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Chapter VIII of UN Charter is on regional arrangements, according to which theregional organizations are afforded with rights to resolve settlements peacefully ortake enforcement actions to maintain international peace and security. The key articleof Chapter VIII is article53, which reads that “no enforcement action shall be takenunder regional arrangements or by regional agencies without the authorization of theSecurity Council”.
     This thesis manifests that there are several interaction modes between UN and theregional organizations, including mutual-cooperation, mutual-competition orunilateral-deviation, since the establishment of UN especially after the end of the coldwar.During the cold war, it reveals that whose mechanism of settlement resolvinggoes first is a big problem, while the unilateral use of force by regional organizationsbecome one of the most important legal problems after the cold war.If not authorizedby UN security council, the enforcement by the regional organizations is illegalexcept for self-defense according to the UN Charter and the principles of internationallaw. The excuses claimed by the regional organizations, including implicit authority,the rights of anti-selfdefence, the rights of humanitarian intervention, and theresponsibility of protection, can not justify the legality of the unauthorizedactivities.To be further, the rights of treaty-based intervention created by someregional organization in Africa, which basing its legality on the principle of “stateconsent”, also can not exclude the obligation of the regional organizations to conformto the principle of non use of force, which belongs to jus congens.
     The thesis arrives at the conclusion that chapter VIII of UN Charter, the principleof prohibition of use of force and so on remain the guiding regulations on the actionstaken by UN and the regional organizations, though, the international securityenvironment is different from the initial stage of UN. It is imperative to point out that,the security council of UN possesses the exclusive right of determining when or howto use fore, while the regional organizations cannot use force unilaterally without theauthorization of the security council except for self-defense.
    ①该杂志上其他四篇论文分别为:Sharp Walter Gray Sr,“ProtectingAvatars of International Peace and Security”;Gray Christine,“Host-State Consent and United Nations Peacekeeping in Yugoslavia”; Beard Elliot M,“CriticalAnalysis of the Effects of Colello V. Sec on International Security Law Enforcement Agreements”; Feagle KarenA.,“Extraterritorial Discovery:A Social Contract Perspective”.
    ②James E. Hickey,“Challenges to Security Council Monopoly Power Over the Use of Force in EnforcementActions”, International Legal Theory, Vol.10, Spring2004.
    ③Alex J. Bellamy&Paul D. Williams,“Who is Keeping the Peace: Regionalization and Contemporary PeaceOperation,” International Security, Vol.29, No.4, Spring2005.
    ①Gerhard Bebr,“Regional Organizations: A United Nations Problem,” American Journal of International Law,Vol.49,No.2, April1955.
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    ③Michael Barnett,“Partners in Peace? The UN, Regional Organizations, and Peacekeeping,” Review ofInternational Studies, Vol.21, Issue4, October2009.
    ④Jane Boulden(ed), Dealing With Conflict in Africa: The United Nations and Regional Organizations, PalgraveMacmillan,2003.
    ⑤Christine Gray, International Law and the Use of Force, Oxford University Press,2008.
    ①Monica Hakimi,“To Condone or Condemn? Regional Enforcement Actions in the Absence of Security CouncilAuthorization,” Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law,Vol.40,2007.
    ②Ugo Vallani,“The Security Council`s Authorization of Enforcement Action by Regional Organizations,” MaxPlank Yearbook of United Nations Law, Vol.6,2002.
    ③Christian Walter,“Security Council Control Over Regional Actions,” Max Plank Yearbook of United NationsLaw,1997.
    ④Brown Ian, International Law and the Use of Force by States,(New York: Oxford University Press),1963.
    ⑤Butler, W.E., ed., The Non-Use of Force in International Law,(Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers),1998.
    ①McCoubrey McCoubrey, Hilaire and White, Nigel D., International Law and Armed Conflict,(England:Dartmouth Publishing Company Limited),1992.
    ②Singh, J.N, Use of Force under International Law,(New Delhi: Harnam Publications),1984.
    ③Tunkin, Grigori, Law and Force in the International System,(Moscow: Progress Publishers),1985.
    ④Henkin Louis,“The Reports of the Death of Article2(4) are Greatly Exaggerated,” American Journal ofInternational Law, vol.65,1971.
    ⑤Sadurska, Romana,“Threats of Force,” American Journal of International Law, vol.82,1988.
    ⑥M. Sorensen(ed.), Manual of Public International Law, London,1986.
    ⑦Bruno Simma,“NATO, The UN and the Use of Force: Legal Aspects,” European Journal of InternationalLaw,Vol.10, NO.1,1999.
    ⑧Ruth Wedgwood,“NATO`s Campaign in Yugoslavia,” The American Journal of International Law, Vol.93,NO.4(Oct.,1999)
    ①Steven Wheatley,“The Foreign Affairs Select Committee Report on Kosovo: NATO Action and HumanitarianIntervention,” Journal of Conflict and Security Law, Vol.5No.2,2000
    ②Abraham D Sofaer,“International Law and Kosovo,” Stan. Journal of International Law, Vol.36, N0.1,2000.
    ③N.D. White,“The Legality of Bombing in The Name of Humanity,” Journal of Conflict and Security Law,VOL.5, NO.1,2000.
    ④Kofi Oteng Kufor,“The Legality of the Intervention in the Liberian Civil War by the Economic Community ofthe West African States”, African Journal of International and Comparative Law.Vol.5,1993.
    ⑤Georg Nolte,“Restoring Peace by Regional Action: International Legal Aspects of the Liberian Conflict”,Heidelberg Journal of International Law.
    ⑥Gilbert da Costa,“Fresh Impetus for Peace,” West Africa Magazine,16-22November1992.
    ①James Mayall,“National Identity and the Revival of Regionalism”, in Louise Fawcett and Andrew Hurrel(eds),Regionalism in World Politics: Regional Organization and International Order (Oxford, Oxford UniversityPress,1995), p.169,(hereafter Fawcett and Hurrell).
    ②Andrew Hurrell,“Regionalism in Theoretical Perspective”, in Fawcett and Hurrell, above note1, p.38.
    ①区域主义早期发展的回顾可以参见AH Robertson, The Law of International Institutions inEurope(Manchester University Press,1961);RJ Harrison, Europe in Question: Theories of RegionalIntegration(London, George Allen&Unwin Ltd,1971)等著作。区域组织等国际机制对世界体系影响日益加深的量化研究可见Michael Wallace and David Singer, Intergovernmental Organizations in the GlobalSystem,1815-1964:A Quantitative Description’,(1970)XXIV International Organization, p.272.
    ②Andrew Hurrell,“Regionalism in Theoretical Perspective”, in Fawcett and Hurrell, above note1, p.10.
