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This paper reviews the theory of geopolitics, and develops a framework of energy geopolitics theory. The theory contains three variables:power. International Energy Strategy and international energy systems. The international energy system has five elements:energy supplys, energy demands, and transportation tunnels, energy market and energy international regimes.
     The second Chapter introduces the reason of U.S. international energy strategy, and uses the energy geopolitics theory to analyse the involving procession of U.S. international Energy Strategy and its effect on oil system, and to find that the international oil system is highly consistent with the U.S. hegemony system.
     The third Chapter introduces the goal of U.S. international energy strategy, and the means and character of U.S. international energy strategy. The means of U.S. energy strategy are energy diplomacy, control of energy source, the control of energy transportation tunnels, the strategic energy reserve and the oil-dollar mechanism. By these means, The U.S. controls the international energy system. The character of U.S. international energy strategy is as follows:1. The U.S. energy strategy is closely related with U.S. geopolitics strategy.2. The U.S. energy strategy is closely related with U.S. international hegemony.3. The U.S. international strategy is closely cooperating with U.S. military acions.4.the U.S. international strategy is highly legislative.
     In Chapter four, a case of the U.S. Asia energy strategy is applied to analyse how the U.S. puts its international energy into practice. From the analysis, we can find that the U.S. Asia energy strategy is the core of The U.S. international energy strategy. West Asia and Middle Asia are the oil heart of the world oil supplys. South Asia is the crucial place of the energy transportation tunnels. East Asia is a very important part of oil demand. The U.S. launched the Iraq war, Afghanistan War, and implemented the great Middle East programme, the great middle Asia programme'"Step by step; it controls Middle East and the Middle Asia, as well as the South Asia, and has great influence on East Asia oil market. In addition to the oil-dollar mechanism, the future market, and the oil strategic reserve, the U.S. controls the international oil price. By controlling international energy system, The U.S. maintains its hegemony.
    6Encyclopedia International, Lexicon Publications, Vol.17,1982, p.305.
    7The New Oxford Dictionary of English, oxford University Press,1998, p 1837.
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    21Halford L. Hoskins, Middle East Oil in United State Foreign Policy, Westport Conn.:Hyperion press,1976.
    22Edward W. Chester, United States Oil Policy and Diplomacy:A Twentieth Century Overview, Westport, Conn:Greenwood Press,1983.
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    29Daniel Yergin, The Prize:The Epic Quest for Oil. Money, and Power. New York: Simon&Schuster.1991.
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    50 Melvin A. Conant and Fern Racine Gold, The Geopolitics of Energy, Boulder, Colorado: Weatview Press,1978, pp 198-199.
    51Melvin A. Conant and Fern Racine Gold, The Geopolitics of Energy, (Boulder, Colorado: Weatview Press.1978).
    52John V. Mitchell, Peter Beck and Michael Grubb, The New Geopolitics of Energy, London, UK: Royal Institute of International Affairs,1996, pp93-123.
    51The CSIS Strategic Energy Initiative, "The Geopolitics of Energy into the 21st Century, Volume 1:An Overview and Policy Considerations", A Report of the CSIS Strategic Energy Initiative, the CSIS Press, Nov.2000.
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    6陆俊元, 《地缘政治的本质与规律》,北京:时事出版社,2005。
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    23 Ystein Noreng. Oil Politics in the 1980s:Pattens of international cooperation. New York: McGRAW-Hill Book Company.1978. Pp23.
    24任娜、孙暖, “地缘政治视角下的能源安全——以美国全球能源安全战略为例”,《世界政治与经济论坛》,2007年第2期。
    25初立忠, “浅析地缘政治中的石油因素”, 《学术交流》,2007年总第157期,第4期。
    27较早提出“能源地缘政治学”(Geopolitics of Energy)的是美国的相尔文·科能特(Melvin A. Connate),他曾于1978年出版了《能源地缘政治学》;参见徐小杰, 《世纪的油气地缘政治》,社会科学文献出版社,1998。
    28张文木, 《世界地缘政治中的中国国家安全利益分析》,山东大学出版社,2000年版,第134页。
    29Melvin A. Conant, Fern Racine Gold. The Geopolitics of Energy.Colorado:Westiew Press.1978. pp4-5.
    30Melvin A. Conant, Fern Racine Gold. The Geopolitics of Energy.Colorado:Westiew Press.1978. pp4-5.
    31保罗·罗伯茨, 《石油恐慌》,中心出版社,2008年12月,第68-70页。
    32Carlos Pascual.The Geopolitics of Energy:From Security to Survival[R/OL]. http://www. brookings. edu/papers/2008/01_energy_pascual.aspx,2008-08-18.
    33Carlos Pascual, Jonathan Elkind, Energy Security:Economics, Politics, Strategies, and Implications. Washington DC,:Brookings Institution Press. P9.
    34“徐小杰教授在华东师范大学的演讲”, 《解放日报》,2005年12月18日,第8版。
    37曹英伟, 《21世纪能源外交战略研究》,哈尔滨地图出版社,2007年。第42页。
    40任娜、孙暖, “地缘政治视角下的能源安全—以美国全球能源安全战略为例”, 《世界政治与经济论坛》,2007年第2期。
    45David Baldwin, "Power Analysis and World Politics-New Trends vs Old Tendencies ",World Politics. January 1979.
    47Hans Morgenthau, Polities Among Nations,1978, pp 117-155.
