulation for skin pigmentation related illnessestreatment&prevention is in line with the theory of the etiologyand pathogenesis of traditional Chinese medicine. The assembly ofherbal components is reasonable, harmonizing, and compatibletogether to achieve the proposed functionality of this medicine andwork very effectively to regulate liver qi and improve bloodcirculation for skin pigmentation related illnesses treatment andprevention.
     Laboratory results from this research also proved that the packagedtraditional Chinese medicine to regulate liver qi and improve bloodcirculation for skin pigmentation related illnesses treatment&prevention works very effectively to regulate liver qi and improveblood circulation for skin pigmentation related illnessestreatment and prevention.
     whether it is fed decoction also cultured melanoma cells,tyrosinase and melanin are inhibited, can reduce abnormal liverlipofuscin, can improve the vitality of SOD and MDA levels in thebody can be reduced, indicating that this packaged traditionalChinese medicine works effective, the blood circulation of the bodyis smooth, meridians are clear; the liver qi is regulated as well.Therefore, stagnation of liver can be resolved, stasis be passed and the body can functional properly to fight off any diseases.
     This packaged traditional Chinese medicine to regulate liver qi andimprove blood circulation for skin pigmentation related illnessestreatment and prevention has laid a solid foundation to treat andprevent this type of illnesses.
     This packaged traditional Chinese medicine to regulate liver qi andimprove blood circulation not only used for skin pigmentationrelated illnesses treatment&prevention; but also can be usedfurther used for antioxidant free radical damage recovery,anti-aging, skin coloring enhancement and improveing theeffectiveness of physical Huangshou depression. There is abrilliant future and a promising progress in the field of in depthresearch and study in this field.
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