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The War of the Pacific is a regional war between Chile and Peru-Bolivia Union in1879-1883, It was one of the most important events in the history of Latin America in the19th century. In order to get the rich nitrates resources of the Pacific coast, two sides had a fierce competition, finally Chile won. Before the war, United States's political and economic influence in South America is relatively weak, the outbreak of the War of the Pacific offered an opportunity for the United States to expand in the region. Although the United States is not a direct warring party, it has been the most active external force in the war. In order to dominate the Western Hemisphere and pursue national interests as far as possible, under the guidance of the Monroe Doctrine, three United States governments took different policies in different stages of the war, and it's effect can not be ignored. After the war outbreak, as the Secretary of State of Hayes administration, Evarts declared neutral, wishing to safeguard United States interests, at the same time, by emphasizing the belligerent rights against European powers. Since then, the policy of the United States has experienced a shift, first offer good offices secretly and then publicly, the Arica Conference was the peak of such activities. Considering the Chile's victory may bring the expansion of Europe especially Britain in South America, President Garfield's Secretary of State Blaine began to take the policy of "back Peru, restrain Chile", interfered the negotiations in the Pan-American slogans and against Chile annex Peruvian territory. To this end, Blaine sent a special envoy to South America, and even threated to use force. After he resigned, Frelinghuysen became the new Secretary of State of Arthur Cabinet. He maintained interference in the affair, but gave up Blaine's hard-line policy. Instead, he turned to a "middle-line" policy, with intent to persuade Chile giving up her territorial claims and avoiding irritate her at the same time. But finally, all these mediation activities of the United States ended in failure.
     Based on19th century American diplomatic archives, this paper reviewed the United States's policy towards War of the Pacific, and drew the conclusions that: Although the policies of three United States governments were quite different, all of them stemed from the Monroe Doctrine; In the period of expansion from land to ocean, the Monroe Doctrine in South America became "active" increasingly, and the United States's policy towards War of the Pacific reflected the emergence of new characteristics of Monroe Doctrine; War of the Pacific and other subsequent events in U.S.-Latin American relations proved that the United States had never given up control Latin America by interfering, which was an important reason for the formation development gap between the United States and Latin America.
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    ④ 姜杰:《论布莱恩的泛美主义思想》,山东师范大学硕士学位论文,2009。
    ⑤ Difficulty between Chile, on the one hand, and Peru and Bolivia on the other Philadelphia, Times Print. House, 1881.
    ⑥ Victor M. Maurtua. Federico Alfonso Pezet, The Question of the Pacific, New York:Harper &Brothers,1910.
    ① Gonzalo Bulnes, Chile and Peru:the causes of the war in 1879, Santiago de Chile:Imprenta Universitaria, 1920.
    ② Francisco Rivas Vicuna,Chile and Peru, a history of the disputes between the two republics, Kobe:"Japan Chronicle" Office,1919.
    ③ Clements R. Markham, The War between Peru and Chile,1879-1882..London, Edinburgh:Sampson Low, Marston, And Company, Limited.1920.
    ④ Charles de Varigny, La Guerra del Pacifico, Santiago de Chile:Imprenta Cervantes,1922; Rafael Egana, The tacna and arica question, Santiago de Chile:Barcelona Printing and Lithographical office,1900;Theodorus B. M. Mason, The War on the Pacific Coast of South America between Chile and the Allied Republics of Peru and Bolivia.1879-1881.Washington:Government Printing Office,1885.
    ① Edward Henry Strobel, Mr Blaine and His Foreign Policy, Boston:Pubished by H. W. Hall,1884.
    ② Thomas H. Talbot, The Proudest chapter in his life, Mr. Blaine's Administration of the State Department. His conduct of South American Affairs, Boston:Cupples, Upham and Company,1884.
    ③ Theron Clark Crawford, James G. Blaine:A Study of His Life and Career, Philadelphia:Edgewood Publishing Co.1893.
    ④ Charles Wolcott Balestier, James G Blaine, A Sketch of His Life with A Brief Record of the Life of John A. Logan, New York:R. Worthington,1884.
    ⑤ Russell H. Conwell, The Life and Public Services of James G. Blaine, Hartford:S. S. Scranton & Co.,1884.
    ① Herbert Milington, American Diplomacy and the War of the Pacific, New York:Octagon Books,1975.
    ② David M. Pletcher,The Awkward Years:American Foreign Relations Under Garfield and Arthur, Columbia: University of Missouri Press,1961.
    ① VictorG.Kiernan, "Foreign Interests in the War of the Pacific",The Hispanic American Historical Review,Vol.35, No.l(Feb.,1955),pp.14-36.
    ② Joseph Smith, Illusions of Conflict:Anglo-American Diplomacy toward Latin America,1865-1896, Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press,1979.
    ③ Fredrick B. Pike, Chile and United States,1880-1962:The Emergence of Chile s Social Crisis and the Challenge to United States Diplomacy. Notre dame:University of Notre dame Press,1963.
    ① Lawrence A. Clayton, Peru and the United States:The Condor and The Eagle, Athens:The University of Georgia Press,1999.
    ② Ronald Bruce St John, The foreign policy of Peru. Boulder:Lynne Rienner Publishers,1992.
    ③ William F Sater, Chile and United States:Empire in conflict, Athens:The University of Georgia Press,1990.
    ④ Jason Zorbas, Misstep and U-turn:The Influence of Domestic Politics on America's Chilean Policy during the War of the Pacific, Thesis(M.A.), Laurentian University, Canada,2000.
    ⑤ David Healy, James G Blaine and Latin America, Columbia:University of Missouri Press,2001.
    ① Senate Executive Document, No.79,47th Congress,1st Session, "Papers Relating to the'War of the Pacific'' (Senate Doc.79), Washington D.C.:Government Printing Office,1882.
    ② Senate Executive Document, No.181,47th Congress,1st Session, "Trescot Mission" (Senate Doc.181), Washington D.C.:Government Printing Office,1882.
    ③ Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States,1882, Washington:Government Printing Office,1883; Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States,1883, Washington:Government Printing Office,1884.
    ④ James G Blaine, Political Discussions:Legislative, Diplomatic, and Popular,1856-1886,, Norwich:The Henry Bill Publishing Company,1887.
    ① Gonzalo Bulnes, Chile and Pent:the causes of the war in 1879, pp.3-4.
    ② Victor M. Maurtua, Federico Alfonso Pezet, The Question of the Pacific, p.17.
    ① Herbert Millington, American Diplomacy and the War of the Pacific, p.18.