    ③认为区域组织由地理相近的国家组成的代表性著作和论述可见:Joseph Nye(ed.),InternationalRegionalism(Boston:Little,Brown&Co.,1968); DW Bowett,Self-Defense in InternationalLaw(Manchester,Manchester University Press,1958), p.219; Bruce Russett,International Regions and theInternational Systems: A Study in Political Ecology(Chicago, Rand McNally and Co,1976); Waldemar Hummerand Michael Schweitzer in Bruno Simma(eds),The Charter of the United Nations:A Commentary(Oxford, OxfordUniversity Press,3rdedn,2002)807at820et sep.
    ④United Nations Conference on International Organization (hereafter UNCIO),Documents vol XII, p.850.
    ①Joseph Nye(ed.),International Regionalism(Boston:Little,Brown&Co.,1968), p.xii.
    ①See Andrew Hurrell,“Regionalism in Theoretical Perspective”, in Fawcett and Hurrell, above note1, p.38.
    ②JS Nye,“Regional Institutions” in Cyril E Black and Richard A Falk(eds),The Future of International LegalOrder:The Structure of International Environment (Princeton, Princeton University Press,1972)
    ③Bruce Russett, International Regions and the International Systems: A Study in Political Ecology (Chicago,Rand McNally and Co,1976), p.3.
    ⑤Bruce Russett, International Regions and the International Systems: A Study in Political Ecology (Chicago,Rand McNally and Co,1976), p.1.
    ②Paul Tayor, International Organization in the Mordern World: The Regional and Global Process (London, Pinter,1993), pp.24-28.
    ④Ellen-Fry Wouters,“The Prospects for Regionalism in World Affairs”, in Cyril E Black and Richard A Falk(eds),The Future of International Legal Order, Vol.1(Princeton, Princeton University Press,1969), p.466.
    ①See Dekker and Myjer,“Air Strikes om Bosnian Positions:Is NATO also Legally the Proper Instrument of theUN?” Leiden Journal of International Law, Vol.9,1996, p.413.
    ②Declaration on Peace Co-operation issued by the Head of States and Government participating in the meeting ofthe North Atlantic Council(NAAC),8November1991.
    ③Wallander “Institutional Assets and Adaptability: NATO After the Cold War”, International Organization,Vol.54,2000, p.712.
    ①Rupert Vance,“The Regional Concept as a Tool for Social Research”, in Merrill Jensen(ed),Regionalism inAmerica (Madison Wis, University of Wisconsin Press,1955), p.392.
    ③Odum W Howard, Southern Region of the United States (Chapel Hill, NC, University of North CarolinaPress,1936); Harry Estill Moore, American Regionalism: A Cultural-Historical Approach to National Integration
    (New York, Henry Holt,1938), p.27.
    ①Ernst Haas, The Uniting of Europe: Political, Social, and Economic Forces,1950-1957(Stanford, California:Stanford University Press,1968), pp.283-317.
    ②Ademola Abass, Regional Organizations and the Development of Collective Security: Beyond Chapter VIII of theUN Charter(Hart Publishing,2004), p.16.
    ①James Mayall, Nationalism and International Society (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press,1990).
    ②Andre Gunder Frank,“The Development of Underdevelopment”(1966) Monthly Review (September), pp.92-369.
    ③Rajni Kothari, Footstep Into the Future: Diagnosis of the Present World and a Design for an Alternative (NewYork, The Free Press,1974), p.135.
    ④Robert Gilpin, The Political Economy of International Relations,(Priceton University Press,1987), p.304.
    ⑤James Mayall, Nationalism and International Society (Cambridge University Press,1990), p.141.
    ①对联合国宪章进行解释的代表性著作有:Simma Brono, The Charter of the UN: A Commentary (OxfordUniversity Press,2002);Goodrich, Hambro&Simons, Charter of The United Nations: Commentary andDocuments(Third and Revised Edition),Columbia University Press,1969; Ruth B.Russell, A History of The UnitedNations Charter: The Role of the United States1940-1945(Washington,D.C., The Brookings Institution,1958);许光建主编:《联合国宪章诠释》(山西教育出版社1999年4月出版)。
    ①President Wilson`s State Papers and Addresses (New York, Sept.27,1918), p.524, as quoted in Van Kleffens,E.N.,“Regionalism and Political Pacts”, AJIL Vol.43(1949), p.673.
    ②王铁崖、田如萱编:《国际法资料选编》,法律出版社,第858页。《国际联盟盟约》第二十一条的英文为“Nothing in this Covenant shall be deemed to affect the validity of international engagements, such as treaties ofarbitration or regional understanding like the Monroe doctrine, for securing the maintenance of peace”.
    ③Leland M. Goodrich, Regionalism and the United Nations, Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science,Vol.23,No.3,The United States and the Atlantic Community(May.1949), p.47.
    ①Akindele, R.A., The Organization and Promotion of World Peace:A Study of Universal-Regional Relationships(University of Toronto Press,1976), pp.32-45.
    ②Muthiah Alagappay,“Regional Arrangement And International Security in Southeast Asia: Going BeyondZOPFAN”, Contemporary Southeast Asia Vol.12, N0.4,(1991)页。转引自引自仪名海:《冷战后区域组织的发展及其与联合国的关系》,载《国际论坛》2000年6月第2卷第3期,第19页。
    ②Ruth B.Russell, A History of The United Nations Charter: The Role of the United States1940—1945,TheBrookings Institution, Washington,D.C.,1958, p.474.
    ①Finn Seyersted, Objective international personality of Intergovernmental organizations: Do their capacitiesreally depend on the conventions establishing them?(Copenhagen,1963), esp. p.47.
    ②Jan Klabbers, An introduction to international institutional law(Second edition), Cambridge University Press,2009, p.50.
    ③Reparation for injuries suffered in the service of the United Nations, advisory opinions of11November1949,ICJ reports1949,174et seq.
    ②在《欧盟宪法条约》破产后,欧盟成员国于2007年签署的《里斯本条约》由《欧洲联盟条约》和《欧洲联盟运行条约》组成。其中《欧洲联盟条约》对2004年的《欧盟宪法条约》进行修改时,在第46条首次加入“欧盟具有法律人格”的规定,“The Union Shall Have Legal Personality”,http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:C:2007:306:0010:0041:EN:PDF.
    ①Reparation for injuries suffered in the service of the United Nations, advisory opinions of11November1949,ICJ reports1949,180et seq.
    ③Constitutive Act of the African Union, Art.5.
    ④Constitutive Act of the African Union, Art.5.
    ①Protocol Relating to the Establishment of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union, PreambleParas.3-4.
    ②Nicole Gnesotto (ed),. EU Security and Defense Policy-The first five years(1999-2004),Institute for SecurityStudies, EuropeanUnion,Paris,2004,pp.96-98.http://English.nupi.no/Publications/Working-Papers/2005/Strategic-Adaptation-or-Identity-Change.转引自张迎红:《欧盟共同安全与防务政策研究》,时事出版社2011年12月出版,第173页。
    ①Constitutive Act of the African Union,Art.3.
    ②Constitutive Act of the African Union,Art.4.
