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Marrano study is an important topic on the living situation of medieval Jew. Marrano is a product of medieval anti-Semitic movement. So it is helpful to get more about anti-Semitic history through the study on the living situation of medieval Jew. In addition, it gives us a lot of inspiration to the spirit of Marranos for their belief.
     This article includes two parts.
     The first part is to study the living situation of local Portuguese Marranos. Firstly, this article analyzes the emergence of Portuguese Marranos. The root cause of emergence of Portuguese Marranos is mainly from the analysis of Jews the Jewish nature, the differences between Christianity and Judaism and the Jewish people's eternal identity of passengers. Jewish monotheistic beliefs, distinctive lifestyle and values can not be accepted by gentile; both the differences between Christianity and Judaism and the special relationship in the emergence determine the attitude; Jewish identity of the passenger is recognized not only by Christianity, buty also by Jew itself, which determines the situation of Jews. The direct cause is mainly from the analysis on the two aspects that the general public and the Government of Portugal. Portuguese Marranos occurred through the form of collective change. The general population was mainly due to religious prejudice and jealousy, the Portuguese Government is to balance economic interest and political interest.
     Secondly, the living situation of Portuguese Marranos are analyzed by three stages. The first stage is the period of time(1496-1580) that the Portuguese Marranos is treated by relatively lenient treatment, of which the reason is that the Inquisition is not established; The second stage is the period of time(1580-1640) that the Portuguese Marranos is persecuted cruelly, of which the reason is that the Inquisition is established fully and the Government is controlled by the Spain; The third stage is the period of time(1640-) that the Portuguese Marranos is treated by relatively lenient treatment again, of which the reason is that the Inquisition gradually declines and the Government has restored the autonomy.
     The second part is to study the living situation of the Portuguese Marranos outside Portugal.
     Firstly, this article analyzes the causes of the diaspora of Portuguese Marranos according to the first two stages. Secondly, this article studies the living situation of the Portuguese Marranos outside Portugal through four areas, including Spain, Mediterranean countries, Western Europe and Nordic countries and the New World. Due to historical tradition Spain has a firm stand against Marranos; In Mediterranean countries, many Muslim countries is friendly to Portuguese Marranos, so they get great freedom in belief; In Western Europe and Nordic countries, there are many Protestant countries, so they also show friendly to Marranos, even some Catholic countries connive at Marrano to settle down; In the New World, Christian tradition is not strong, so their living environment is fairly relaxed.
     Thirdly, this article analyzes the influence of the diaspora of Portuguese Marranos.
     The analysis shows that Portuguese Marranos have stronger faith and Vitality than Spanish Marranos. the Portuguese Marranos outside Portugal get less persecution, live less time and have more influence.
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    8. James M. Anderson, daily life During the Spanish Inquisition, Greenwood Press, Westport, Corm.,2002.2
    9. Brian Pullan, the Jews of Europe and the Inquisition of Venice 1550-1670, Barnes & Nobel, Totowa, NJ.,1983.
    10. Jonathan I. Israel, Diasporas Within A Diasporas:Jews, Crypto-Jews and the World Maritime Empires,1540.1740,Brill,2002.
    11. Gregory B. Kaplan, The evolution of converso literature:the writings of the converted Jews of medieval Spain/.
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    16. Valeriu Marco, The Expulsion of the Jews Sprain, Constable&Co.Ltd.,London,1935.
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    ②Cecil Roth, A History of the Marranos, Sepher—Hermon Press, INC., NewYork,1992, P28.
    ③ Ibid, PI.
    ①Cecil Roth,A History of the Marranos,Sepher—Hermon Press,INC.,NewYork,1992.P8.9.
    ① Cecil Roth, A History of the Marranos, Sepher—Hermon Press, INC., NewYork,1992. P54-55.
    ② Ibid. P55-56.
    ① Cecil Roth, A History of the Marranos, Sepher—Hermon Press, INC., NewYork,1992, P58.