    ① Herbert Millington, American Diplomacy and the War of the Pacific, pp.18-24; Bruce W. Farcau, The Ten Cents War:Chile, Peru, and Bolivia in the War of the Pacific,1879-1884, Westport:Praeger Publishers,2000,pp.3641;林被甸、董经胜:《拉丁美洲史》,北京:人民出版社,2000年版,第251-252页。
    ② William F. Sater, Andean Tragedy, Fighting the War of the Pacific,1879-1884, Lincoln:University of Nebraska Press,2007, p.19.
    ① Osborn to Evarts, February 20,1879, No.83, Senate Doc.79, p.74.
    ② South Pacific Times, March 11,1879, Inclosure 1 in No.317, Gibbs to Evarts, March 12,1879, Senate Doc.79, pp.200-201.
    ③ South Pacific Times, March 18,1879, Inclosure 1 in No.322, Gibbs to Evarts, March 19,1879, Senate Doc.79, p202.
    ① Robert N. Burr, By Reason or Force, Chile and the Balancing Power in South America,1830-1905, Berkeley: University of California Press,1974, pp.22-23.
    ② D.博埃斯内尔:《拉丁美洲国际关系简史》,第108-110页。
    ② Herbert Millington, American Diplomacy and the War of the Pacific, p.11.
    ① Ronald Bruce St John. The Fareion Pnlirv of Peru. n.61.
    ② Herbert Millington, American Diplomacy and the War of the Pacific, p.20.
    ③ Ronald Bruce St John, The Foreign Policy of Peru, p.98.
    ④ South Pacific Times, April 8,1879, Inclosure 5 in No.329, Gibbs to Evarts, April 8,1879, Senate Doc.79, pp.208-210.
    ① Gibbs to Evarts, February 26,1879, No.314, Senate Doc.79, p.198.
    ② Gibbs to Evarts, March 5,1879, No.316, Senate Doc.79, p.198.
    ③ Victor M. Maurtua、Federico Alfonso Pezet, The Question of the Pacific, p.49.
    ① Victor M. Maurtua, Federico Alfonso Pezet, The Question of the Pacific, pp.49-50.
    ② New York Herald, June 16,1879, p.3.
    ③ Victor M. Maurtua. Federico Alfonso Pezet, The Question of the Pacific, pp.52-53.
    ① Godoy to Irigoyen, March 17,1879, Inclosure 2 in No.329, Gibbs to Evarts, April 8,1879, Senate Doc.79, pp.204-205.
    ② Irigoyen to Godoy, March 21,1879, Inclosure 2 in No.329, Gibbs to Evarts, April 8,1879, Senate Doc.79, pp.205-206.
    ③ Victor M. Maurtua、Federico Alfonso Pezet, The Question of the Pacific, p.54.
    ④ Victor M. Maurtua、Federico Alfonso Pezet, The Question of the Pacific, pp.55-56.
    ⑤ Herbert Millington, American Diplomacy and the War of the Pacific, p.26.
    ⑥ Inclosure 3 in No.329, Gibbs to Evarts, April 8,1879, Senate Doc.79, p.206; Osbom to Evarts, April 4,1879, No.88, ibid., p.76; Inclosure in No.89, Osborn to Evarts, April 4,1879, ibid.,p.77.
    ① Lawrence A. Clayton, Peru and the United States:the Condor and the Eagle, p.23.
    ② William F. Sater, Chile and the United States:Empires in Conflict, p.16,20-21.
    ① Lawrence A. Clayton, Peru and the United States:the Condor and the Eagle, pp.34-36.
    ② J. Fred Rippy, "Henry Meiggs, Yankee Railroad Builder", in Lewis Hanke ed., History of Latin American Civilization,2nd Edition, Boston, Little, Brown and Company,1973, pp.185-186.
    ① Gibbs to Evarts, February 19,1879,No.311, Confidential,Senate Doc.79, pp.195-197; Osborn to Evarts, February 20,1879, No.83, ibid., pp.73-74.
    ② Gibbs to Evarts, March 12,1879, No.317, Senate Doc.79, p.200.
    ① Osborn to Evarts, April 3,1879, No.86, Senate Doc.79, p.75.
    ② Evarts to Christiancy, April 9,1879, No.4, Senate Doc.79, p.211.
    ① 公告全文参见Manifesto of the Chilian Government to the Representatives of Friendly Powers, with Reference to the Declaration of War against Peru, Inclosure in No.92, Osborn to Evarts, April 19,1879, Senate Doc.79, pp.78-83; Inclosure in Tracy to Evarts, June 24,1879, ibid.,pp.229-236.
    ② Seward to Osborn, May 29,1879, No.63, Senate Doc.79, p.86.
    ① Gibbs to Evarts, April 2,1879, No.326, Senate Doc.79, p.203.
    ② Christiancy to Evarts, April 29,1879, No.7, Senate Doc.79, pp.216-217.
    ① Christiancy to Evarts, May 12,1879, No.13, Senate Doc.79,p.220.
    ② Evarts to Sherman, June 18,1879, Sherman to Evarts June24,1879, Inclosure in No.13, Evarts to Pettis, June 25,1879, Senate Doc.79, pp.2-3.
    ③ Evarts to Pettis, June 23,1879, No.12, Senate Doc.79, p.1.
    ④ Evarts to Christiancy, June 26,1879, No.24, Senate Doc.79, pp.237-238.
    ⑤ 王玮、戴超武:《美国外交思想史:1775-2005年》,第40页。
    ① 亦称巴拉主战争。
    ② William F. Sater, Chile and the United States:Empires in Conflict, p.19; Thomas M. Leonard ed., United States-Latin American Relations,1850-1903, Tuscaloosa:The University of Alabama Press,1999, pp.236-239.
    ① Evarts to Christiancy, June 18,1879, No.20, Senate Doc.79, pp.227-228.
    ② Stanbery to Seward, August 31,1879, Inclosure in No.20, Evarts to Christiancy, June 18,1879, Senate Doc.79, p.228.
    ① Pettis to Evarts,June 28,1879,No.15,Senate Doc.79,p.3.
    ① Inclosure in No.15, Pettis to Evarts, June 28,1879, No.15, Senate Doc.79, p.4.
    ② Pettis to Evarts, July 2,1879, No.16, Senate Doc.79, p.4.
    ③ Osborn to Evarts, August 9,1879, No.110, Senate Doc.79, p.92.
    ① Christiancy to Pettis, July 9,1879, Inclosure 1 in No.36, Christiancy to Evarts, July 20,1879, Senate Doc.79, p.244.