    48丹尼尔·耶金著: 《石油·金钱·权力》,新华出版社,1992年版,第653页。
    51Encyclopedia International, Lexicon Publications, Vol.17,1982, p.305-306.
    58刘新华、秦华, “略论21世纪的石油地缘政治学”, 《当代亚太》,2003第7期。
    59任娜、孙暖, “地缘政治视角下的能源安全——以美国全球能源安全战略为例”,《世界政治与经济论坛》,2007年第2期。
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    61刘新华、 秦仪, “略论21世纪的石油地缘政治学”, 《当代亚太》,2003年第7期。
    62Kent Calder, Fereidun Fesharakil Energy and Security in Northeast Asia:Fueling Security 1 An IGCC Study Commissioned for the Northeast Asia Cooperation Dialogue V Energy Workshop, 1996, p9.
    63BP, BP Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2009,p11.
    61刘新华、 秦仪, “略论21世纪的石油地缘政治学”, 《当代亚太》,2003年第7期。
    65徐小杰, 《新世纪的油气地缘政治》,北京:社会科学文献出版社年版,第34-35页。
    66刘新华、 秦仪, “略论21世纪的石油地缘政治学”, 《当代亚太》,2003年第7期。
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    69Carlos Pascual and Jonathan Elkind, Elkind. Energy Security, Washington, DC:Brookings Institution Press.2010.pp14.
    71Seaway maritime directory St.Clair, Mich.:McDaniel,1965.
    84BP, BP Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2009.
    86BP Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2008.
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    101刘新华、秦仪,“略论21世纪的石油地缘政治学”, 《当代亚太》,2003年第7期。
    102David E. Spiro, The Hidden Hand of American Hegemony:Petrodollar Recycling and International Markets, Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1999.
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    105Ian Noble, "Adaptation to Climate Change and the World Bank," presentation at UNFCC seminar "Development and Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technology for Adaptation to Climate Change," Tobago, June 14-16,2005.
    106Carlos Pascual, Jonathan Elkind, Energy Security:Economics, Politics, Strategies, and Implications. Washington DC,:Brookings Institution Press. P10.
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    110BP, BP Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2009.
    114BP,BP Statistical Review of World Energy,June 2009.
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    3Energy Information Administration/Annual Energy Review 2008。
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    5Bp, BP Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2009.
    6U.S. Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Review 2002, p9.
    7U.S. Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Outlook 2003, January 2003, p2009.
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    10Keith Crane, Andreas Goldthau, Michael Toman, Thomas Light, Stuart E. Johnson, Alireza Nader, Angel Rabasa, Harun Dogo, Import Oil and U.S. National Security. Rand,p6.
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    12U.S. Energy Information Administration, Petroleum Supply Annual 2002, Vol.1, June 2003, http://tonto. eia.doe.gov/FTPROOT/petroleum/0340201.pdf.
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    14Ian Rutledge, Addited to Oil:America's Relenless Drive for Energy Security. London I. B. Tauris.2005.p11.
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    17Bardou, Jean-Pierre Jean-Jacques Chanaron, Patrick Fridenson and James M Laux, The AufDmoblie Revolution The lmpa"ofAn Industry, Chapel Hill:University of North Carolina Press, 1982, P112,117..
    18US Department of Energy, OTT, Oak Ridge Natioanl Laboratory Transportation Energy Data Book:Edition 21 (Tennessee,2001),p11-15.
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    20Ian Rutledge, Addited to Oil:America's Relenless Drive for Energy Security. London I. B. Tauris.2005.p120.
    Fulton et al., Contribution of the Automotive Industry to the US Economy in 1998. p3.
    22Fortune Magazine,26 Aprile 1999.
    23Fulton et al. Contribution of the Automotive Industry to the US Economy in 1998, p4-5.
    24Bardou, Jean-Pierre Jean-Jacques Chanaron. Patrick Fridenson and James M Laux. The AufDmoblie Revolution The Impa"ofAn Industry. Chapel Hill:University of North Carolina Press. 1982, P113.
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    26Chinese Academy of Engineering and National Research Council, Personal Cars and China, Washington DC, National Academies Press.2003. p7.
    27American Petroleum Institute, Basic Petroleum Data Book, Vol ⅩⅧ, No.1,1998.
    28Ian Rutledge, Addited to Oil:America's Relenless Drive for Energy Security. London 1. B. Tauris.2005.p20.
    29Ian Rutledge, Addited to Oil:America's Relenless Drive for Energy Security. London Ⅰ. B. Tauris.2005.p10.
    30 Doe/E1A, Annual Energy Review 2008 http://www. eia. doe. Gov/cmeu/aer/contents. Html.
    31 Ian Rutledge, Addited to Oil:America's Relenless Drive for Energy Security. London 1. B. Tauris.2005.p10.
    33Ian Rutledge, Addited to Oil:America's Relenless Drive for Energy Security. London Ⅰ. B. Tauris.2005.p10.
    Keith Crane, Andreas Goldthau, Imported Oil and U.S. National Security, the Institute for 21st Century Energy U.S. Chamber of Commerce,2009,p6.
    36Doe/EIA, Annual Energy Review 2008 http://www. eia. doe. Gov/cmeu/aer/contents.html.
    37Hans Jacob Bull-Bull-Berg. American International oil Policy:Causal Factors and Effect. London:France Pinter.pl 59.
    38Robert B. Krueger. An Evaluation of the Option of the U.S. Government in Its Relationship to U.S. Firms in International Petroeum Affairs. California Los Angeles. Feb.1975.p40.