    ①美洲国家组织系统中各机构实践和理论的对比研究可参阅L.R. Scheman and J.W.Ford,“The Organization ofAmerican States as mediator”, in S. Touval and I.W.Zartman(eds.), International Mediation in Theory and Practice,Boulder,1985, p.197.
    ②关于非洲统一组织协调、调节和仲裁委员会的研究可见:T.O. Elias,“The Commission of Mediation,Conciliation and Arbitration of the Organization of African Unity”, BYBILVol.40,1964, p.336; H.A. Amankwah,“International Law, dispute settlement and regional organizations in an African setting,” Journal of InternationalLaw, Vol.21,1981,.p.352.
    ①J.G. Merrilis, International National Dispute Settlement(Third Edition), Cambridge University Press,1998,p.265.
    ②G. M. H. Waldock (ed.), International Disputes: The Legal Aspects, London,1972,p.256, Also F.L.Kirgis,“NATOconsultations as a component of national decision-making”,(1979) American Journal of International Law, Vol.73,p.372.
    ④Article2, Chapter IV of CSCE Helsinki Document1992: The Challenges of Change,9-10July1992,“Theparticipating States, reaffirming their commitments to the Charter of the United Nations as subscribed to by them,declare their understanding that the CSCE is a regional arrangement in the sense of Chapter VIII of the Charter ofthe United Nations and as such provides an important link between European and global security. Their rights andresponsibilities of the United Nations Security Council remain unaffected in their entirely.”http://www.osce.org/mc/39530.
    ②Ruth B.Russell, A History of The United Nations Charter: The Role of the United States1940—1945,TheBrookings Institution, Washington,D.C.,1958, p.440.
    ①See ‘Dumbarton Oaks of Proposals for the Establishment of a General International Organization’, Chapter VIII,Section A, Article1-7.
    ①Ruth B.Russell, A History of The United Nations Charter: The Role of the United States1940—1945,TheBrookings Institution, Washington,D.C.,1958, p.472.
    ①Ezequiel Padilla(Mexican Minister of Foreign Affairs),“The American System and the World Organization,”Foreign Affairs, Vol.24(October1954), p.104.
    ②Documents of the United Nations Conference on International Organization(1945).(Hereinafter cited as UNCIODocuments.), Vol.3, under the country concerned.
    ②Ruth B.Russell, A History of The United Nations Charter: The Role of the United States1940—1945,TheBrookings Institution, Washington,D.C.,1958, p.690.
    ③Arthur H. Vandenberg, Jr., ed., The Private Papers of Senator Vandenberg (1952), p.198.
    ①UNCIO Documents, Vol.3p.688.这个文本并没有最后提交到制宪会议作为提案,因为苏联没有在5月4日最后期限前作出同意表态,然而到5月7日苏联对此表述表示同意,因此该文本可视为四大国的共同建议案。转引自Ruth B.Russell, A History of The United Nations Charter: The Role of the United States1940—1945,The Brookings Institution, Washington,D.C.,1958, p.692.
    ①Ruth B.Russell, A History of The United Nations Charter: The Role of the United States1940—1945,TheBrookings Institution, Washington,D.C.,1958, p.694.
    ②Arthur H. Vandenberg, Jr., ed., The Private Papers of Senator Vandenberg (1952), pp.187-188..
    ③Ruth B.Russell, A History of The United Nations Charter: The Role of the United States1940—1945,TheBrookings Institution, Washington,D.C.,1958, p.695.
    ①Ruth B.Russell, A History of The United Nations Charter: The Role of the United States1940—1945,TheBrookings Institution, Washington,D.C.,1958, p.699.
    ②Ruth B.Russell, A History of The United Nations Charter: The Role of the United States1940—1945,TheBrookings Institution, Washington,D.C.,1958, p.699.
    ①Goodrich Hambro&Simons, Charter of the United Nations (Third&Revised Edition), Columbia UniversityPress,1969, p.357.
    ④SCOR/9THYr./675thMtg./June20,1954, and Supp. for April, May, and June, pp.11-13.
    ⑤Goodrich Hambro&Simons, Charter of The United Nations (Third&Revised Edition), Columbia UniversityPress,1969, p.358.
    ⑦SCOR/19thYr./1170th-1178thMtgs./Dec.9-17,1964;1181stand1183d-1189thMtgs./Dec.22-30,1964; and SC Res.199, Dec.30,1964.
    ②J.G. Merrilis, International National Dispute Settlement(Third Edition), Cambridge University Press,1998,p.273.
    ①叶兴平:《和平解决国际争端》(修订本),法律出版社2008年出版,第221页。同时参见:P.B.Wild,“TheOrganization of African Unity and the Algerian–Moroccan border conflict”,International Organizations,Vol.20,1996, p.18.
    ①UNCIO Documents,Vol.12, pp.686-687.
    ②UN S/PV.675(OR),http://daccess-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N54/200/65/PDF/N5420065.pdf?OpenElement
    ①UN Doc.S/3236/Rev.1,June20,1954.
    ②See SCOR/9thYr./675thand676thMtgs./June20and25,1954; also see Leland M. Goodrich, Edvard Hambro&Anne Patricia Simmons, Charter of the United Nations: commentary and documents, Columbia University Press,1969, p.362.
    ③UN GAOR,9thSession, Plenary Meetings,481stmeetings, paras.15and16.
    ④同上注,485thmeetings, para.58.
    ①UN Doc.S/4395,July19,1960.http://daccess-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N60/174/06/PDF/N6017406.pdf?OpenElement
    ②For discussion, see SCOR/15THYr./874th-876thMtgs./July18-19,1960.
    ③GA Res.1616(xv), Apr.21,1961.For debate, see GAOR/15THSess.,1stCtte./1100th,1106th,and1107thMtgs./Nov.2,Nov.8, and Nov.10,1960;and909thand910thPlen.Mtgs./Oct.31and Nov.1,1960.
    ②S/RES/530, available at http://www.un.org/zh/documents/view_doc.asp?symbol=S/RES/530(1983).
    ④UN Docs. S/4018,June2,1958and S/4023,June11,1958.
    ⑤Louis Sohn(ed), Basic Document of African Regional Organizations(Dobbs Ferry, NY, Published for theinter-American Institute of International Legal Studies by Oceana Publications,1971-72).
    ⑥UNGAOR,34THSession,1979, Supp NO23(Doc.A/34/23/Rev.1),106.
    ⑦UN Doc.S/5542,Feb.14,1964; and Docs. S/5557and S/5558,Feb.18,1964.
    ①UN Doc. Sth/6129, Dec.30,1964, http://www.un.org/zh/documents/view_doc.asp?symbol=S/RES/199(1964)
    ②SCOR/19Yr./1170th-1178th,1181st,1183d-1189thMtgs./Dec.9-17,1964; and UN Doc. S/6129, Dec.30,1964.