    ② Christiancy to Evarts, July 20,1879, No.36, Senate Doc.79, p.242.
    ③ Christiancy to Evarts, July 20,1879, No.36, Senate Doc.79, pp.242-243; Pettis to Evarts, August 23,1879, No, 22, Senate Doc.79, p.10.
    ① Pettis to Evarts, August 23,1879, No.22, Senate Doc.79, p.12.
    ② Victor M. Maurtua、Federico Alfonso Pezet, The Question of the Pacific, pp.69-70.
    ③ Osbom to Evarts, August 9,1879, No.l 10, Senate Doc.79, p.93.
    ④ Memorandum of basis for pease, Inclosure 1 in No.112, Osborn to Evarts, August 16,1879, Senate Doc.79, p.95.
    ⑤ Pettis to Evarts, August 23,1879, No.22, Senate Doc.79, p.12.
    ① Pettis to Evarts, August 23,1879, No.22, Senate Doc.79, p.13.
    ② Response sent by Hunaeus, Inclosure 2 in No.112, Osborn to Evarts, August 16,1879, Senate Doc.79, p.96.
    ③ Herbert Millington, American Diplomacy and the War of the Pacific, p.60.
    ④ Seward to Pettis, August 18,1879, No.21, Senate Doc.79, p.6.
    ⑤ Christiancy to Evarts, July 20,1879, No.36, Senate Doc.79, p.243.
    ⑥ Osborn to Evarts, August 9,1879, No.110, Senate Doc.79, p.94.
    ① Christiancy to Evarts, August 12,1879, Private and Confidential, Senate Doc.79, pp.256-257.
    ② Osborn to Evarts, August 16,1879, No.112. Senate Doc.79, pp.94-95.
    ③ Intervention of the Yankee Government, Inclosure 1 in No.49, Christiancy to Evarts, September 2,1879, Senate Doc.79, pp.265-266.
    ① Evarts to Pettis, September 19,1879, No.25, Senate Doc.79, p.17.
    ② Hunter to Pettis, October 1,1879, No.26, Senate Doc.79, p.20.
    ③ Pettis to Evarts, August 23,1879, No.22, Senate Doc.79, p.14.
    ① Herbert Millington, American Diplomacy and the War of the Pacific, p.61.
    ① Fisher to Seward, October 9,1879, No.5, Senate Doc.79, p.614.
    ② Evarts to Fisher, June 6,1879, Senate Doc.79, p.601.
    ① Fisher to Evarts, July 30,1879, Senate Doc.79, pp.602-603; Fisher to Seward, October 9,1879, No.5, Senate Doc.79, p.615.
    ② Fisher to Seward, AugustI4,1879, No.4, Personal, Senate Doc.79, p.611
    ③ Fisher to seward, Octoder 9, 1879,No.5,Senate Doc./y, p.616.
    ① Fisher to McCook, October 31,1879, Inclosure in Fisher to Hunter, December 26,1879, Senate Doc.79, pp.618-621.
    ② Fisher to Hunter, February 27,1880, Senate Doc.79, p.624.
    ① Fisher to Hunter, October 22; 1880, Senate Doc.79, pp.625-626.
    ② Extract from South Pacific Times, July 22,1879, Inclosure 1 in No.37, Christiancy to Evarts, July 22,1879, Senate Doc.79, pp.245-246.
    ③ Christiancy to Evarts, July 22,1879, No.37, Senate Doc.79, p.245.
    ④ Seward to Christiancy, August 25,1879, No.36, Senate Doc.79, p.260.
    ⑤ Osbom to Evarts, August 16,1879, No.112, Senate Doc.79, pp.94-95.
    ⑥ Fisher to Seward, October 9,1879, No.5, Senate Doc.79, p.614-615.
    ① Pettis to Evarts, August 23,1879, Unofficial, Senate Doc.79, d.8.
    ② Fisher to Evarts, July 30,1879, Senate Doc.79, p.603.
    ① 李庆余、任李明、戴红霞:《美国外交传统及其缔造者》,第41页。
    ① Osborn to Evarts, July 24,1879, No.107, Senate Doc.79, p.90.
    ② Robert N. Burr, By Reason or Force:Chile and the Balancing of Power in South America,/830-/905,pp.86-88
    ③ Robert N. Burr, By Reason or Force:Chile and the Balancing of Power in South America,1830-1905, p.147.
    ④ Victor M. Maurtua, Federico Alfonso Pezet, The Question of the Pacific, p.67.
    ① Osborn to Christiancy, October 17,1879, Private, Senate Doc.79, p.97.
    ② Osborn to Evarts, July 24,1879, No.107, Senate Doc.79, pp.90-91.
    ③ Dichman to Evarts, June 20,1879, Inclosure in No.17, Evarts to Pettis, August 8,1879, Senate Doc.79, p.5.
    ④ Evarts to Pettis, August 8,1879, No.17, Senate Doc.79, pp.4-5; Evarts to Christiancy, August 8,1879, No.30 Ibid, pp.255-256; Evarts to Osborn, August 8,1879, Ibid. p.92.
    ⑤ Fisher to Seward, October 9,1879, No.5, Senate Doc.79, p.612.
    ① 参见Fisher to McCook, October 31,1879, Inclosure in Fisher to Hunter, December 26,1879, Senate Doc.79, pp.618-621.
    ② Osborn to Evarts, October 28,1879, No.120, Senate Doc.79, pp.98-99.
    ① 索尔(Sol),秘鲁在1863—1985年间使用的一种货币名称。
    ② (美)弗雷德里克·B·派克:《秘鲁近代史》,第255页。
    ③ David Healy, James G Blaine and Latin America, p.57.
    ① V.GKiernan, "Foreign Interests in the War of the Pacific", p.15.
    ② 李春辉:《拉丁炙洲史稿》上卷(一),北京:商务印书馆,1983年版,第217-218页。
    ③ (英)莱斯利·贝瑟尔主编:《剑桥拉丁美洲史》第三卷,第618页。
    ② Herbert Millington, American Diplomacy and the War of the Pacific, p.33.
    ⑤ (英)莱斯利·贝瑟尔主编:《剑桥拉丁美洲史》第三卷,第592页。
    ③ V.GKiernan, "Foreign Interests in the War of the Pacific", pp.16-17.
    ① V.G.Kieman, "Foreign Interests in the War of the Pacific", pp.15-17.
    ② V.G.Kiernan, "Foreign Interests in the War of the Pacific", p.15.