    39Shaffer, the United States and the Control of World Oil, London:Croom Helm,1983, P47.
    40Schurrand Netschert, Energy in the American Economy 1850-1975,p117.
    42Leonard M. Fanning. American Oil Operations Aboard. New York and London:Mcgraw Hill Bppk Company.1947.p2.
    43Leonard M. Fanning. American Oil Operations Aboard. New York and London:Mcgraw Hill BppkCompany.1947.p15.
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    46G.. Barrows, Petroleum Legislation, Supplement 7,1973.p52.
    47J. R. Powell, The Maxican Petroleun Industry,1938-1950.1956. P118.
    48E. Leuwen, Petroleum in Venezula,1954. p38.
    49Robert B. Krueger. An Evaluation of the Options of the U.S. Government in Its Relationship to U.S. firms in international Petroleum Affairs:A Report Prepared for the Federal Energy Administration. California:Nossaman.1975.p42-43.-- Hearings on S. Res.36, supra note 2, at 337.
    50Fiona Venn, Oil Diplomacy in the Twenties Century, Hampshire and London:MacMillan Education Lted.,1986, p51.
    51Robert B. Krueger. An Evaluation of the Options of the U.S. Government in Its Relationship to U.S. firms in international Petroleum Affairs:A Report Prepared for the Federal Energy Administration. California:Nossaman.1975.p42.
    32A. Bartlett Ⅲ, R. Barton, J. Bartlett, G. Fowler, Jr. and C. Hays, Pertamina. Indonesian National Oil.1972.p49.
    53Daniel Yergin, the Prize:The Epic Quest for oil, Money, and Power, New York:Simon and Schuster. 1991. p185.
    54Daniel Yergin, the Prize:The Epic Quest for oil. Money, and Power. New York:Simon and Schuster.1991. p189.
    55Leonard M. Fanning. American Oil Operations Aboard. New York and London:Mcgraw Hill Bppk Company.1947.p5.
    56U.S. Congress. Senate, Committee on Foreign Relations. Subcommittee on Multinational Corporations, Multinational Petroleum Companies and Foreign Policy:Report Together with Individual Views, Part 7, Washington D.C.:U.S. Government Printing Office,1974, p163.
    57Ian Rutledge. Addicted to Oil:America's Relentlesss Drive for Energy Security. London:I. B. Tauris.p26.
    58Leonard M. Fanning. American Oil Operations Aboard. New York and London:Mcgraw Hill Bppk Company.1947.p2.
    59Fiona Venn, Oil Diplomacy in the Twenties Century, Hampshire and London:MacMillan Education Lted.,1986, p51.
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    61 Charles W. Hamilton, American and oil in the Middle East. Gulf Publishing Company,1962,p 83.
    66National Archivea USA, File 36-1-30, RC 80.
    69Walter J. Levy, Oil Strategy and Politics,1941-1981, Boulder, Colorado:Westview Press,1982, p54.
    70George W. Stocking, Middle East Oil:A Study in Political and Economic Controversy, Vanderbilt University Press,1970, p.81.
    71 Ian Rutledge. Addicted to Oil:America's Relentlesss Drive for Energy Security. London:I. B. Tauris.p31
    73Daniel Yergin, the Prize:The Epic Quest for oil, Money, and Power, New York:Simon and Schuster,1991, p294.
    74George W. Stocking, Middle East Oil:A Study in Political and Economic Controversy, Vanderbilt University Press,1970, p.115.
    75Edward W. Chester, United States Oil Policy and Diplomacy:A Twentieth Century Overview, Westport, Conn:Greenwood Press,1983, P15.
    76Daniel Yergin, The Prize,p 256.
    Svante Karlsson, Oil and World Order:American Foreign Oil Policy, Warwick:Berg Publishers,1986, P35.
    78Svante Karlsson, Oil and World Order:American Foreign Oil Policy, Warwick:Berg Publishers, 1986, P4-5.
    79Steven A. Schneider, The Oil Price Revolution, Baltimore, MD:The John Hopkins University Press1983, P.36.
    81Schurmann F., the Logic of World Power, New York.1974. P17.
    82US Congress, House of representative, Committee on Foreign Affairs, Message from the Prisedent of United States. Program of United States Support for European Recovery,80th Cong., 1st Sess., Document No 48(Washington,1947) P7.
    Svante Karlsson. Oil and World Order:American Foreign Oil Policy, Warwick:Berg Publishers.1986. P77.
    85Klebanoff. S., Middle East Oil and U.S. Foreign Policy. With Special Reference to the U.S. Energy Crisis. New York:1974.pp25.
    87Edward W. Chester. United States Oil Policy and Diplomacy:A Twentieth Century Overview, Westport, Conn:Greenwood Press.1983, P 261.
    88赵庆寺,《美国石油安全体系与外交》, 上海人民出版社,2009年12月版,第59页。
    89Michael Tanzer, The Energy Crisis:World Struggle for Power and Wealth, New York:Monthly Review Press,1974,p43.
    91Kermit Roosevelt, Countercoup:The Struggle for the Control of Iran, New York:McGraw-Hill, 1981, p,117.
    92Benjamin Shwadran, Middle East Oil Crisis Since 1973, Boulder and London:Westview Pr 1986, p14.
    93Michael Tanzer, The Energy Crisis:World Struggle for Power and Wealth, New York:Monthly Review Press,1974, p51.
    94Benjamin Shwadran, Middle East Oil Crisis Since 1973, Boulder and London:Westview Press, 1986, p2.