    ③Goodrich, Edvard Hambro&Anne Patricia Simmons, Charter of the United Nations: commentary anddocuments, Columbia University Press,1969.
    ④SCOR/839d Mtg./Sept.8,1960/para.63. See also statement by the Secretary-General in his ninth annual report.GAOR/9thSess./1954/Supp.1/(A/2663), p.xi.
    ①在联合国安理会考虑关于美洲国家外长会议下令对多米尼加共和国实行经济制裁措施的问题时,厄瓜多尔的代表的提出该观点,被认为是区域组织在和平解决争端上优先适用问题比较客观的观点,可见Leland M.Goodrich, Edvard Hambro&Anne Patricia Simmons, Charter of the United Nations: commentary and documents,Columbia University Press,1969, p.364.
    ②例如,B.Rivlin, Regional arrangements and the UN system for collective security and conflict resolution:Anewroad ahead?, International Relations,Vol.11,1992, p.95and A.K. Henrikson, The growth of regional organizationsand the role of the United Nations, in Fawcett and Hurrell, Regionalism in World Politics, p.122.
    ①参见report of committee dealing with security council action to meet threats to peace and acts of aggression,UNCIO Documents, X,507-8.
    ②UNCIO XI,pp.20-24,转引自Bruno Simma, The Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary (SecondEdition),2002, the Oxford University Press, p.860.
    ③Moore, J.N.,“The Role of Regional Arrangements in the Maintenance of World Order”, in Cyril E. Black&Richard A. Falk, The Future of the International Legal Order, The Priceton Universtiy Press,1971, p.153.
    ①UN Doc. S/4491, Sept.9,1960.
    ③UN Doc. S/6333,May7,1965.
    ④SCOR/20thYr./1222d Mtg./June9,1965/pp.21-22.另,国际法院在“Certain Expenses”案例的咨询意见中认为联合国在塞浦路斯、刚果和中东等地的维和行动不构成执行行动。
    ⑤SCOR/20thYr./1222d Mtg./June9,1965/pp.66-68.
    ①Wolf,“Regional Arrangements and the UN Charter”, EPIL IV,P94.
    ②R.A. Akindele, The Organization and Promotion of World Peace,1976, p.56.
    ③支持该观点的学者主要有:Jimenez de Arechaga, R Gerold, Christian Walter等。
    ④关于经济强制措施与宪章第2(4)条之间的关系有过大量的论述,具体可参见: Derek W Bowett,’EconomicCoercion and Reprisal by States’,(1972)13(1) Virginia Journal of International Law1;OY Elegab,’The Legalityof Non-forcible Counter-Measures in International Law’(Oxford, Clarendon Press,1988); AHindmarsh,’Self-help in Time of Peace’(1932)26American Journal of International Law515; L Damrosch,
    ‘Retaliation or Arbitration—or Both? The1978United States—France Aviation Dispute’(1980) American Journalof International Law,Vol.174, p.245.
    ①UN Doc784,1/1/27, UNCIO Documents331,334-35(1945).
    ①UN Doc S/RES/1132(1997)8October1997.
    ②该统计数据参见联合国网站,以及Cortright and Lopez, Sanctions Decade, Assessing UN Strategies in the1990s (Colorado, Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc,2000), pp.1-2.其中安理会的经济制裁包括:伊拉克(1990)、前南联盟(1991,1992和1998)、利比亚(1992)、索马里(1992)、柬埔寨(1992)、海地(1993)、安哥拉(1993、1997和1998)、卢旺达(1994)、苏丹(1996)、塞拉利昂(1997)、和阿富汗(1999)。
    ①Eide A,“Peace-keeping and Enforcement by Regional Organizations”, JPR3(1996),p.129; Kourula, E“Peace-keeping and Regional Arrangements” in United Nations Peace-Keeping(Cassese, E, ed.1978), pp.108-109.
    ②Davidson S., Grenada: A Study in Politics and the Limits of International Law(1978), p.109.
    ③Leo Gross, Expenses of the United Nations for Peace-Keeping Operation: The Advisory Opinion of theInternational Court of Justice, International Organization, Vol.17, NO.1(Winter1963) pp.19,,21,22
    ②Christine Gray,’Peacekeeping and Enforcement Action in Africa: The Role of Europe and the Obligations ofMultilateralism, Review of International Studies, Vol.31,Force and Legitimacy in WorldPolitics(Dec.,2005),pp.207-223; Eide A,”Peace-keeping and Enforcement by Regional Organizations”,JPR3(1996)
    ③Bruno Simma(ed.), The Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary(Second Edition), Oxford UniversityPress,(2002), p.861.
    ④Eide A,“Peace-keeping and Enforcement by Regional Organizations”, JPR3(1996), p.129; Kourula, E‘Peace-keeping and Regional Arrangements’ in United Nations Peace-Keeping(Cassese, E, ed.1978), p.108.
    ①See L.C. Meeker,”Defensive Quarantine and the Law’, AJIL57(1963),515(520et sep.) and by A. Chayes,“Lawand the Quarantine of Cuba”, Foreign Aff,41(1962/63),550(556) and L. Henkin,” International Law and theBehavior of Nations”, RdC114(1965),167(259et sep).
    ③ICJ Reports1962,150,(164et sep.)
    ①Fred L Morrison in J Delbruck (ed), Allocation of Law Enforcement Authority in the International System:Proceedings of an International Symposium of the Kiel Institute of International Law, March23to25,1994(Berlin, Duncker&Humblot,1995), p.43.
    ②Inis Clauder Jr,“The OAS, the UN, and the United States”,1964, International Conciliation,pp.548-553, JohnNorton Moore,“The Role of Regional Arrangements in the Maintenance of World Order” in Cyril E Black andRichard Falk (eds), The Future of the International Legal Order, Vol3(New Jersey, Princeton University Press,1977), p.153.
    ①Chayes, Abram “Law and the Quarantine of Cuba”, Foreign Affairs, Vol.41,1963, pp.550-558.
    ②Meeker,L.C.,“Defensive Quarantine and the Law”, AJIL Vol.57(1963), p.522.
    ③Asbjorn Eide,“Peace-keeping and Enforcement by Regional Organizations: Its Place in the United NationsSystem”, Journal of Peace Research, Vol.3, NO.2,1966, p.127.
    ④James E. Hickey,“Challenges to Security Council Monopoly Power Over The Use of Force in EnforcementActions”, International Legal Theory,(Spring2004), Vol.10, p.69.
    ①Ugo Villani,“The Security Council`s Authorization of Enforcement Action by Regional Organizations”, MaxPlanck Yearbook of UN Law, Volume6,2002, pp.535-537.
    ①Bruno Simma(ed.), The Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary(Second Edition), Oxford UniversityPress,(2002), p.866.
    ①Wolf, J.“Regional Arrangements and the UN Charter;” EPIL IV P95; Kourula, E.“Peace-Keeping and RegionalArrangements”, in United Nations Peace-Keeping (Cassese E. ed.,1978), p.118.