    ① Osborn to Evarts, July 24,1879, No.107, Senate Doc.79, p.91.
    ① V.G.Kiernan, "Foreign Interests in the War of the Pacific", p.18“亚拉巴马号事件”亦称“亚拉巴马”号索赔案,指的是美国内战期间,英国为南方同盟制造的“亚拉巴马”号巡洋舰在22个月时间里连续捕获、击沉及烧毁北方船只68艘,北方联邦为此向英国提出抗议并要求其做出赔偿。1872年经日内瓦国际法庭裁决,英国以黄金向美国支付赔款1550万美元。
    ② Joseph Smith, Illusions of Conflict:Anglo-American Diplomacy toward Latin America,1865-1896, p.60,227.
    ③ Osborn to Evarts, June 5,1879, No.100, Senate Doc.79, p.87.
    ① Joseph Smith, Illusions of Conflict:Anglo-American Diplomacy toward Latin America,1865-1896, p.61.
    ② Heraclio Bonilla," La dimension internacional de la Guerra del Pacifico", "Desarrollo Economico, Vol.19, No.73(Apr- Jun.,1979), p.82.
    ③ Joseph Smith, Illusions of Conflict:Anglo-American Diplomacy toward Latin America,1865-1896, pp.61-62.
    ④ Herbert Millington, American Diplomacy and the War of the Pacific, p.55.
    ⑤ Joseph Smith, Illusions of Conflict:Anglo-American Diplomacy toward Latin America,1865-1896, p.62.
    ⑥ Herbert Millington, American Diplomacy and the War of the Pacific, p.55.
    ⑦ Osborn to Evarts, June 5,1879, No.100, Senate Doc.79, p.87.
    ① Osboen to Evarts, July 24,1879, No.107, Senate Doc.79,. p.92.
    ② Herbert Millington, American Diplomacy and the War of the Pacific, p.55.
    ③ Herbert Millington, American Diplomacy and the War of the Pacific, p.56.
    ① Evarts to Christiancy,October 13,1879,No.40,Senate Doc.79,p.278.
    ① 林被甸、董经胜:《拉丁美洲史》,第253页。
    ① James A. Robertson ed. The Inter-American Historical Series:A History of Chile, New York:Russell & Russell, Inc.,1964,p.826.
    ② Merriam to Christiancy, July 17,1879, Inclosure 1 in No.41, Christiancy to Evarts, July 30,1879, Senate Doc.79, pp.250-251.
    ③ The Consular Office at Iquique to Commander Rebolledo, July 17,1879, Inclosure 4 in No.41, Christiancy to Evarts, July 30,1879, Senate Doc.79, pp.252-253.
    ① Commander Rebolledo to the Consular Offices at Iquique, July 17,1879, Inclosure 4 in No.41, Christiancy to Evarts, July 30,1879, Senate Doc.79, p.253.
    ② Merriam to Christiancy, July 21,1879, Inclosure 2 in No.41, Christiancy to Evarts, July 30,1879, Senate Doc.79,p.251.
    ③ The Consular Office at Iquique to Commander Rebolledo, July 19,1879, Inclosure 4 in No.41, Christiancy to Evarts, July 30,1879, Senate Doc.79, p.254.
    ① Christiancy to Merriam, July 30,1879, Inclosure 3 in No.41, Christiancy to Evarts, July 30,1879, Senate Doc.79, p.252.
    ② Seward to Christiancy, August 25,1879, No.33, Senate Doc.79, p.260.
    ① Asta-Buruaga to Evarts, December 15,1879, Senate Doc.79, p.100.
    ② Evarts to Asta-Buruaga, February 10,1880, Senate Doc.79, p.101.
    ① Christiancy to Osborn, August 29,1879, Confidential, Inclosure in Christiancy to Evarts, September 25,1879, Senate Doc.79, pp.262-263.
    ② Christiancy to Evarts, September 17,1879, No.59, Senate Doc.79, p.272.
    ③ Christiancy to Osborn, September 24,1879, Private, No.27, Inclosure in Christiancy to Evarts, September 24, 1879, Senate Doc.79, pp.276-277.
    ④ "Commercial Interdict with Chili", Inclosure 1 in No.80, Christiancy to Evarts, November 11,1879, Senate Doc.79, p.287.
    ① Charles I. Bevans, Treaties and other international agreements of the United States of America,1776-1949, Vol.10, Washington D.C., United States Government Pointing Office,1972, pp.1043-1044.
    ② Christiancy to Evarts, November 11,1879, No.80, Senate Doc.79, p.285-286.
    ① Christiancy to Evarts, December 3,1879, No.90, Senate Doc.79, p.291.
    ② 参见Christiancy to Evarts, December 7,1879, No.91, Senate Doc.79, pp.292-294; Christiancy to Evarts, December 23,1879, No.94, Senate Doc.79, pp.296-301.
    ③ Christiancy to Evarts, November 26,1879, No.88, Senate Doc.79, p.290.
    ① Christiancy to Evarts, December 31,1879, No.99, Senate Doc.79, p.306.
    ② Christiancy to Calderon, December 30,1879, Inclosure in No.99, Christiancy to Evarts, December 31,1879, Senate Doc.79, pp.306-307.
    ③ Christiancy to Evarts, January 7,1880, No.103, Senate Doc.79. p.309.
    ① Evarts to Christiancy, January 24,1880, Telegram, Senate Doc.79, p.322.
    ② Evarts to Christiancy, January 26,1880, No.55, Senate Doc.79, pp.322-325.
    ③ Evarts to Tracy, January 31,1880, Senate Doc.79, p.326.
    ④ Evarts to Christiancy, February 4,1880, No.57, Senate Doc.79, pp.326-327.
    ⑤ Christiancy to Calderon, February 5,1880, Inclosure in No.115, Chnstiancy to tvarts, February 10,1880, Senate Doc.79, p.327.
    ① V.G.Kiernan, "Foreign Interests in the War of the Pacific", pp.25-26.
    ② V.G.Kiernan, "Foreign Interests in the War of the Pacific", p.23.
    ① Christiancy to Evarts, March 24,1880, No.139, Confidential, Senate Doc.79, pp.347-348.
    ② Hunter to Christiancy, October 1,1879, No.39, Senate Doc.79, p.277.
    ③ Circular, January 14,1880, Inclosure 6 in No.106, Christiancy to Evarts, January 21,1880, Senate Doc.79, pp.320-321.
    ④ Calderon to Evarts, January 14,1880, Senate Doc.79, pp.319-320.