    95Svante Karlsson, Oil and World Order:American Foreign Oil Policy, Warwick:Berg Publishers, 1986, P5.
    96Shoshana Karlsson, Middle East Oil and U.S. Foreign Policy:With Special Reference to the U.S. Energy Crisis. New York:Praeger Publishers,1974. Pp.167-168.
    98Steven A. Schneider, The oil Price Revolution, Baltimore; Johns Hopkins University Press, 1983,p82.
    99Benjamin Shwadran, Middle East Oil Crisis Since 1973, Boulder and London:West view Press, 1986, p17.
    100Svante Karlsson, Oil and World Order:American Foreign Oil Policy, Warwick:Berg Publishers, 1986,P189.
    101Robert B. Krueger, The United States and International Oil, New York:Praeger,1975, p59.
    102 VO Xuan Han. Oil, the Persian Gulf States, and the United States. Westport, Connecticut: London. p38.
    103Daniel Yergin, the Prize:The Epic Quest for oil, Money, and Power, New York:Simon and Schuster,1991, p528-529.
    105Benjamin Shwadran, Middle East Oil Crisis Since 1973, Boulder and London:West view Press, 1986,p21.
    107Benjamin Shwadran, Middle East Oil Crisis Since 1973, Boulder and London:West view Press, 1986, p22.
    108Micliael Tanzer, The Energy Crisis:World Struggle for Power and Wealth, New York:Monthly Review Press,1974, p123.
    109Joan Edelman Spero and Jeffery A. Hart, eds,, The Politics of International Economic Relations, 5th New York:St Martin's Press,1997, p254.
    110Daniel Yergin, the Prize:The Epic Quest for oil, Money, and Power, New York:Simon and Schuster,1991, p582. Benjamin Shwadran, Middle East Oil Crisis Since 1973, Boulder and London:West view Press,1986, p26-27.
    111Benjamin Shwadran, Middle East Oil Crisis Since 1973, Boulder and London:West view Press, 1986,p33.
    112Benjamin Shwadran, Middle East Oil Crisis Since 1973, Boulder and London:West view Press, 1986, p36.
    115Benjamin Shwadran. Middle East Oil Crisis Since 1973. Boulder and London:West view Press. 1986. p91.
    116E.B. Brossard. Petroleum Politics and power. Oklahoma:Pennwell Publishinf Company.1983. P72.
    1188E.B. Brossard. Petroleum Politics and power. Oklahoma:Pennwell Publishinf Company.1983. P72.
    120Foreign Policy Research Institute, Oil Diplomacy:The Atlantic Nations in the Oil Crisis of 1978-1979, Philadelphia,1980, p6.
    121华泽澎. 《能源经济学》,石油大学出版社,1991年,第392页。
    122Vinod Kumavi:the Energy and Society, Newdelhii Discovery Publish House,1994, P23.
    123E.B. Brossard. Petroleum Politics and power. Oklahoma:Pennwell Publish Company.1983. P73.
    125U.S. Department of Energy, Strategic Petroleum Reserve-Profile, September 5,2003, http://www. fe.doe. gov./programs/reserves/spr/.
    128Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Review 2008.
    130DOE. Releasing Crude Oil From the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Http://fossil.energy.gov/ programs/reserves/spr/spr-drawdown.html#katrina_sale.
    131Nixon, The Wars for Vietnam, The Wars for Vietnam, President Nixon's Speech "Vietnamization," November 3,1969.
    132Richard Nixon, United States foreign policy for the 1970's-to the Congress of the United, States, Address on the State of the Union, January 22,1970.
    135罗伯特·G.大流士:《20世纪80年代的海湾安全》(Robert G Darius, Gulf Security in the 1980s),胡佛研究所出版社1981年版,第99页。
    136候赛因·阿米尔萨德基:《波斯湾的安全》(Hossein Amirsadeghi, the Security of Persian Gulf),纽约圣马丁出版社1981年版。第74页。
    138美国政府出版局:《美国对伊朗的军售》(GPO, US Military Sale to Iran),华盛顿1976年版,第10页。
    139《航空与空间技术周刊》(Aviation Weekly and Space Technology)1972年11月13日;《国际先锋论坛报》(International Herald Tribune)1973年5月14日。
    143北京大学亚非研究所西亚研究室编著:《石油王国沙特阿拉伯》,北京大学出版社,1985 年版,第173-174页。
    147张新利 翟晓敏,“20世纪70年代美国对波斯湾的“双柱”政策”,《世界历史》,2001年第4期。
    148张新利 翟晓敏,“20世纪70年代美国对波斯湾的“双柱”政策”,《世界历史》,2001年第4期。
    149Edward W.ehester United Stated Oil Policy and Diplomacy:A Twentith-Century Overview. (M)London:Greenwood Press,1983.p29.
    150Hans Jacob Bull-Berg. American International Oil Policy:Causal Factors and Effect. London: France Pinter.p112.
    151Keith Crane, Andreas Goldthau, Imported Oil and U.S. National Security, Rand. Pp60-61.
    152Larry Speakes, the White House spokesman, insisted on February 21.1984 that there should be "absolutely no doubt" over the United States intention to keep the Gulf open (Keepings Contemporary Archives, August 1984, p 33057). The supply of Stinger anti-aircraft missile to Saudi Arabia in the summer of 1984 was undertaken for the same reason.
    154Svante Karlsson, Oil and the World Order:America Foreign Policy, Leamington Spa:berg, 1986, p241.