    ②Meeker, L. C.,“Defensive Quarantine and the Law”, AJIL57(1963), p.520.
    ③Walter C, United Nations and Regional Organizations,PP201et sep.转引自:Bruno Simma(ed.), The Charter ofthe United Nations: A Commentary(Second Edition), Oxford University Press,(2002) p.864.
    ④Bruno Simma(ed.), The Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary(Second Edition), Oxford UniversityPress,(2002), pp.864-865.
    ①Walter C, United Nations and Regional Organizations,PP293-294et sep.转引自:Bruno Simma(ed.), TheCharter of the United Nations: A Commentary(Second Edition), Oxford University Press,(2002), p.864.
    ①Ugo Villani,“The Security Council`s Authorization of Enforcement Action by Regional Organizations”, MaxPlanck Yearbook of UN Law, Volume6,2002, pp.552-553.
    ③Bruno Simma(ed.), The Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary(Second Edition), Oxford UniversityPress,(2002) p.870.
    ①Kelson, The Law of the United Nations:a critical analysis of its fundamental problems, London Institute ofWorld Affairs,1951, p.810.
    ②Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua, Jurisdiction and Admissibility, ICJ Reports(1984),p.392; Merits, ICJ Reports (1986), p.14.
    ③UNCIO XII, pp.705.
    ①Skubiszewski, K.“The Postwar Alliances of Poland and the United Nations Charter”, AJIL53(1959) P.620.
    ②Report of the Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and the Strengthening of the Role of theOrganization, General Assembly, Official Records,50thSession, Supplement No.33(A/50/33) and GA Res.50/52,Dec.11,1995.
    ④Ian Brownlie, International Law and Use of Force by States, Oxford, New York,1963, p.278.
    ①The Nicaragua Case, ICJ Reports,1986, pp.103-104.
    ①Peter Malanczuk, Akehurst`s Modern Introduction to International Law,7thed., Routledge,1997,p.317.
    ③The Nicaragua Case, ICJ Reports,1986, PP.103-104.,119-122,paras.195-199.
    ①Kelsen H., The Law of the United Nations:a critical analysis of its fundamental problems, London Institute ofWorld Affairs,1951,p.328; Leland M. Goodrich, Edvard Hambro&Anne Patricia Simmons, Charter of the UnitedNations: commentary and documents, Columbia University Press,1969, p.318.
    ①See Hummer/Schweitzer on Art.52MN42-5.
    ②Kelsen H., The Law of the United Nations:a critical analysis of its fundamental problems, London Institute ofWorld Affairs,1951,p.328; See Art.5of Rio Treaty, and Art.5of Brussels Treaty (WEU).
    ③Boweett, D.W., The Law of International Institution, Stevens and Sons Ltd,1963, p.136; Yalem R., Regionalismand World Order, Public Affairs Press,(1965),p.38.
    ⑤Leland M. Goodrich, Edvard Hambro&Anne Patricia Simmons, Charter of the United Nations: commentaryand documents, Columbia University Press,1969,,p.368.
    ①Levin, A.,“The Organization of American States and the United Nations: Relations in the Peace and SecurityField’, in Regionalism and the United Nations (Andemicael B.ed.,1979p.181,其中提到“事实上由区域组织来决定是否向安理会报告,或向安理会报告哪些内容。”
    ②Bruno Simma(ed.), The Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary(Second Edition), Oxford University Press,
    (2002), p.894.
    ③EV Rostow,“Until What? Enforcement Action or Collective Self-Defense?” American Journal of InternationalLaw, Vol.85,1991, p.506.
    ④参见1945-1978年份联合国关于The Repertory of Practice of United Nations Organs中的数据,转引自BrunoSimma(ed.), The Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary(Second Edition), Oxford University Press,(2002)p.895.
    ⑤US Policy in the Persian Gulf: Hearing before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations,101stCong,2ndSession107,(pt1)(1990)
    ①Ademola Abass,“Regional Organizations and the Development of Collective Security: Beyond Chapter VIII ofthe UN Charter”, Hart Publishing,2004, p.64.
    ①参见Trevor Findlay, The Use of Force in UN Peace Operations,(Oxford University Press,2002);该著作由斯德哥尔摩国际和平研究所2002年出版,在书中作者对”Peace Operation”的概念进行了界定,将其描述为联合国所进行所有包括军事人员在内的行动,无论是传统维和行动,扩大化的维和行动还是人道主义行动或执行行动。使用该术语是为了避免在传统或非传统维和中作出区别,抑或是区分执行行动自然行使还是有意为之。
    ①Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, SIPRI Yearbook2001[R],http://books.sipri.org/product_info?c_product_id=9.
    ①参见安南:《和平纲领》,UN A/47/277-S/24111(1992年6月17日,http://www.un.org/chinese/aboutun/sg/report/hpgl.htm#世局
    ④UN A/RES/49/57,http://daccess-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N95/768/00/IMG/N9576800.pdf?OpenElement
    ①Ademola Abass,“The Security Council and the Challenges of Collective Security in the21th Century: WhatRole for African Regional Organizations?” in Douglas Lewis(ed), Global Governance and the Quest forJustice,Volume1(Oxford, Hart Publishing, forthcoming).
    ③Ademola Abass, The New Collective Security Mechanism of ECOWAS: Innovations and Problems, Journal ofConflict and Security Law,Vol.5, NO.2,2000,p.211.
    ①联合国安理会峰会于1992年1月31日在纽约举行,上述讲话摘自本次峰会的会议记录。参见:UN SCOR,Supp.47, Jan-March, UN Doc S/23500(1992), pp.51-52.
    ②UN S/PRST/2010/14,2010年7月16日,http://www.un.org/chinese/aboutun/prinorgs/sc/sdoc/2010/sprst14.html
    ②Sonnenfeld, Resolutions of the UN Security Council (1988), p.103.
    ①CSCE Helsiniki Document1992: The Challenges of Change,9-10July,1992, http://www.osce.org/
    ②Andrea Kathryn Talentino, Military Intervention after the Cold War: The Evolution of Theory and Practice,
    Centre of International Studies, Ohio University,2005, p.26.
    ①Jane Bouledn ed, Dealing with Conflict in Africa: The United Nations and Regional Organizations, p.3.
    ②M.Koskenniemi,‘The Place of Law in Collective Security’(1996)17Michigan Journal if International Law455-460,在这篇文章中,作者认为联合国集体安全体制的第一个问题就是安理会臭名昭著的选择性。
    ③联合国秘书长1991年报告,UN GAOR,46THSession, Supp No.1, at3, UN Doc A/461/1(1991).
    ⑤UN Doc S/RES/918,17May1994.
    ①UN Doc S/RES/929,22June1994.
    ②关于联合国在卢旺达问题上表现的评论可参见:McCoubrey and Morris, Regional Peacekeeping in the ColdWar Era (The Hague, Kluwer Law International,2000), pp.132-134.
