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     第四部分,是本文的重点部分,通过binary logistic分析方法对内地券商人才流动意愿进行回归分析,发现影响内地券商人才流动的主要因素所在以及影响程度大小,并对相关分析结果进行了评价。
     第六部分是结论与展望。本文通过调查问卷的方式,通过SPSS统计软件的强大功能,运用binary logistic分析方式来对人才流动意愿进行分析,并对分析结果逐步进行了检验,也是对人才流动二元逻辑分析方法的一个创新,但受限于写作时间和样本的数量,仅在能力所及范围内对内地券商人才流动问题进行了分析,可能随着时间的推移,证券市场的快速发展,会有越来越多的新的因素加入进来,文章的时效性可能会大大折扣,这还需要未来的有为青年们在进行做更深一步的研究。
As the strategic resource in global competition and economic development in 21st century, brain human resources is essential for one industry to make success. Certainly, securities industry is included. Having been suffered from international financial crisis, brain human resources in domestic securities companies need to face another round of circulation. Since the securities industry in China is rapidly developing, it is essential and urgent to increase the demand of brain human resources in securities industry. With the usage of empirical analysis method, we aim to find the main factors which impact directly on the circulation of brain human resources in the domestic securities companies. Then, according to the analysis results, we appraise these factors and make up the best suggestions to related departments, including government departments, securities companies, research institutes and etc. Reviewed the whole article, six main parts are included:
     The first part is a general description on the circulation of brain human resources, we have concerned most about the relavant research in China and abroad. Through these papers, we find that there are seldom persons who have explored the brain human resource circulation in the securities companies of China. By the entry, we based the foundation of this paper.
     The second part puts emphasis on the research of the present situation of the brain human resource circulation in Chinese securities industry. At first, we make a definition to the brain human resources in Chinese securities companies. After acknowledging which type of talents is brain securities talents, we begin to describe the development of the Chinese securities market at the present day. Through this way, we are able to explore the brain human resource circulation in Chinese domestic securities market. Thus, we are well aware that it is essential and urgent to manage the brain human resource circulation in Chinese domestic securities
     In the third part, we investigate all characters which appear in the brain circulation of Chinese domestic securities industry. With the help from the questionnaires, we get the real thinking from the brain human resources working in different securities companies. At last, we aggregate these probable factors and lay the foundation for the next empirical analysis.
     The fourth part is the key part of this article. With the usage of binary logistic regression analysis, we get the real factors which impact directly on the circulation of brain human resources in the domestic securities companies. And we are also able to get the result to what extent these factors can impact the circulation of brain human resources of the Chinese domestic securities companies. Finally, we appraise these main factors at the end of this part.
     The fifth part, based on the results of the empirical analysis, we proposed a lot of effective countermeasures to guide the rational brain circulation in Chinese domestic securities companies, we must find out the shortage in the brain circulation process so as to deal with these defaults. Then it is essential to put forward relavant proposals to the participants in Chinese domestic securities market, liking China Securities Regulatory department of the government, securities companies, brain human resources themselves and etc.
     The sixth part is the last part. By way of questionnaire, through the power of SPSS statistical software, we use the binary logistic analysis methods to analyze the brain human resource circulation in Chinese domestic securities market. After we get the final results, we test all the main factors step by step in order to make sure that all the number is true as well as effective. But with the limit of time and the number of samples, we only analyze this topic around by the present situation. With the rapid development of the Chinese domestic securities market, there might be other new factors come into thought, which are also able to impact the brain circulation in Chinese domestic securities market. By that time, the effectiveness of this paper may quickly fall down to the horizon. It is hoped that there will be more and more young researchers who can continue to do deeper studies, while the situation has changed a lot.
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