    157International Energy Agency(IEA),Agreement on an International Energy Program, http://www.iea.org/Textbase/about/IEP.PDF.
    158International Energy Agency(IEA),Agreement on an International Energy Program, http://www.iea.org/Textbase/about/IEP.PDF.
    162丹尼尔·耶金著, 艾平等译,《石油大博弈(上)》,中信出版社,第122页。
    163David E. Spiro, The Hidden Hand of American Hegemony:Petrodollar Recycling and International Markets, Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1999. px.
    164Krassimir Petrov, "The Proposal Iranian Oil Bourse," http://www.energybulletin.net/12125. html.
    169Keith Crane, Andreas Goldthau, Imported Oil and U.S. National Security, Rand. Pp61.
    178安维华 钱雪梅:《海湾石油新论》,社会科学文献出版社,2000年,第91页。
    177Keith Crane. Andreas Goldthau. Imported Oil and U.S. National Security, Rand. Pp61.
    178Keith Crane. Andreas Goldthau. Imported Oil and U.S. National Security, Rand, Pp61.
    183Keith Crane. Andreas Goldthau, Imported Oil and U.S. National Security, Rand. Pp61.
    185DoD, United State Security for the Middle East,1995, p6.
    187White house, "Visit of Present Heydar Aliyev of Azerbaijan," Statement by the Press Secretary,1 August 1977, Http://clinton6.nara.gov.
    188White house, A National Security Strategy for a New Century, October 1998,pp 32,40,http:// clinton2.nara.gov.
    189Michael P. Crossant and Bulent Aras:Oil and Geopolities in the Caspian Sea Region, WestPort Conn Praeger,1999, P256.
    190Michael P. Crossant and Bulent Aras:Oil and Geopolities in the Caspian Sea Region, WestPort Conn Praeger,1999, P258.
    192American Petroleum Institute, "Oil Diplomacy:The Fact and Myths Behind Foreign Oil Dependency", Hearing Before The Foreign Affairs Committee, June 20,2002 Serial, No. 107-197(http://www. foreignaffairs. hoU.S.e.gov/archives)
    191Doug Stokes and Sam Raphael, Global Energy Security and American Hegemony, Baltimore: the Johns University Press. P183-184.
    195Project for the New American Century, Letter to President Clinton,26 January 1998, www. cbsnews.com/.
    197Report of the National Energy Policy Development Group, National Energy Policy, May 2001.
    198Evan A. Feigenbaum, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State South and Central Asian Affairs, As Prepared Remarks to the U.S.-Kazakhstan Business Association and the American-Uzbekistan Chamber of Commerce, Washington, DC, March 20,2007, http://www.state.gov/p/sca/rls/rm /2007/82024.htm
    199George W. Bush, "National Security Strategy of the United States of America 2006". (http:// www.whitehouse.gov/nsc/nss/2006.)
    201US Department of Energy, EIA, Kazakhstan:Major oil and Natural Gas Projects, http://www. eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/kazaproj.html.
    202Framwork Agreement between the Government of the United state of America,the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan,the Govenmemt of the Kyrgyz Republic,the Government of tajikistan,the Government of the Republic of Turkmenistan,and the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan concerning the Development of trade and Investment Relations.http://www. bisnis.doc.gov/bisnis/bisdoc/0508TIFA.pdf.
    2042007年的数据,拉美(包括墨西哥)地区的石油储量达1234亿桶,British Petroleum, BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2008.June 2008.p6.wwvv.bp.com/.
    205National Energy Policy Development Group. National Energy Policy, May 2001. http://www. whitehouse. gov.energy/.p8-10.
    206Peter Pace. Advanced Questions for Lieutenant General Peter Pace:Defense Reforms. US Senate Committee on Armed Services.2000. www.senate.gov/; Admiral James G. Stavridis, the Posture Statement of United States Southern Command before the 110[1] Congress.21-22 March 2007. www. Southcom. Mil/.
    207"Interview with Anne Paterson, US Ambassador to Colombia, "El Tiempo (Colombia).10 February 2002,www.ciponline.org/.
    208Doug Stokes and Sam Raphael. Global Energy Security and American Hegemony. Baltimore: the Johns University Press. P180.
    209George H. W. Bush, "Statement on Trade Initiative for the Andean Region, " 1 November 1989. httD://bushlib. tamu.edu/.
    210Central American Trade Deal Done, BBC News.28 May 2004, http://news.bbc.co.uk/.
    211 US Trade with the CAFTA-DR Countries, CAFTA Policy Brief, July 2007,www.ustr.gov/.
    212Peter Pace, Advanced Questions for Lieutenant General Peter Pace:Defense Reforms. US Senate Committee on Armed Services,2000, www.senate.gov/; Admiral James G. Stavridis, the Posture Statement of United States Southern Command before the 110[1] Congress,21-22 March 2007,www. Southcom. Mil/.
    213Doug Stokes and Sam Raphael, Global Energy Security and American Hegemony, Baltimore: the Johns University Press. P183-184
    214General James T. Hill, Commander, US Southern Command, Testimony before the House Armed Service Committee, Washington, March 24.2004. www.house.gov/.
    215Doug Stokes and Sam Raphael, Global Energy Security and American Hegemony, Baltimore: the Johns University Press. P184
    216Doug Stokes and Sam Raphael, Global Energy Security and American Hegemony, Baltimore: the Johns University Press. P214
    217Doug Stokes and Sam Raphael, Global Energy Security and American Hegemony, Baltimore: the Johns University Press. P214
    219Energy Information Adiministration, Country Analysis Briefs:Nigeria, April 2007 update; Davied L. Goldwyn and J. Stephen Morrison, "A Strategic Approach to Governance and Security in the Gulf of Guinea:A Report of the CSIS Task Force on Gulf of Guinea Security," CSIS, July 2005,p5,http//csis.org.