    ① Cecil Roth, A History of the Marranos, Sepher—Hermon Press, INC., NewYork,1992, P61.
    ① Cecil Roth, A History of the Marranos, Sepher—Hermon Press, INC., NewYork,1992. P64.
    ② Ibid, P73.
    ① Cecil Roth, A History of the Marranos, Sepher—Hermon Press, INC., NewYork,1992. P63.
    ② Ibid. P65.
    ①Cecil Roth, A History of the Marranos, Sepher—Hermon Press, INC., NewYork.1992.P145
    ① Cecil Roth, A History of the Marranos, Sepher—Hermon Press, INC., NewYork,1992, P92-93.
    ② Ibid,P149.
    ①Cecil Roth,A History of the Marranos,Sepher—Hermon Press,INC.,NewYork,1992.P76.
    ①Cecil Roth, A History of the Marranos, Sepher—Hermon Press, INC., NewYork,1992, P183.
    ②Cecil Roth,A History of the Marranos,Sepher—Hermon Press,INC.,NewYork,1992,P191.
    ① Cecil Roth, A History of the Marranos, Sepher—Hermon Press, INC., NewYork,1992, P342.
    ③ Cecil Roth, A History of the Marranos, Sepher—Hermon Press, INC., NewYork,1992. P351.
    ④ Ibid, P342.
    ①Cecil Roth, A History of the Marranos, Sepher—Hermon Press, INC., NewYork,1992. P. P355.
    ④ Rabbi Jacques Cultierkorn and Robert H. l.andc, Starching for Brazilian Marranos, Sheaar Yashuv A Remnant Returns,1997,2.http://www.kulanu.org/brazil/returns.html (2007-6-6)
    ①Cecil Roth, A History of the Marranos, Sepher—Hermon Press, INC., NewYork,1992, P66.
    ③Cecil Roth,A History of the Marranos,sepher—Hermon Press,INC.,NewYork,1992.P88.
    ④James M.Anderson,daily life During the Spanish Inquisition.Greenwood Press,Westport,Corm.,2002.2.P99.
    ①Cecil Roth, A History of the Marranos, Sepher—Hermon Press, INC., NewYork,1992. P212.
    ① Cecil Roth,A History of the Marranos,Sepher-Hermon Press,INC.,NewYork,1992,P211.
    ③ Ibid,P216.
    ① Cecil Roth, A History of the Marranos, Sepher—Hermon Press, INC., NewYork,1992, P217.
    ② Joachim Print. The SecretJews, Random House, New York.1973, P126-128.
    ②David L Graizbord Souls in dispute:converso identities in Iberia and the Jewish diaspora,1580-1700, P65.
    ①Cecil Roth, A History of the Marranos, Sepher—Hermon Press, INC., NewYork,1992, P229.
    ① Cecil Roth, A History of the Marranos, Sepher—Hermon Press, INC., NewYork,1992. P248.
    ①邓新裕: 《近千年来伦敦犹太社团的沉浮与沧桑》, 《史林》,1997年04期。
    ②Valeriu Marco, The Expulsion of the Jews Sprain, Constable&Co.Ltd.,London,1935,P163.
    ②Cecil Roth, A History of the Marranos, Sepher—Hermon Press, INC., NewYork,1992, P278.
    ①Cecil Roth, A History of the Marranos, Sepher—Hermon Press, INC., NewYork,1992, P289.
    ② Ibid, P295.
    ①转引自Cecil Roth, A History of the Marwanos, P277.
    ① Cecil Roth, A History of the Marranos, Sepher—Hermon Press, INC., NewYork,1992, P219.
    ① Cecil Roth, A History of the Marranos, Sepher—Hermon Press, INC., NewYork,1992, P325.
    ① B.netanyahu, The Marranos Of Spain From the Late 14th to the Early 16th Century:According to Contemporary Hebrew Sources. Cornell University,1999, P7.
    ② B.netanyahu, The Marranos Of Spain From the Late 14th to the Early 16th Century:According to Contemporary Hebrew Sources, Cornell University,1999, P23.