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     本研究的自编越南初中生学校恐惧问卷具有较好的信,效度指标:内部一致性anphal系数为0.888,分半系数为0.849;内容效度,以闫荣双(2004)学校恐惧问卷作为同时效标,效标度为0.617;构念效度x2/df=1.969, RMSEA=0.069, NFI=0.942, CFI=0.961, TLI=0.954,IFI=0.963,这表明初始模型的几种主要的拟合指数比较理想,拟合度较好,模型的各项指标比较理想。
This research based on literature analysis and theory idea, puts forward school phobia operational definition and structure, and in Vietnam, uses middle school students as the research object, the middle school students "fear" questionnaire. During the questionnaire process, first through open questionnaire, collecting the questionnaire information, forming a predictive questionnaire and weeding out questionnaires that do not meet the standards of entry, then modify the questionnaire. The formal questionnaire was formed, and the reliability and validity were tested. At the same time, through exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, the theoretical structure of fear of school to improve and modify, and ultimately determine the structure model of middle school students fear. On the other hand, this study established the model of comprehensive intervention. The intervention method consisted of intensive classes, lectures and group discussions. The experimental group was7times the teaching intervention, The experimental group and the control group students conducted a questionnaire survey, the effect of fear of school short-term intervention evaluation. Intervention survey time pointed for intervention within a week. The purpose of this study, research methods and results are as follows:
     To understand the structure of Vietnamese middle school students fear, compiled of middle school students fear measurement, intervention model developed school phobia, short-term intervention evaluation of the model.
     2Research methods
     2.1The structure of Vietnamese middle school students fear
     By using stratified cluster sampling, in the city area from2middle schools,1middle school in the countryside and1middle school in closed region. The4middle schools were randomly selected from the first grade to fourth grade, each year represents a class, for a total of16classes,669students in all classes of students were involved in the survey. With the consent of the school and with the teachers and students support, we let the students write themselves about school events that evoked fear. After weeding out unqualified questionnaires, there was642that could be used, the effective questionnaire was95.96%.
     2.2Preparation of measurement of Vietnamese middle school students fear
     Through the open questionnaire investigation, a preliminary analysis on middle school students fear of the school structure, and the collection of middle School students fear questionnaire items. According to the theory, combined with the open investigation results, the initial information of middle school students fear questionnaire, and use of small sample subjects were forecast. Subjects predicted in Lam Dong province, in the city area from2middle schools,1middle school in the countryside and1middle school in closed region. The4middle schools were randomly selected from the first grade to fourth grade. Each year represents a class, for a total of16classes,695students in were involved in the investigation. After weeding out unqualified questionnaires,the surplus sample was669, the effective questionnaires totaled96.26%. Screening items based on the test, then from the formal questionnaire i conducted a large sample test, the structure model based on construction of middle school students fear, and the questionnaire reliability and validity of the test. The formal investigation subjects are in the city area from4middle schools,2middle schools in the countryside and2middle schools in closed region. The8middle schools were randomly selected from the first grade to fourth grade, each year represents a class, for a total of32classes,1422students in all were involved in the investigation, after rejecting unqualified questionnaires, the surplus sample was1375, the effective questionnaire was96.69%.
     2.3The intervention model
     Based on the literature review, arouse students'fear with the main event of Vietnamese school, we formulate "middle school students' mental development training camp" course. This course consists of7classes to help students to change the adverse cognitive model, self emotion regulation, self pressure relief, improve self coping skills, cognitive mode reconstruction right in order to reduce fear of school.
     2.4Evaluation of interventions
     In the2middle schools first grade to fourth grade class on the level of a random sample of8classes, were randomly divided into4experimental classes and4control classes, the experimental group of191students and187students in the control group. Comprehensive intervention with the formulation of the model to accept students in the experimental group, while the control group students accept the school health education class content. The intervention method consisted of intensive classes, lectures and group discussions. The experimental group was7times the teaching intervention, the experimental group and the control group students conducted a questionnaire survey, the effect of fear of school short-term intervention. The Intervention survey time was completed within a week.
     2.5Statistical methods
     Analysis of SPSS correlation analysis and related items and the total scale correlation between the items, each item score and total scores were analyzed. The differential analysis between the items, total arrangement, selection of high packet27%and low packet27%; after using the independent samples T test. Reliability analysis of school phobia questionnaire, calculation of anphal-coefficients and Guttman Split-Half coefficients. Exploratory factor analysis to the data Bartlett spherical test and Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin metric, followed by principal component analysis and Varimax orthogonal extracted common factor and factor loading on the sample data, the common degree. Comparing the experimental group and control group before intervention, the experimental group and the control group after the intervention were compared using independent samples t test; experimental group before and after intervention, the control group before and after intervention were compared using paired sample test. The two groups before the intervention schools fear comparison of incidence rate of two, the group intervention schools fear comparison of incidence rate of experimental group before and after intervention, the fear of school were compared before and after the intervention, the control group the incidence of fear of school first data weighted case, after using cross tables and Chi square test method. Numeric variables compared to0.05for the level of significance, two tailed test.
     3.1The Vietnamese middle school structure of fear and validity
     In this study, the exploratory analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, the structure of Vietnamese middle schools students fear of teachers, interpersonal alienation fear, fear of injury and fear of negative evaluation studies. fear, constitutes the7dimensions of concern about the future and poor learning environment.
     The study of middle school students from Vietnam Fear Questionnaire has good reliability, validity index:the internal consistency coefficient of anphal was0.888, the split half coefficient is0.849; the content validity, the Yan Rong Suang (2004) of Middle School Students Fear Questionnaire as criterion, the criterion of degree0.617; construct validity of x2/df=1.969, RMSEA=0.069, NFI=0.942, CFI=0.961, TLI=0.954, IFI=0.963, suggesting that several major fit index initial model of the ideal, better fitting degree, the index of model and ideal.
     3.2Evaluation of interventions
     Comprehensive intervention pattern for2months after the acceptance of the students in the experimental group, all schools fear factor score was significantly lower than before the intervention school phobia factor score, in the6dimensions of teacher interpersonal alienation fear, fear of injury, fear of negative evaluation studies, fear of adverse learning environment, the differences were statistically significant, fear of school the incidence rate from15.7%down to5.2%before intervention. While the control group students accept the school2months after health education, school phobia factor score is lower than before intervention factor scores, but only in the teachers'fear of injury, fear, worry about the future, the difference was statistically significant, fear of school incidence rate from15.5%down to11.2%before intervention.
     Vietnam middle school students fear of teachers, interpersonal alienation fear, fear of injury, fear of negative evaluation studies. fear, a concern for the future and poor learning environment of a fear factor of7. The questionnaire has good reliability and validity for fear of school can be a research tool.
     School psychology teachers teach students despite the intervention effect, but the overall comparison, through the implementation of short-term intervention, to enable students to understand the harm of school phobia, and mastery of fear of school prevention knowledge, to reduce the incidence of fear of school, the topic model on students' fear of school intervention targeted. Therefore, it is necessary to health education applied to other schools.
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