    221 Office of the Spokesman, US Department of States, "Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright: Remarks at Chevron's Takula oil Drilling Platform, " Cabida, Angola,12 December 1997, www.state.gov/.
    222White House, A National Security Strategy for a New Century, October 1998, p55, http:// clinton2. nara. gov/.
    223National Energy Policy Development Group, National Energy Policy, May 2001. http://www.whitehouse.gov.energy/.
    224Michael T. Klare. Blood and oil. New York:Metropolitan Books.p71.
    225Keith Crane, Andreas Goldthau, Imported Oil and U.S. National Security, Rand. Pp62.
    226US State Department, Congressional Budget Justification for Foreign Operations, FY 2010, p136, www.state.gov/.
    227Phillip Carter, "US Policy in Africa in the 21 Century,"Africa Center for Strategic Studies,9 February 2009. www.state.gov/.
    229 US State Department. Congressional Budget Justification for Foreign Operation, FY 2007, www.state.gov/.
    US State Department, Congressional Budget Justification for Foreign Operation, FY 2007.www.state.gov/.
    231US State Department. Congressional Budget Justification for Foreign Operation. FY 2007.www.state.gov/. US Department of Defence. Security Cooperation Agency. Foreign Miliotary Sales. Foreign Miliotary Constmcction Sales and other Security Cooperation Historical Facts.30 September 2007 Update, www.dsca.mil/.
    232 Office of the Press Security. White House. "Memorandum for the Securitary of State and Secretary of Defence:Determination to Authorize the Furnishing of Emergency Military Assistance to the Government of Nigeria, " Presidential Determination No.2002-16,19 April 2002, www.whitehouse.gov/.
    233Doug Stokes and Sam Raphael, Global Energy Security and American Hegemony, Baltimore: the Hopkings University Press.2010.p151.
    234Office of the Press Secretary, White House, President Bush Creates a Department of Defence United Combatant for Africa,6 February 2007, http://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/.
    236Remarks by the President While Touring Youth Entertainment Academy,"Grace Episcopal Church, Plainfield, N. J., March 14,2001, electronic document accessed at www.whitehouse.com on September 19,2003.
    237"Remarks by the President in Photo Opportunity After Meeting with National Energy Policy Development Group," the White House, March 19,2001, electronic document accessed at www.whitehouse.gov on March 5,2003.
    238National Energy Policy, National Energy Policy Development Group, May 2001. http://www.whitehouse.gov.energy/.
    239National Energy Policy Development Group, National Energy Policy, May 2001. http://www.whitehouse.gov.energy/.
    240National Energy Policy Development Group, National Energy Policy, May 2001. http://www.whitehouse.gov.energy/.
    241National Energy Policy Development Group, National Energy Policy, May 2001. http://www.whitehouse.gov.energy/.
    242National Energy Policy Development Group, National Energy Policy, May 2001. http://www.whitehouse.gov.energy/.
    243National Energy Policy Development Group, National Energy Policy, May 2001. http://www.whitehouse.gov.energy/.
    244The Department of Energy Strategic Plan, US Department of Energy,2003 http://strategicplan.doe.gov/.
    245《美国能源部未来25年战略计划》,外交部网站http://www.fmprc. gov.cn/chn/ziliao/wzzt/ jjywj/t147169. htm.
    246The Energy Policy Act of 2005:http:eere.energy.gov/buildings/appliance standaeds/pdfs/ epact2005 appliance stds.pdf.
    247U.S.Department of Energy Strategic Plan:http://www.energy;gov/abou/Strategicplpan.htm
    248U.S.Department of Energy Strategic Plan:http://www.energy;gov/abou/Strategicplpan.htm
    249U. S. Department of Energy Strategic Plan:http://www.energy.gov/about/strategicplan.htm.
    251International Energy Agency:Oil Market Report, released 18 January 2007:http:// omrpublic.iea.org/omrarchive/18janO7full.pdf.
    255http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Recovery_and Reinvestment_Act_of_2009
    258刘军红, “奥巴马绿色新政的全球战略含义”, 《绿叶》,2009年第3期。
    259杨玉峰,“奥巴马政府能源新政及潜在影响”,《中国能源》2009年6月,第31卷第6 期。
    260刘军红,“奥巴马绿色新政的全球战略含义”, 《绿叶》,2009年第3期。
    361Christopher"Thousand-Ship Navy".Armed Force Journal.December,2006.(http://armed forcejournal.com/2006/12/2336959)
    5中国现代国际关系研究院,《全球能源大棋局》,北京:时事出版社,2005年, 第163页。
    6Walter J. Levy, Oil Strategy and Politics,1941-1981, Melvin A. Conant, ed., Boulder Colorado: Westview Press,1982, pp.297-299.
    7National Energy Strategy, President George Bush, October 25,1991. http://www.skepticfiles.org. /conspire/b17.html.
    9Fiona Venn, Oil Diplomacy in the Twenties Century, Hampshire and London:MacMillan Education Lted.,1986, p51.
    10Fiona Venn, Oil Diplomacy in the Twenties Century, Hampshire and London:MacMillan Education Lted.,1986, p51.
