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Soon after Jewish "Second Temple" was destroyed by Roman corps in 70 A.D, Came the Diaspera of the Jewish people. Though Jews suffered a lot during the Diaspera, it seemed that, they always could found the best place for them to live in. Such as Poland in 15-16~(th) Century, and America nowadays, So was the Spain in 10-12~(tb) Century. During this time, Spain not only offered Spanish Jews a good place to live in, but also built a stage named "Golden Age" of Jewish culture. The Prosperity of Jewish culture during this time, due to not only the effort of them, but also depended on the favorable political, economical and cultural conditions. Hence, this essay discussed both Jewish culture, Jewish political status and Jewish economic activities. Besides the preface and epilogue, there are four chapters.
    In preface, I explained the value of this essay first, and then described both the overseas and domestic study on the topic "Spanish Jews" in the history. The essay pointed out that the "Spanish Jews" has always been a hotspot. However, it seemed like that they preferred the long-time history study to short-time history study, as a result of the lack of data. As for the domestic works, I haven't found any so far. Four Chapters constitute this thesis.
    Chapter one mainly discussed the Spanish Jew before 10 century, and their number, distributing, and jobs during the 10-12~(th) century. The essay pointed out that during the early stage of the history, Jewish people lived a happy life either in Rome times, Visigoth time or in Muslin times. There was a large number of Jews. Half of the residents were Jews in some cities at this period. Like somewhere else, Jews enjoyed living in Jewish communities, they could do any job they liked to do, and there were also many Jews grew crops and engaged in government affairs, some of them even got a very high position.
    Chapter two mainly described the political condition of the Spanish Jews. The description indicated that Spain had been broken up due to the war between
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    4. http://www.google.com/seareh?hl=zh-CN&q=pdf+jews+spain++anti&lr
    5. http://www.answers.corn/topic/history-of-the-jews-in-spain
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    7. http://www.jewisheneyclopedia.com/search_results.jsp?searchType=1&pageNum=1&search=jews+catalonia&searchOpt
    8. http://www.answers.corn/main/ntquery?method=4&dsid=2222&dekey=Golden+age+of+Jewish+culture+in+Spain&curtab=2222_1&linktext=Golden%20age%20of%20Jewish%20culture%20in%20Spain