    ③GRAY,”International law and the use of force”(2008), p.381
    ④《中非合作论坛北京峰会举行记者招待会———中国、埃塞俄比亚、埃及外长就峰会等问题回答中外记者提问》,2006年11月5日,参见外交部网站:http://www. fmprc. gov. cn/chn/zxxx/t278875. htm,2008年6月1日访问。
    〔8〕《中国外交政策》,2006年8月24日,参见外交部网站:ht2cn/chn/zxxx/t278875. htm,2008年6月1日访问。第8页。
    ①1993Annual Register425;1993UNYB304.
    ③Secretary-General`s Report on the Enhancement of African Peacekeeping Capacity,S/1999/171;and SCRes1625(2005) Declaration on strengthening the effective of the SC`s role in conflict prevention, particularly inAfrica.
    ⑥UN doc A/60/L.1(2005) para93.
    ⑦UN doc A/61/630, annex(2006).
    ①Abass,” The UN, the AU and the Darfur crisis”, Netherlands International Law Review(2007), p.416.
    ②苏丹政府,苏丹解放运动组织(the Sudan Liberation Movement)和正义和平等运动(the Justice andEquality Movement)之间缔结了协定(Abuja Protocol on the Improvement of the Humanitarian Situation inDarfur),2004年11月;AU Press Release,21December2004; SC Res1564(2004).
    ③SC Res1556,1564(2004),SC Res1590(2005)
    ①CSCE Helsinki Document1992: The Challenge of change, available athttp://www.osce.org/mc/39530?download=true.
    ④关于格鲁吉亚冲突的资料和分析可参见:Neil MacFarlane,“The CIS and The OSCE in Georgia`s Wars”, inThomas Weiss(ed), Beyond Subcontracting:Task-Sharing with Regional Security Arrangements andService-Providing NGOs (Basingstoke, Macmillan,1998), pp.115-136,120.
    ⑤Neil MacFarlane,“The CIS and The OSCE in Georgia`s Wars”, in Thomas Weiss(ed), BeyondSubcontracting:Task-Sharing with Regional Security Arrangements and Service-Providing NGOs (Basingstoke,Macmillan,1998), pp.119.
    ①OSCE Handbook1996(Vienna, OSCE,1996), p.21.
    ③UN Doc S/RES/858,24August1993.
    ④Neil MacFarlane,“The CIS and The OSCE in Georgia`s Wars”, in Thomas Weiss(ed), BeyondSubcontracting:Task-Sharing with Regional Security Arrangements and Service-Providing NGOs (Basingstoke,Macmillan,1998),p.122.
    ⑤UN Doc S/RES/937,21July1994.
    ②Protocol to Agreement on a Cease-Fire and Separation of Forces, mimeograph,引自Neil MacFarlane,“TheCIS and The OSCE in Georgia`s Wars” in Thomas Weiss(ed), Beyond Subcontracting:Task-Sharing with RegionalSecurity Arrangements and Service-Providing NGOs (Basingstoke, Macmillan,1998),p.125.
    ③UN Dos S/RES/853,29July1993.
    ④UN Dos S/RES/822,30April1993.
    ①Dr. Thierry Tardy, Limits and Opportunities of UN-EU Relations in Peace Operation: Implications for DPKO,Geneva Centre for Security Policy, September2003.http://pbpu.unlb.org/pupb/view/viewdocument.aspx?id=2&docid=591.转引自梁文敏:《冷战后冲突干预的欧盟模式:动力、特点与影响因素》,复旦大学2008级硕士论文,第42页。
    ③Wolfgang Wagner, The Diplomatic Legitimacy of European Security and Defense Policy,Institute for SecurityStudies, Occasional Paper, April2007,p.57.
    ①Press Release Library/Miscellaneous, Brussels(11-12-1999)-Nr00300/1/99.See alsohttp://www.weu.int/eng/about.htm.
    ②Feira European Council: The Report on Strengthening the Common European Security and Defense Policy,http://eu.int/pecs/military/en/Feira.htm.
    ②关于本次冲突的详细背景介绍可参见:David Malone, Decision-Making in the UN Security Conflict: the Caseof Haiti,1990-1997(Oxford, Oxford University Press,1998).
    ③UNGA R/46/7,11October1991.
    ⑤UN Doc S/RES/814,16June1993.
    ⑧UN Doc S/RES/861,27August1993; UN Doc S/RES/873,13October1993.
    ①UN Doc S/RES/940,31July1994.
    ①UN Doc S/RES/713,25September,1991.
    ②UN Doc S/RES/757,30May1992.
    ③UN Doc S/RES/787,16Nov.1992, Para12.
    ④参见Rosalyn Higgins,“Peace and Security:Achievement and Failures”,European Journal of InternationalLaw,Vol.6,1995, P.445.
    ⑤UN Doc S/RES/816,31March1993.
    ⑥UN Doc S/RES/743,21February1992.
    ①NATO resolution on “Recasting Euro-Atlantic Security”, NATO Doc AR295SA (1998).
    ③UN Doc S/RES/1031,15December1995.
    ①Lauterpacht in his Foreword in Weller (ed), Regional Peacekeeping and International Enforcement:The LiberiaCrisis, Cambridge International Law Series vol.6,(Cambridge University Press1994), p.ix.
    ②Monica Hakimi,“To Condone or Condemn: Regional Enforcement Action in the Absence of Security CouncilAuthorization”, Vand. J.Trans. L,Vol.40, pp.643-647,(2007).
    ④Malcolm N. Shaw, International Law (4thEdition), Cambridge University Press,1997, p.882.
    ①James E Hickey,“Challenges to Security Council Monopoly Power over The Use of Force in EnforcementActions: The Case of Regional Organizations,” International Legal Theory,Vol.10(Spring2004), p.114.
    ②UNCIO, Report of Mr. Paul-boncour, Rapporteur on Chapter VIII, Section B. Documents881, p.2.
    ①John F Murphy,“Force and Arms’” in Christopher Joyner(ed), the United Nations and International Law
    (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press,1999), pp.97-98.
    ③ND White and R Cryer,“Unilateral Enforcement of Resolution of687: A Threat of Too Far?”, CaliforniaWestern International Law Journal Vol.29,1999,p.243.
    ④Oscar Schachter in Christopher Joyner(ed), the United Nations and International Law (Cambridge, CambridgeUniversity Press,1999) p.10.
    ⑤D Ciobanu, Preliminary Objective Related to the Jurisdiction of the United Nations Political Organs (TheHague, Martinus Nijhoff,1975) p.50.
    ⑥UN Doc S/RES/688,5April,1991.
    ⑦UN Doc S/RES841,13October1993.
    ①UN Doc S/RES/940,31July1993.
    ②Nicole Itano,“Ivory Coast tests African Union”, Christian Science Monitor,7October2002, http://www.csmonitor.com/2002/1007/p0601-woaf.html.