    ① Evarts to Christiancy, March 1,1880, No.63, Senate Doc.79, pp.328-329.
    ② Evarts to Christiancy, March 2,1880, No.65, Senate Doc.79, p.331.
    ③ Montjoy to Christiancy, January 3,1880, Inclosure 1 in No.105, Christiancy to Evarts, January 14,1880, Senate Doc.79, p.317.
    ④ 参见Christiancy to Montjoy, January 14,1880, No.36 Senate Doc.79, p.317; Christiancy to Evarts, January 14, 1880, No.105, ibid., p.317; Christiancy to Osborn, January 14,1880, No.37, ibid., p.318.
    ① Evarts to Osborn.February 19.1880.No.83.Senate Doc.79.pp.101-102.
    ② Osborn to Evarts, April 30,1880, No.143, Senate Doc.79, p.111.
    ③ Extract from order of minister of war and marine, February 3,1880, Inclosure 1 in No.131, Osborn to Evart February 25,1880, Senate Doc.79, p.103.
    ④ Osborn to Amunotegui, February 21,1880, Inclosure 2 in No.131, Osborn to Evarts, February 25,1880, Senate Doc.79, pp.103-104.
    ⑤ Osborn to Evarts, February 25,1880, No.131, Senate Doc.79, pp.102-103.
    ① Montjoy to Christiancy, March 17,1880, Inclosure in No.140, Christiancy to Evarts, March 24,1880, Senate Doc.79, pp.349-350.
    ② Christiancy to Evarts, March 24,1880, No.138, Senate Doc.79, pp.346-347.
    ③ American citizens to Christiancy, March 30,1880, Inclosure in No.145, Christiancy to Evarts, March 31,1880, Senate Doc.79, pp.352-353.
    ① Evarts to Osborn, April 13,1880, No.88, Senate Doc.79, p.108.
    ① Asta-Buruaga to Evarts, April 24,1880, Senate Doc.79, pp.109-111.
    ② Christiancy to Evarts, November 26,1879, No.88, Senate Doc.79, p.290.
    ③ Christiancy to Evarts, January 14,1880, No.104, Senate Doc.79, p.311.
    ① Evarts to Osborn, March 9,1880, No.85, Confidential, Senate Doc.79, pp.106-107.
    ① Christiancy to Evarts, March 24,1880, No.139, Confidential, Senate Doc.79, pp.348-349.
    ② Tracy to Evarts, March 9,1880, Senate Doc.79, pp.335-336.
    ① Chsritiancy to Osborn, May 7,1880, No.60, Senate Doc.79, pp.362-363.
    ② Osborn to Evarts, May 20,1880, No.148, Senate Doc.79, pp.112-113.
    ① Osbom to Christiancy, May 13,1880, Inclosure] in No.148, Osborn to Evarts, May 20,1880, Senate Doc.79, DD.113-114.
    ② Osborn to Evarts, May 21,1880, No.149, Senate Doc.79, pp.114-115.
    ③ Osborn to Christiancy, May 21,1880, Confidential, Inclosure 1 in No.175, Christiancy to Evarts, June 10,1880, Senate Doc.79, p.367.
    ④ Hay to Christiancy, June 30,1880, No.90, Senate Doc.79, p.378.
    ⑤ Christiancy to Evarts, September 18,1880, No.195, Senate Doc.79, pp.397-398.
    ① Christiancy to Evarts, June 7,1880, No.173,Senate Doc.79, pp.363-365.
    ② Christiancy to Evarts, June 13,1880, No.177, Senate Doc.79, pp.368-370.
    ③ Joseph Smith, Illusions of Conflict:Anglo-American Diplomacy toward Latin America,1865-1896, p.60,227.
    ① Evarts to Osborn, July 29,1880, Telegram, Senate Doc.79, p.116; Evarts to Osbom, July 30,1880, No.101, Senate Doc.79, p.116.
    ② Osborn to Evarts, August 12,1880, No.156, Senate Doc.79, p.119.
    ③ Osborn to Evarts, August 11,1880, Telegram, Senate Doc.79, p.118
    ④ Osborn to Evarts, August 12,1880, No.156, Senate Doc.79, p.120.
    ① Osborn to Evarts, August 26,1880, No.160, Senate Doc.79, p.121.
    ② Christiancy to Evarts, May 28,1880, No.172, Senate Doc.79, p.362.
    ③ Osborn to Evarts, August 4,1880, No.155, Senate Doc.79, p.117.
    ④ Osborn to Christiancy, July 31,1880, Inclosure in No.155, Osborn to Evarts, August 4,1880, Senate Doc.79, pp.117-118.
    ① 参见Christiancy to Evarts, August 14,1880, No.190, Confidential,Senate Doc.79, p.386; Christiancy to Evarts, September 12,1880, Confidential and personal, Senate Doc.79, p.388.
    ② Osbom to Evarts, August 27,1880, No.161, Senate Doc.79, pp.123-124.
    ③ Christiancy to Evarts, September 13,1880, No.191, Senate Doc.79, p.389; Christiancy to Barinaga, September 11,1880, Inclosure in No.191, Christiancy to Evarts, September 13,1880, ibid., pp.390-391.
    ④ Barinaga to Christiancy, September 14,1880, Inclosure 1 in No.194, Christiancy to Evarts.September 17,1880, Senate Doc.79, p.394.
    ① Memorandum of a conference held at La Paz, September 13.1880, between Mr. Carrillo, the mister of foreign affairs of Bolivia, and Mr. Adams, the Minister resident of the United States, Inclosure 2 in No.29, Adams to Evarts, September 14,1880, Senate Doc.79. p.41,
    ② Osborn to Evarts, September 9,1880, Senate Doc.79. p.126.
    ③ Christiancy to Adams, September 3,1880, Inclosure 1 in No.29, Adams to Evarts, September 14,1880, Senate Doc.79, p.40.
    ① Osborn to Evarts, Septemper 17,1880, No.167, Extract, Senate Doc.79, p.128.
    ② Osborn to Evarts, Septemper 2,1880, No.163, Extract, Senate Doc.79, pp.124-125.
    ③ Christiancy to Evarts, Septemper 17,1880, No.194, Senate Doc.79, p.392.
    ① Osborn to Evarts, Septemper 30,1880, No.169, Senate Doc.79, pp.129-130.
    ② Christiancy to Evarts, Septemper 30,1880, No.197, Senate Doc.79. p.399.
