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     所有主体化合物结构均通过单晶衍射的证明。在晶体中,主体可通过咪唑2,4,5位的CH,亚甲基上的CH和二茂铁上的CH来识别阴离子。核磁滴定表明,在液相中,主体主要通过咪唑2位的CH来与客体形成氢键。主体8较为特殊,与客体的作用有赖于苯环2位氢与咪唑2位氢的协同作用。苯环2位氢化学位移之变化达到1.2 ppm。电化学研究表明,主体4,8-13可通过氧化电位的减小选择性地识别F-,△Ep>214 mV,还可通过还原电流的显著增强来识别HS04-。主体8可通过荧光增强的现象来识别F-和AcO-;通过紫外光谱的红移现象来识别H2P04,△λ=8 nm。
     三次甲基花菁染料28和五次甲基花菁染料29可在非质子性有机溶剂中和二氯甲烷/水两相体系中高选择性和灵敏度地识别CN-。但它们在含水均一体系中表现不佳。七次甲基除在以上两种体系中能有效识别CN-外,还可以在乙腈/水缓冲溶液中和含有Triton X-100的纯水缓冲溶液中识别CN-。次甲基链变长有助于提高主客体反应活性这一现象为我们进一步设计基于花菁染料的传感器提供了非常重要的指向。
Anion recognition is currently an expanding area due primarily to its important roles in modern chemistry and life processes, as well as in many medical and environmental settings. Accordingly, development of synthetic receptors with high binding affinity and selectivity or good sensing properties for anionic species is an important goal for researchers. Various kinds of receptors with different binding units have been designed and synthesized. The imidazolium group is an attractive building block for anion receptors because it contributes one relatively strong hydrogen bonding site. Unlike those most commonly utilized anion binding groups such as neutral (thio)urea, pyrrole, amide which form N-H...X-hydrogen bonds, imidazolium group can interact with anions through (C-H)+...X- type ionic hydrogen bonds. Recently, numerous efforts have been devoted to the study of imidazolium derivatives as anion receptors. The development of anion recognition chemistry depends not only on the construction of different kinds of receptors, but also on the efforts of rational design center on specific guest. Recently considerable attention has been paid for the recognition and sensing of guests that have important influence on life and environment.
     The dissertation is divided into four parts. In chapter one, the development and application of anion recognition and imidazolium-based receptors as well as the progress of cyanide recognition have been reviewed in detail.
     In the second part,10 anion chemosensors were designed and synthesized by utilizing imidazolium groups as anion binding sites, ferrocene group as electrochemical unit, naphthalene, quinoxaline or anthracene as fluorescent groups and p-nitrobenzyl group as colorimetric subunit. Compounds 4-7 are cleft-like receptors, while compounds 8-13 belong to cyclic receptors. There are three kinds of sensors, i.e. electrochemical sensors (4,6,8-10), electrochemical/colorimetric sensors, and electrochemical/fluorescent sensors (7,11-13).5,7,11-13 are first reported imidazolium-based multisignaling sensors.
     All receptors were characterized by X-ray crystallography. In the solid state, these receptors can interact with guests through hydrogen bonds formed between C2H, C4H, C5H, methylene CH or ferrocene CH and anions.1 H NMR titration
     revealed that, in the solution state, receptors interacted with anions mainly through (C-H)+...X- type ionic hydrogen bonds. In the case of 8,benzene C2H can cooperative with imidazolium C2H toward anions. Significantly downfield shifts (A8 =1.2 ppm for AcO) were observed for the C-2 proton of the benzene ring. Electrochemical studies demonstrated that all the receptors showed effective electrochemical response for F with anodic shifts,△Ep>214 mV. Addition of HSO4 induced dramatic cathodic peak current increase, which may be ascribed to consumption of the receptors in a reduction reaction, possibly hydrogenation at the iron centre. Hosts 8 displayed a "switched on" behavior in the fluorescent spectra on addition of F and AcO with fluorescence enhancement factors of 4 and 5 respectively, which allows the selectively sensing of them over other anions (Cl, Br, I-, HSO4-, H2PO4-). In addition, host 8 exhibited remarkable changes on addition of H2PO4 in the UV-vis spectra, a red shift of△λmax=8nm was observed.
     In chapter three, we designed and synthesized three sensors 23,26,27 for "naked eye" detection of cyanide by utilizing azo dye or anthraquinone group as chromophores and a trifluoroacetyl group as an electrophile.1H NMR titration revealed that nucleophilic reaction of cyanide toward the electron-deficient carbonyl group was responsible for the color changes. In the case of compound 26, addition of cyanide has no obvious color changes even in a large excess, which can be ascribed to the strong intramolecular hydrogen bond between the NH and the anthraquinone oxygen, forming six-membered ring, hence the intermediate (cyanohydrin) can not be stabilized by the NH. Sensors 23,27 displayed great selectivity for the cyanide anion over other common inorganic anions in aqueous environment (H2O-CH3CN, 5:95) and can detect cyanide in water sample at micromolar concentrations. Our method is safe, fast, simple to use and inexpensive.
     In the last part, a series of cyanine dyes were used to detect cyanide. The nucleophilic addition of cyanide to the iminium cation moiety achieved a specific sensing of this anion for the destruction of a largeπconjugation, leading to marked optical signal changes.28 and 29 can detect cyanide in common aprotic solvents or under CH2Cl2/H2O biphasic conditions with high selectivity and sensitivity. Unfortunately, poor cyanide sensing behavior was observed when water containing solvents was used. In contrast, hept-polymethine cyanine dye 30 can detect cyanide effectively in water containing solvents and Triton X-100 containing aqueous solution. The result that longer polymethine chain is favorable for the binding of cyanide is very important for the rational design of cyanine dye-based cyanide sensors.
     The present sensing system has the following advantages:(1) our probes are commercially available; (2) the sensing of our probes are not affected by the common interferents such as F- and AcO-; (3) 29 and 30 are NIR sensors; (4) both the colorimetric and fluorescent detection limits of 29 and 30 are lower than Chinese government's guidelines of 1.9μM; In addition, both the colorimetric fluorescent detection limits of 30 for cyanide are less than 1.9μM via surfactant-assisted method.
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