    ③Revised Treaty of ECOWAS,(as amended by the Revised treaty),24thJuly1993, International Legal Materials(1996), p.660.
    ①AHG/Decl4(XXXVI), Conference on Security, Stability, Development and Cooperation in Africa8-9, May2000, Abuja, Nigeria, Principle k.
    ③具体分析可参见: Abass,“The New Collective Security Mechanism of ECOWAS: Innovations and Problems”,Journal of Conflict and Security, Vol.5, NO.2,p.211.
    ④HG Schermers and NM Blokkers, International Institutional Law,(The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,3rdedn,1995), pp.59-62.
    ①Ademola Abass and Mashood Baderin,“Towards Effective Collective Security and Human Rights Protection inAfrica: An Assessment of the Constitutive Act of the New African Union”,(2002), XLIX NetherlandsInternational Law Review1.
    ③该段话引自学者Abass就关于非洲联盟与联合国之间关系问题与Sam Ibok大使之间的谈话,参见AdemolaAbass, Regional Organizations and the Development of Collective Security: Beyond Chapter VIII of the UNCharter,(Hart Publishing,2004), p.166.
    ②该意见同样引自学者Abass在2000年时与Roger Laloupo的谈话,参见同上注。
    ③J Cilliers,“The Evolving Security Architecture in Southern Africa”, African Security Review,Vol.4,1995, p.40.
    ④UN Doc S/1999/815.
    ①UN Doc S/RES/1316,23August2000.
    ②IRIN, DRC,24August2000.
    ⑤Peter Malanczuk, Humanitarian Intervention and the Legitimacy of the Use of Force, Het spinhuis,1993, p.19.
    ①International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty, The Responsibility to Protect, at xi(2001),http://www.iciss.ca/pdf/Commission-Report.pdf.
    ①Reisman,“Coercion and Self-determination: Construing Charter Article2(4)”, American Journal ofInternational Law, Vol.78,1984, p.642; Reisman,“Sovereignty and Human Rights in Contemporary InternationalLaw”, American Journal of International Law, Vol.84,(1990),p.866; D Amato,“The Invasion of Panama was aLawful Response to Tyranny”, American of International Law, Vol.84,(1990), p.516; Teson, HumanitarianIntervention: An Inquiry into Law and Morality (2ndedn,1997).
    ②Christine Gray, International Law and the Use of Force(2ndedn,2004), Oxford University Press, p.50.
    ③S/PV2902; SC Res940(1996).
    ①ECOWAS Doc A/SP3/5/81.
    ③Ademola Abass,“The New Collective Security Mechanism of ECOWAS: Innovations and Problems”, Journalof Conflict and Security, Vol.5, NO.2,2000.
    ①The ECOWAS Conflict Prevention Framework, Section VII, Article.40, Regulation MSC/REG.1/01/08,http://www.ecowas.int/publications/en/framework/ECPF_final.pdf
    ②Max A Sesay,“Civil War and Collective Intervention in Libria,” Review of African Political Economy, Vol.67,(1996), p.37.
    ②Gray,“Regional Arrangements and the United Nations”, in Fox(ed.), The Changing Constitution of the UnitedNations(1998), p.91.
    ①Max A. Sesay,“Civil War and Collective Intervention in Liberia”, Review of African Political Economy, Vol.23,Issue67,(Mar.,1996),p.41.
    ③Gray,”International law and the use of force”(2008), p.392.
    ②Ramsbotham and Woodhouse,‘Encyclopaedia of International Peacekeeping Operations’,(California,ABC-CLIO,1999).
    ③类似观点参见: Kofi Oteng Kufor,“The Legality of the Intervention in the Liberian Civil War by the EconomicCommunity of the West African States”, African Journal of International and Comparative Law, Vol.5,1993,p.525; Christine Gray, International Law and the Use of Force (Oxford University Press),2008,p.237.
    ④UN S/Res788,19November,1992.
    ⑤SC Res866(1993).
    ①联合国秘书长在解释联利观察团任务的性质时如此阐述“联合国在实施科托努和平协议上所预见的作用基于以下的假设,即西非维和部队将在利比里亚各方赋予其权力的范围内承担广泛的任务”。参见联合国秘书长关于利比里亚问题的报告,UN Doc S/26422.
    ②UN Doc S/1995/158;1994United Nations Yearbook371.
    ④Final Report of the Secretary-General on UNOMIL, S/1997/712para5; Report of the Secretary–GeneralS/2003/875para3.
    ⑤UN Doc S/RES/866adopted at its3281stmtg,22September1993.
    ①UN S/Res788,19November,1992.
    ①Matchet`s Diary,“Bundu on new ECOWAS Imposes Peace”, West Africa Magazine,1-7February,1993.
    ②K Whiteman,“Towards Peace in Liberia”, West Africa Magazine,26November-2December1990, p.2895.
    ③UN S/PV.2974,22January1991, p.8.
    ④Gilbert da Costa,“Fresh Impetus for Peace”, West Africa Magazine,16-22November1992, p.1968.
    ①Georg Nolte,“Restoring Peace by Regional Action: International Legal Aspects of the Liberian Conflict”,Heidelberg Journal of International Law, p.614.
    ③Akehurst,“Enforcement Action by Regional Agencies, with special reference to the Organization of AmericanStates”, British Yearbook of International Law(1967), p.175.
    ①Kofi Oteng Kufuor,“The Legality of The Intervention in The Liberian Civil War by The Economic Communityof West African States”, RADIC,Vol.5,(1994),p.527.
    ②《卜拉希米报告》,UN S/2000/809,“对维持和平原则及战略的影响”下第48条,第7页。
    ①Africa Research Bulletin,15September1990,9802.
    ②该数据引自于:Monrovia interview,August1994.
    ③Georg Nolte,“Restoring Peace by Regional Action: International Legal Aspects of the Liberian Conflict”,Heidelberg Journal of International Law, p.614.
    ⑤Eric G. Berman and Katie E. Sams,“The Peacekeeping Potential of African Regional Organizations”, in JaneBoulden, Dealing With Conflict in Africa: The United Nations and Regional Organizations, published by PalgraveIacmillan,2003, p.43.
    ①Ugo Villani, The Security Council`s Authorization of Enforcement Action by Regional Organizations, MaxPlanck Yearbook of UN Law, Vol.6,2002, p.544.
    ②Christine M. Chinkin,“Kosovo: A Good or Bad War”, American Journal of International Law, Vol.93,NO.4,p.841.
    ①North Atlantic Council (Heads and Government),“The Alliance`s New Strategic Concept”, Rome,7-8November1991, p.8.
    ②NATO,Final Communique (Ministerial Meeting)[J].Oslo,4June1992, sect.11.
    ⑤“The Alliance`s Strategic Concept”, NATO Press Release NAC-S(99)65,24Apr.1999, http://www.iac.rm.cnr.it/-spweb/documenti/nato-sc-original.pdf.