    13David E. Spiro, The Hidden Hand of American Hegemony:Petrodollar Recycling and International Markets, Ithaca:Cornell University Press.1999.
    14Krassimir Petrov. "The Proposal Iranian Oil Bourse." http://www.energybulletin.net/12125. html.
    34Office of the Press Secretary, White House, President Bush Creates a Department of Defence United Combatant for Africa,6 February 2007, http://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/.
    39雪峰,“美国的战略石油储备体系”, 《全球科技经济瞭望》,2004年第8期。
    42丹尼尔·耶金著, 艾平等译,《石油大博弈(上)》,中信出版社,第122页。
    43David E. Spiro, The Hidden Hand of American Hegemony:Petrodollar Recycling and International Markets, Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1999.
    44Krassimir Petrov. The Proposal Iranian Oil Bourse, http://www.energybulletin.net/12125. html
    52 Christian E. Weller and Scott Lilly. Oil Prices Up, Dollar Down-Coincidence? Center for American Progress, November 30,2004.
    62Robert E. Ebel, U.S foreign policy, petroleum and the Middle East, MEES, Vol. xlvii, No.44, Oct.31,2005.
    4李婧,“浅析美国的欧亚大陆地缘战略”, 《国际关系学院学报》,2001年第3期。
    9Shibely Telhami, Fiona Hill, America's Vital Stakes in Saudi Arabia, Foreign Affairs,2002, (6)167p.
    14韩志斌,“能源安全地缘战略和全球霸权—美国在伊拉克战争中的石油战略利益考察”,《长安大学学报》 (社会科学版).长安大学杂志社,2003年6月.57页。
    15王新刚,“国际政治中的海湾石油因素”(J). 《中国石油报》2003年,(4)22。
    16Svante Kar Lsson, Oil and the World Oder:American Foreign Oil Policy, [M] Barens and Books1986, p73.
    17刘恩东,“挟石油以令诸侯—评美国在中东的战略利益” (J),《中国国情国力》,2002年第6期。
    19NEPDG, NEPR, Chapter 8, pp4-5.翻译参考查道炯:《中国石油安全的国际政治经济学分
    21Henry Siegman,US Middle East Policy and the Peace Process, Report of an Independent Task Force Sponsored by Council on Foreign Relations, Brookings Institution Press, July 1997, pp11-12.
    22NEPDG, NEPR. Chapter 8,pp4-5.
    23Peter R. Odell. The Significance of Oil. [J]Journal of Contemporary History,1968.(3).
    24Harold F. Williamson, Ralph L. The American Petroleum Industry, the Age of Energy 1899-1959(M). Northwestern University Press.1963. p295.
    26Harold F.willamson. Ralph L.The American Petroleum Industry, the Age of Energy 1899-1959 (M), Northwestern University Press,1963. p 517.
    28Edward N. KraPels. The commanding hights:International Oil in the Changing World. (J) International Affairs,1993(1).
    32Edward W.ehester United Stated Oil Policy and Diplomacy:A Twentith-Century Overview. (M)London:Greenwood Press,1983.p29.
    36杨光,“美国的中东石油外交”(J). 《国际经济评论》,2003年第3期。
    41新华网,伊朗概况(EB/OL) http://news.xinhuanet.eom/ziliao/2002-04/09/eontent_355164.htm.
    43Keith Crane, Andreas Goldthau, Imported Oil and U.S. National Security, Rand. Pp62.
    44National Energy Poliey Development Group. National Energy Policy (EB/OL). May 2001, http://www.whitehouse.gov/energy/National-Energy-Poliey.pdf.
    46新华网,伊战四周年:故事切入主题美对石油渴望昭然若揭。(EB/OL) http://news.xinhuanet.eom/world/2007-03/20/eontent5869229.htm
    47新华网,伊战四周年:故事切入主题美对石油渴望昭然若揭。(EB/OL) http://news.xinhuanet.eom/world/2007-03/20/eontent_5869229.htm
    4848Rivereentreeonventioneenter.Remarks by the President to eapitaleity Partnership (EB/OL).http://whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2001/05/20010517-2.htm
    49中国网,华盛顿观察:美国石油时代的终结?? (EB/OL). http://www.china.org.en/ehinese/ HIAw/lllsl92.htm
    51人民网,布什大中东计划意在通过推行美价值观操纵中东(EB/OL)。http://www.sxere.eom/ sxcrc/infopub/eontent/942.htm.
    52人民网,布什大中东计划意在通过推行美价值观操纵中东(EB/OL)。 http://www.sxere.eom/ sxere/infopub/eontent/942.htm.
    55拱振喜,“中东石油资源对我国能源安全的影响及对策建议”(J),《国际技术经济研究》, 2005年第1期。
    56商务部网站,“安哥拉为2009年中国第二大石油进口来源国”,2010-01-20 23:45:11.0.
    Roger W. Robinson, C. Riehard D'Amato Prepared statement to the Hearing on China's Energy Need and Strategies (EB/OL).www.usee.gov.
    64Central Asia:Regional Development and Implications for U.S. Interests, Jim Nichol. Congress Research Service, Foreign Affair, Defense, and Trade Division, Up-dated May 12,2006, DPF file p16.
    65EIA, "Caspian Sea Region:Survey of Key Oil and Gas Statistics and Forecasts", July 2006, http: //www.eia.doe.gov/cabs/Caspian/images/caspian_balances.pdf.
    66EIA, "Caspian Sea Region:Survey of Key Oil and Gas Statistics and Forecasts" July 2006, http://www.eia.doe.gov/cabs/Caspian/images/caspian balances.pdf.
