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The explosive growth of high and new technology, particularly informationtechnology, has contributed mightily to the globlization of the world economy sincethe1990s. Yet economic globalization has been a double-edged sword. It hasaccelerated world economic growth as well as aggravated competition and risksacross borders, impinging on national sovereignty and the development of nationalindustry. People want to benefit from internationalization but avoid its negative effect.Yet there lacks a mature institution or system to manage it. The compexity and costsassociated with glolizations call for the provision of global public goods.
     Nowadays, the supply and demand of global public goods, including world peace,supervision of international financial market, partnership on global climate change,has become compelling focuses. It is obivous that the development of global publicgoods is accompanied with the globalization. Meanwhile, the increasing supply ofglobal pubic goods has also been a major force to accelerate the globalization, whichbecomes more and more important. This dissertation deals with the supply route andsystem of global public goods by building a theoretical model and offerings strategiesfor China to participate global public goods supply.
     The dissertation is consisted of introduction and text. The introduction explains thebackground and purpose of topic selection, and summarizes the basic concepts andrelative research bibliography, setting out the study ideas and basic conclusion. Thetext consists of four chapters. Chapter I describes the development trend ofinternational globalization of politics and economy. It also studies the present supplyof global public goods under the globalization circumstance in terms of justice andequality, market failure, fair trade, and international organizations. Chapter II, on thebasis of traditional theory of hegemonic stability, builds up the cooperative gamesmodel of global public goods supply under hegemonism and a joint-agency model ofhegemony and international organizations, which provides theoretical principle to analyze the global public goods supply in reality. Chapter III describes thecoordination mechanism of sovereign government, free enterprise andnon-governmental organization and gives case study and math model study on itssupply system. Based on the previous study, Chapter IV defines the guidelines andframework of China participating the global public goods supply cooperation. Moredetailed recommendations have been proposed in this part from multiple angles.
     Through deep study on theory model and cases, it can be drawn that coordinationmechanism of sovereign government, free enterprise and non-governmentalorganization shall be adopted to offset the market failure since each nation givespriority to itself. And China should set up strategies compatible to global publicgoods supply so as to become a responsible and important member in internationalcooperation.
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