    ①NATO,“The Alliance’s Strategic Concept”,Washington,1999.p.32转引自师会娜:《冷战后北约的变化及其未来走向》,载《法制与社会》2009年第9期,第31页。
    ①NATO,“Active Engagement, Modern Defense-Strategic Concept for the Defense and Security of the Membersof the North Atlantic Treaty Organization”, adopted by the Heads of State and Government in Lisbon,http://www.nato.int/cps/en/SID-92726962-720EF3F1/natolive/official_texts_68580.htm.
    ①Eric, The NorthAtlantic Treaty, the Brussels Treaty and the Charter of the United Nations, The AmericanJournal of International Law, Vol.44(1950),p.795.
    ③Ademola Abass, Regional Organizations and the Development of Collective Security: Beyond Chapter VIII ofthe UN Charter, Hart Publishing,2004,p.38.
    ④Legality of Use of Force(Yugoslavia v. Belgium), International Court of Justice(ICJ), Press Communique No99/17(29April,1999).
    ①Nigel White, The Legality of Bombing in the Name of Humanity, Journal of Conflict and Security Law,Vol.5,NO.1, p.27.
    ③Alan Henrikson,“The Growth of Regional Organizations and the Role of United Nations”, in Louise Fawcettand Andrew Hurrel (eds), Regionalism in World Politics: Regional Organizations and International Order (Oxford,Oxford University Press,1995), p.131.
    ④Chtistine Gray, International Law and the Use of Force.(Oxford, Oxford University Press,2000),p.206.
    ⑤H Kelsen, Is the North Atlantic Treaty a Regional Arrangement?, American Journal of International Law,Vol.45,1951, p.165..
    ⑥Blokker&Muller, NATO as the UN Security Council`s Instrument, Leiden Journal of International Law Vol.9,pp.417-421,1996.
    ⑦UN S/RES/816,31March,1993.
    ①事实上,北约早在1992年12月时就表示准备对联合国的行动进行协助。在一封北约秘书长代表成员国给联合国的信中,写到“我们现在确定我们联盟已做好提供支持的准备,跟胡各个案例的不同情况以及遵守本组织程序的基础上,支持在联合国权威之下的维持和平行动,安理会在维护国际和平与安全方面负有主要的责任。一旦联合国秘书长提出寻求联盟的支持来实现安理会决议的动议,我们将作出积极和正面的回应。”参见Final Communique, Ministerial Meeting of the NorthAtlantic Council, NATO Headquarters,Brussels,17December1992.
    ③H Kelsen, Is the North Atlantic Treaty a Regional Arrangement? American Journal of International Law,Vol.45,1951, p.165..
    ①UN S/RES/1160,31March,1998.
    ③UN S/RES/1199(1998),23Sept.1998.
    ④UN S/RES/1203(1998),24Oct.1998.
    ①Ruth Wedgwood,“NATO`s Campaign in Yugoslavia”, The American Journal of International Law, Vol.93,NO.4(Oct.,1999),p.829.
    ②Secretary-General`s Statement on NATO military action against Yugoslavia, M2Presswire, Mar.25,1999,available in LEXIS, Market Library, Iacnws File.
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    ③C. H. M. Waldock, p.493页,沃尔多克教授认为,根据《联合国宪章》,为获取伤害补偿的武装报复或作为国家政策工具的任何武装干涉,除了自卫之外,都是非法的。转引自黄瑶,第40页。
    ⑥Louis Henkin, How Nations Behave: Law and Foreign Policy, P.135.
    ①Ademola Abass, Regional Organizations and the Development of Collective Security: Beyond Chapter VIII ofthe UN Charter, Hart Publishing,2004, p.183.
    ②Louis Henkin, International Law: Politics and Value, Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1995,P.113.
    ⑥关于该问题的讨论可参见:Ian Brownlie, International Law and the Use of Force by States,(Oxford ClarendonPress,1963); Derek Bowett, Self-Defense in International Law (Manchester, Manchester University Press,1958).
    ④R. Russell, A History of the United Nations Charter,1958, P.465.
    ②Oscar Schachter,“Coercion and Self-Determination: Constructing Charter2(4)”, American Journal ofInternational Law,Vol.78,1984,p.642.
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    ⑤James Crawford, The Creation of States in International Law (Oxford Clarendon Press,1976).
    ⑥GA Christenson,“The World Court and jus Cogens”, American Journal of International Law,Vol.81,1987,p93.
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    ⑧Natalino Ronzitti,“Use of Force, Jus Cogens and State Consent” in A Cassese(ed), The Current LegalRegulation of the Use of Force (Dordrecht, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1986), pp.147-149.
    ⑨Nicaragua Case (Case Concerning Military and Paramilitary Activities in and Against Nicaragua) ICJ Reports99, at Para.187et sep.
    ①Nicaragua case, ICJ Reports,1986, para.187.
    ②Nicaragua case, ICJ Reports,1986, para.187.
    ③Nicaragua case, ICJ Reports,1986, para.186.
    ④Ian Brown,“The United Nations Charter and The Use of Force(1945-1985)”, in A Cassese, ed. The CurrentLegal Regulation of the Use of Force,(Dordrecht, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1986),P.493.
    ⑤Nicaragua case, ICJ Reports,1986, para.187.
    ②Nicaragua case, ICJ Reports,1986, para.187.
    ⑤Christenson GA,“The World Court and Jus Cogens”, American Journal of International Law Vol.81,1987, p.96.
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    ②Charles de Visscher, Theories et realites en droit international (4thedn,1970),295-296,转引自Brownlie, p.154.
    ③参见《国家责任条文草案》,UN A/CN.4/517/Add.1.
    ⑥Yoram Dinstein, War, Aggression and Self-Defense (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press,3rdedn,2001),84et seq.
    ②Paragraph (1) of Commentary of the Commission to Article50of its draft Articles on the Law of Treaties,(1966)II International Law Commission Yearbook at247.
    ①Natalino Ronzitti,“Use of Force, Jus Cogens and State Consent”in A Cassese(ed), The Current LegalRegulation of the Use of Force (Dordrecht, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1986),p.153.
    ②Natalino Ronzitti,“Use of Force, Jus Cogens and State Consent” in A Cassese(ed), The Current LegalRegulation of the Use of Force (Dordrecht, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1986),p.150.
    ③Ademola Abass, Regional Organizations and the Development of Collective Security: Beyond Chapter VII of theUN Charter, pp.197-201.
    ①Nicaragua case, ICJ Reports,1986, para.188.
    ①Yoram Dinstein, War, Aggression and Self-Defense (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press,3rdedn,2001),p.82.
    ①在文本的第二章中对“敌对国条款”有过详细的阐述,并得出结论认为有关内容已经过时。此外可参见Bruno Simma,“NATO, The UN and the Use of Force: Legal Aspects”, European Journal of InternationalLaw,Vol.10,1999,p.3.
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