    ① 关于阿里卡会议上各方代表发言的具体情况参见Protocols of Conference held the plenipotentiaries of Bolivia, Chili, and Peru upon the mediation offered by the United States of America, Inclosure 2 in No.200, Christiancy to Evarts, November 2,1880, Senate Doc.79, pp.406-418.
    ② Christiancy to Evarts, October 24,1880, No.198, Senate Doc.79, p.401.
    ① Garcf a to Evarts, October 25,1880, Senate Doc.79, pp.402-403.
    ① Valderrama to Asta-Buruaga, November 22,1880, No.29, Confedential, Senate Doc.79, p.136.
    ② Christiancy to Evarts, June 20,1880, No.179, Senate Doc.79, p.374.
    ③ Joseph Smith, Illusions of Conflict:Anglo-American Diplomacy toward Latin America,1865-1896, p.63
    ① Evarts to Garci a, November 13,1880, Senate Doc.79, p.426; Evarts to Garcl a, December 1,1880, Senate Doc.79,p.427.
    ① Osborn to Evarts, October 28,1880, No.173, Senate Doc.79, p.134.
    ② Valderrama to Asta-Buruaga, November 22,1880, No.29, Confedential, Senate Doc.79, p.136.
    ③ Barinaga to Christiancy, September 14,1880, Inclosure 3 in No.30, Valderrama to Asta-Buruaga, November 22, 1880, Confedential,Senate Doc.79, p.140.
    ① Valderrama to Asta-Buruaga, November 22,1880, No.30, Confedential, Senate Doc.79, pp.136-139.
    ② Christiancy to Evarts, November 2,1880, No.200, Senate Doc.79, p.404.
    ③ Adams to Evarts, November 6,1880, No.39, Senate Doc.79, p.51.
    ④ 参见Christiancy to Evarts, November 2,1880, No.202, Senate Doc.79, p.419; Adams to Evarts, November 6, 1880, No.39, ibid.,p.52.
    ① Evarts to Osborn, December 27,1880, No.115, Senate Doc.79, p.148.
    ② Osborn to Evarts, February 24,1881, No.195, Senate Doc.79, p.153.
    ③ Osborn to Evarts, November 23,1880, No.181, Senate Doc.79, p.142.
    ④ Christiancy to Evarts, December 31,1880, No.226, Senate Doc.79, p.432.
    ① James A. Robertson ed. The Inter-American Historical Series:A History of Chile, p.333.
    ② Evarts to Osborn, November 19,1880, Telegram, Senate Doc.79, p.135.
    ③ Valderrama to Osborn, November 25,1880, Inclosure in No.182, Osbom to Evarts, November 30,1880, Senate Doc.79, p.147.
    ④ Christiancy to Evarts, February 15,1881, No.240, Senate Doc.79, p.443.
    ① Christiancy to Evarts, February 16,1881, No.242, Senate Doc.79. p.448.
    ② Christiancy to Evarts, February 2,1881, No.237, Senate Doc.79. p.438.
    ③ Evarts to Osborn, February 10,1881, No.119, Senate Doc.79, p.151.
    ④ Christiancy to Evarts, February 2,1881, No.237, Senate Doc.79, p.438; Christiancy to Evarts, February 16, 1881, No.242, ibid, p.448. Christiancy to Blaine, March 8,1881, No.253, ibid, p.459.
    ⑤ Osborn to Blaine, April 6,1881, No.202, Senate Doc.79, p.155.
    (?) 在美国历史上,这一时期共和党“温和派”被称做"half-Breeds",“死硬派”被称做"Stalwart"。
    ① Christiancy to Evarts, February 2,1881, No.237, Senate Doc.79, p.438; Christiancy to Evarts, February 16, 1881,No.242, ibid., p.448.
    ② Christiancy to Evarts, February 25,1881, No.245, Senate Doc.79, p.456.
    ③ Christiancy to Blaine, March 16,1881, No.257, Senate Doc.79, p.466.
    ④ William F. Sater, Chile and the War of the Pacific, p.207
    ⑤ Circular, Garcla, to Christiancy, March 1,1881, Inclosure 1 in No.254, Christiancy to Blaine, March 9,1881, Senate Doc.79, p.464.
    ⑥ David Healy, James G. Blaine and Latin America, p.62.
    ① Christiancy to Blaine, March 9,1881, No.254, Senate Doc.79, p.460.
    ② Christiancy to Blaine, March 16,1881, No.257, Senate Doc.79, p.466.
    ③ Christiancy to Blaine, April 4,1881, No.277, Senate Doc.79, p.475.
    ④ Christiancy to Blaine, April 13,1881, No.283, Senate Doc.79, p.478.
    ① Christiancy to Blaine,March 23,1881,No.264,Senate Doc.79.p.471.
    ② Christiancy to Blaine,March 23,1881,No.264,Senate Doc.79.p.471.
    ③ Christiancy to Blaine,March 21,1881,No.261,Senate Doc.79.p.467.
    ① Christiancy to Blaine, March 21,1881, No.262, Confidential extract, Senate Doc.79, pp.468-469.
    ② Christiancy to Blaine, April 17,1881, No.285, Senate Doc.79, pp.480-481.
    ③ Christiancy to Blaine, May 9,1881, No.296, Senate Doc.79, pp.493-494.
    ④ Christiancy to Blaine, May 4,1881, Personal and confidential, Senate Doc.79, pp.485-490.
    ① Elmore to Blaine, May 4, 1881, Senate Doc.79, pp.482-484.
    ② Blaine to Christiancy, May 9,1881, No.143, Senate Doc.79, p.495.
    ① Christiancy to Blaine, June 16,1881, No.319, Senate Doc.79, p.502.
    ② Christiancy to Blaine, May 27,1881, No.310, Senate Doc.79, p.498.
    ③ Christiancy to Blaine, June 28,1881, No.322, Senate Doc.79, p.505.
    ④ Christiancy to Blaine, June 16,1881, No.319, Senate Doc.79, p.502.
    ① Christiancy to Evarts,July 6,1881,No.327,Senate Doc.79,p.506.
    ① David Healy, James G Blaine and Latin America, pp.65-66.
    ① Blaine to Kilpatrick,June 15,1881,No.2,Senate Doc.79.pp.157-159.
    ② Blaine to Hurlbut,June 15,1881,No.2,Senate Doc.79.pp.500-501.
    ① David Healy, James G Blaine and Latin America, p.63.
    ② Russell H. Bastert, "A New Approach to Origins of Blaine's Pan-American Policy", The Hispanic American Historical Review, Vol.39, No.3(Aug.,1959), p.377.