    67EIA, "Caspian Sea Region:Survey of Key Oil and Gas Statistics and Forecasts" July 2006, http: //www.eia.doe.gov/cabs/Caspian/images/caspian_balances.pdf.
    68张国坤,“试论美国的中亚能源战略”,《世界地理研究》,2003年9月,Vol.12, NO.3,第69、70页。
    70Bulent Gokay,The Politics of Oil. Haines House,2006.pp39, pp40.
    71 Peter Gowan,'The New American Century?', in Ken Coat(Ed.),The spokesman:The New American Century, spokesman Publisher:Nottingham,2002, pp13.
    72Report of the National Energy Policy Development Group, National Energy Policy, May 2001.
    73"India Formally Invited to Join Central Asia Gas Pipeline Pro2ject, "http://www.adb.Org/ Media/Articles/2003 1984_Central_Asia_India_Formally_Invited_ to_Join_Central_Asia_Gas_Pipeline_Project_/.
    75US Policy in Cetnral Asia:balancing Priorities (Part Ⅱ). Richard A. Boucher, Assistant Secretary of State for south and Central Asian Affiars, Statement to the House International Relations Committee Subcommittee on the Middle East and Central Asia, april 26,2006 (Http://www.state. gov).
    76Evan A. Feigenbaum, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State South and Central Asian Affairs, As Prepared Remarks to the U.S.-Kazakhstan Business Association and the American-Uzbekistan Chamber of Commerce, Washington, DC, March 20,2007, http://www.state.gov/p/sca/rls/rm/2007/82024.htm
    US Department of Energy, EIA, Kazakhstan:Major oil and Natural Gas Projects, http://www. eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/kazaproj.html.
    81Framwork Agreement between the Government of the United state of America.the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.the Govenmemt of the Kyrgyz Republic.the Government of tajikistan.the Government of the Republic of Turkmenistan.and the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan concerning the Development of trade and Investment Relations.http://www. bisnis.doc. gov/bisnis/bisdoc/0508TIFA.pdf.
    82Jim Nichol, "Central Asia's new state:Political Developments and Implications for U.S. Interest ",CRS Issue Brief for Congress. March 1.2001.
    87Philippe Le Billon. The Geopolitics of Resource War:Resource Dependence Governance and Violence. Frank Cass.2005. p148.
    91Michael P. Croissant and Bulent Aras. Oil and Geopolitics in the Caspian Sea Region. London: Westport Connection.p251.
    92Ambassador Matthew Nimetz, "Mediterranea Security After the Cold War," Mediterranea Quarterly 8,no 2(Spring 1997):29.
    93Michael P. Croissant and Bulent Aras. Oil and Geopolitics in the Caspian Sea Region. London: Westport Connection.p252.
    97The National Security strategy of the United State of America, March 2006,Http://www. Whitehouse. Gov/nsc/nss/2006 nss2006.pdf.
    98George W. Bush, National Security Strategy of the United State of America 2006, http://www. whitehouse. Gov/nsc/nss/2006/.
    100S. Frederick Starr, "A'Greater Central Asia Partnership'for Afghanistan and Its Neighbors", Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program Joint Report, March 2005.
    101George W. Bush, State of the Union Address at the U.S. Capitol, Wednesday, Feb.2,2005, http:
    //www. Whitehouse. gov/stateoftheunion/2005/index.html.
    104马小军、惠春琳,“美国全球能源战略控制态势评估”,《现代国际关系》 2006年第1期。
    106马小军、惠春琳,“美国全球能源战略控制态势评估”,《现代国际关系》 2006年第1期。
    111王克东, “试析美国南亚战备变化的四个阶段”, 《攀枝花学院学报》,2008年2月。
    112UN poised to abandon proposal for Indian Ocean' Zone of Peace' Janes Defence Weekly Vol.29, No.17.1998
    115赵青海,“美印军事合作及其制约因素”,《国际问题研究》,2008年5月。http://www.defence.org.cn/article-13-96790.html:Satul.imaye. "U.S.-India and India-East Asia Relations:Old Narrative, New Chapters," Comparative Connections, vol.10. no.4 (January 2009). http://csis.org/tiles/media/csis/pubs/0804qindia_asia.pdf. 116M K Bhadrakumar, "Clinton delivers unwanted tidings to New Delhi," Asia Time online. July
    22,2009, http://www.atimes.com/atimes/South_Asia/KG22Df01.html
    117赵青海,“美印军事合作及其制约因素”,《国际问题研究》,2008年5月。http://www.defence.org.cn/article-13-96790.html; SatuLimaye, "U.S.-India and India-East Asia Relations:Old Narrative, New Chapters," Comparative Connections, vol.10, no.4 (January 2009), http://csis.org/files/media/csis/pubs/0804qindia_asia.pdf.
    118见"Lockheed Martin Presents F-35 For Indian Air Force 126 MRCA Contract, "July 22.2007, http://www.india-defence.com/reports-3461.
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    135杜幼康,“美国的南亚与中亚“整合”战备剖析”, 《现代国际关系》2007年第4期。
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    144罗振兴,“美国与东亚能源安全”, 《美国研究》,2008年第3期。
    145Daniel S.Sullivan.Sullivan,"Enemy and U.S.Foreign Policy:Security Through Diplomacy,"Washington.D.C.March 9,2007,available at:http"//www.state.gov/e/eeb/rls/rm/2007 /82171.htm.
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