    ① David S. Muzzey, James G. Blaine, New York:Dodd Mead,1934, p.24.
    ② David M. Pletcher, The Awkward Years:American Foreign Relations Under Garfield and Arthur, p.42.
    ③ James G. Blaine, Political Discussions:Legislative, Diplomatic, and Popular,1856-1886, p.411.
    ① Blaine to Kilpatrick, June 15,1881, No.2, Senate Doc.79, p.159.
    ② The Washington Post, Jan 30,1882, p.1.
    ③ David M. Pletcher, The Awkward Years:American Foreign Relations Under Garfield and Arthur, p.45; Herbert Millineton. American Dinlomacv and the War of the Pacific, nn.85-86.
    ① David M. Pletcher, The Awkward Years:American Foreign Relations Under Carfield and Arthur, p.45.
    ② Hurlbut to Blaine, August 10,1881, No.2, Senate Doc.79. p.512.
    ③ Hurlbut to Blaine, July 16,1881, Memorandum, Senate Doc.79. pp.507-508.
    ④ Hurlbut to Blaine, August 10,1881, No.2, Senate Doc.79. pp.510-511.
    ① Hulburt to Kilpatrick, August 5,1881, Inclosure in No.2, Hurlbut to Blaine, August 10,1881,Senate Doc.79, p.513.
    ② Hurlbut to Blaine, August 17,1881, No.5, Senate Doc.79, p.513.
    ③ Hurlbut to Blaine, August 24,1881, No.6, Senate Doc.79, p.514; Hurlbut to Blaine, August 10,1881, No.2, ibid., p.512.
    ④ Kilpatrick to Blaine, August 15,1881, No.3, No.5, Senate Doc.79, p.162.
    ① Hurlbut to Lynch, August 25,1881, Inclosure in No.8, Hurlbut to Blaine, August 27,1881, Senate Doc.79, pp.516-517.
    ① Kilpatrick to Blaine,August 15,1881,No.3,Senate Doc.79.pp.160-162.
    ① Fredrick B. Pike, Chile and the United States,1880-1962, p.50
    ② Hurlbut to Blaine, September 13,1881, No.11, Senate Doc.79, pp.519-520; Garcia to Hurlbut, August 23,1881, Hurlbut to Garcia, September 12,1881, Inclosures in No.11, Hurlbut to Blaine, September 13,1881,ibid., pp.520-521.
    ③ Inclosure in No.1, Trescot to Blaine, December 12,1881, Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States,1882, p.56.
    ④ Hurlbut to Blaine, October 5,1881, No.19, Senate Doc.79, pp.530-531.
    ① Hurlbut to Blaine, October 4,1881, No.16, Senate Doc.79, pp.527-528.
    ② President Garcfa Calderon's reply to the letter of Admiral Lynch, Chilian commander-in-chief, communicating his order suspending the exercise of all civil authorities not appointed by the Chilian headquarters, September 29,1881, Inclosure in Elmore to Blaine, October 27,1881, Senate Doc.79, p.544.
    ③ Hurlbut to Blaine. October 13.1881. No.20. Senate Doc.79. d.532.
    ④ Hurlbut to Blaine, October 4,1881, No.16, Senate Doc.79, p.528.
    ① Hurlbut to Blaine,November 9,1881,No.26,Senate Doc.79,p.561.
    ② Elmore to Blaine,November 18,1881,Senate Doc.79.p.563.
    ③ Balmaceda to Kilpatrick,October 8,1881,Inclosure in No.23,Hurlbut to Blaine,October 26,1881,Senate Doc.79.p.540.
    ④ Kilpatrick to Balmaceda,October 8,1881,Inclosure in No.8,Kilpatrick to Blaine,October 14,1881,Senate Doc.79.pp.163-164..
    ⑤ Kilpatrick to Blaine,October 14,1881,No.8,Senate Doc.79.p.162.
    ⑥ Martinez to Blaine,October 24,27,28,1881,Senate Doc.79.pp.164-167.
    ① Blaine to Kilpatrick, November 22,1881, Senate Doc.79, pp.168-169.
    ② Blaine to Hurlbut, November 22,1881, No.19, Senate Doc.79, pp.565-566.
    ① Blaine to Hurlbut, November 22,1881, No.19, Senate Doc.79. pp.566-567; Blaine to Hurlbut, December 3, 1881, No.19,ibid., pp.577-579.
    ② Blaine to Hurlbut, October 31, November 26,1881, Telegram, Senate Doc.79, p.545,574.
    ③ Herbert Millington, American Diplomacy and the War of the Pacific, pp.95-96; David Healy, James G. Blaine and Latin America, pp.90-91.
    ① Blaine to Trescot, December 1,1881, No.2, Senate Doc.79, pp.174-179.
    ② David Healy, James G. Blaine and Latin America, pp.92-93.
    ③ James G. Blaine, Political Discussions:Legislative, Diplomatic, and Popular.1856-1886, p.405.
    ① Blaine to Kilpatrick, November 25,1881.Telegram, Senate Doc.79, p.169; Blaine to Kilpatrick, November 30, 1881, No.16, ibid., pp.171-172; Blaine to Hurlbut, November 30,1881, No.21, ibid., pp.574-575.
    ② Blaine to Trescot, November 30, 1881 No.l, Senate Doc.79, pp.172-173; Blaine to Walker Blaine, November 30,1881,ibid,p.173.
    ③ Kilpatrick to Blaine, December 2,1881, No.9, Senate Doc.79, pp.179-180
    ④ Hurlbut to Blaine, December 15,1881, No.35, Senate Doc.79, p.584.
    ① David Healy, James G Blaine and Latin America, p.121.
    ② David Healy, James G Blaine and Latin America, p.86.
    ③ Fredrick B. Pike, Chile and the United States,1880-1962, pp.52-53.
    ① New York Herald, December 9,1881, p.6.
    ② Blaine to Hurlbut, October 17,1881, Telegram, Senate Doc.79, p.545, Blaine to Hurlbut, November 17,1881, No.17, ibid., p.562; Hurlbut to Blaine, December 15,1881, No.35, ibid., p.547.
    ③ New York Herald, December 14,1881, p.6.
    ④ Samuel Flagg Bemis ed. The American Secretaries of State and Their Diplomacy, Vol. Ⅶ, New York:Cooper Square Publishiers, Inc.,1963, p.4-5.
    ① Herbert Millington, American Diplomacy and the War of the Pacific, p.121.
    ② Thomas A. Reeves, Gentleman Boss:The Life of Chester Alan Arthur, New York:Alfred A. Knopf, Publisher, 1975,pp.289-290.
    ③ Frelinghuysen to Trescot, January 3,1882, Telegram, Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States,1882, p.56.
    ④ Frelinghuysen to Trescot, January 4,1882, Telegram, Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States,1882, p.57.
    ① Frelinghuysen to Trescot, January 9,1882, No.6, Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, 1882, pp.57-58.
    ② Frelinghuysen to Martinez, January 7,1882, Senate Doc.79, p.186.
    ③ Blaine to Trescot, December 2,1881, No.3, Senate Doc.79, p.181.
    ① The Washington Post, January 30,1882, p.1.
    ② Trescot to Frelinghuysen, January 13,1882, No.2, Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, 1882,pp.58-59.
    ③ Trescot to Frelinghuysen, January 23,1882, Telegram, Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States,1882, p.61.
    ① Trescot to Frelinghuysen, January 25,1882, Telegram, Senate Doc.181, p.12; Trescot to Frelinghuysen, January 27,1882, No.6, Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States,1882, pp.63-64.
    ② Trescot to Frelinghuysen, January 27,1882, No.7, Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, 1882,pp.64-65.
    ① Trescot to Frelinghuysen, February 3,1882, No.8, Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, 1882,pp.67-69.
    ② Trescot to Frelinghuysen, February 2,1882, Telegram, Senate Doc.181, p.17.
    ③ Frelinghuysen to Trescot, February 4,1882, Telegram, Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States,1882, p.73.
    ④ Frelinghuysen to Trescot, February 21,1882, Telegram, Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States,1882, p.73.
    ⑤ Trescot to Frelinghuysen, February 24,1882, No.12, Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States,1882, p.73.
    ① Trescot to Frelinghuysen, February 24,1882, March 4,1882, Telegram,Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States,1882, pp.77-79; Frelinghuysen to Trescot, March 1,1882, Telegram, ibid.,1882, p.79.
    ② Informes Ineditos de Diplomaticos Extranjeros durante la Guerra del Pacifico, Santiago:Editorial Andres Bello. 1980, p.219.
    ③ Trescot to Frelinghuysen, May 3,1882, No.24, Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, 1882, pp.90-92; Trescot to Frelinghuysen, June 5,1882, No.26, ibid.,1882, p.104.
    ① Lawrence A. Clayton, Peru and the United States:The Condor and the Eagle, p.70.
    ② Charles Wolcott Balestier, James G Blaine, A Sketch of His Life with A Brief Record of the Life of John A. Logan, p.178.
    ① Trescot to Frelinghuysen, May 3,1882, No.24, Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, 1882, p.91.
    ② Foote to Blaine, December 9,1881, No.83, Senate Doc.79, p.183.
    ③ Trescot to Frelinghuysen, June 5,1882, No.26, Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, 1882, p.105.
    ④ Frelinghuysen to Logan, June 26,1882, No.12, Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, 1883,pp.74-77.
    ⑤ Frelinghuysen to Partridge, June 26,1882, No.5, Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, 1883, pp.707-708.
    ① Herbert Millington, American Diplomacy and the War of the Pacific, p 130..
    ② Trescot to Frelinghuysen, June 5,1882, No.26, Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, 1882, p.105.
    ③ Frelinghuysen to Logan, June 26,1882, No.12, Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, 1883,p.75.
    ① Logan to Aldunate, October 18,1882, Inclosure in No.15, Logan to Frelinghuysen, October 26,1882, Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States,1883, pp.77-79.
    ② Logan to Montero, November 13,1882, Inclosure in No.35, Logan to Frelinghuysen, December 13,1882, Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States,1883, pp.86-87.
    ① David M. Pletcher, The Awkward Years:American Foreign Relations Under Garfield and Arthur, p.97.
    ② Herbert Millington, American Diplomacy and the War of the Pacific, pp.131-134; David M. Pletcher, The Awkward Years:American Foreign Relations Under Garfield and Arthur, p.98.
    ③ David M. Pletcher, The Awkward Years:American Foreign Relations Under Garfield and Arthur, p.97.
    ④ Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States,1882, p.VD.
    ① Frelinghuysen to Logan, March 23,1883, No.41, Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, 1883, pp.92-96; Logan to Frelinghuysen, May 9,1883, No.93, Extract, ibid,1883, pp.101-102.
    ② Logan to Frelinghuysen, May 10,1883,Telegram, Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, 1883, p.102.
    ① Herbert Millington, American Diplomacy and the War of the Pacific, p.137.
    ② 实际上《安孔条约》规定的公民投票并没有按期举行,塔克纳与阿里卡继续被智利占领,两地的归属成为智秘两国间悬而未决的一个争议问题。直到1929年,在美国的斡旋下两国最终达成协议,阿里卡归智利所有,塔克纳由智利交还给秘鲁。
    ① Herbert Millington, American Diplomacy and the War of the Pacific, p.135.
    ② David M. Pletcher, The Awkward Years:American Foreign Relations Under Garfield and Arthur, p.99.
    ① Allan Peskin, "Blaine, Garfield and Latin America:A New Look", The Americas, Vol.36, No.l(Jul.,1979), pp.86-87.
    ① A.Curtis Wilgus, "James G. Blaine and the Pan American Movement", The Hispanic American Historical Review, Vol.5, No.4(Nov.,1922), pp.682-683.
    ② Frelinghuysen to Trescot, January 9,1882, No.6, Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, 1882, p.57.
    ① Joseph Smith, Illusions of Conflict:Anglo-American Diplomacy toward Latin America,1865-1896, pp.54-57.
    ① Albert G. Browne,Junior "The Growing Power of the Reublic of Chile",Journal of thr American Geogtraphical Society of New York,Vol.16(1884),p.80.
    ② 美国和智利之间发生的外交事件。1891年智利爆发内战,美国海军“巴尔的摩”号(Baltimore)以保护使馆安全为名悍然驶入瓦尔帕莱索港。10月16日该舰水兵登陆与智利民众发生冲突,造成美军2人死亡,17人受伤,美国就此提出抗议。在美国的战争威胁下,智利被迫向美国道歉并赔偿7.5万比索。
    ① James G Blaine, Political Discussions:Legislative, Diplomatic, and Popular,1856-1886, pp.413-414.
    ① Herbert Millington, American Diplomacy and the War of the Pacific, p.143; David M. Pletcher,The Awkward Years:American Foreign Relations Under Garfield and Arthur, p.101.
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    [3]Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States,1882, Washington: Government Printing Office,1883; Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States,1883, Washington:Government Printing Office,1884.
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