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In this test, metabolites and enzyme activities involved in energy metabolism in Cysticercus cellulosae were determined systematicly in vivo and in vitro and under action of drugs.The principles of variation of energy metabolism in Cysticercus cellulosae and mechanism of action of the benzimidazol carbamate drugs were illustrated so as to select an effective drug against immature and mature cysticerci and to provide a theoretical and experimental chemotherapy.
    Changes of morphology of cysticerci were observed in swines infected with oncospheres and metabolites and enzyme activities involved in energy metabolism in Cysticercus cellulosae were determined systematicly including the content of Glc and LAC and the activities of PEPCK. PK LDH SDH ICD, XOD ME, GDH, PR, ATPase, ACP,AKP,G6Pase,FE,MDH,HK and the isoenzymes of LDH,SDH,ICD were observed. Priciples of variation of energy metabolism in immature and mature cysticerci were illustrated.The results showed that transport of substances anaerobic glycolysis aerobic glycolysis, partial inversed tricarboxylic acid cycle. tricarboxylic acid cycle, fat decomposing, amino acid decomposing, xanthine decomposing metabolism were almost the same as those in other helminthes, and the pathways of energy metabolism enhanced from immature state to mature state while the PK activities declined.
    Effect of drugs against cysticercosis including NX0 NX1 and NX2 on immature and mature cysticerci in swines were observed. The results showed that NX0 NX1 both had obvious effect, NX1 was better than NXO and had better effect on immature cysticerci than mature ones. Thus a kind of drugs agaist immature and mature cysticerci was selected successfully. The testing results of indexes involved in energy metabolism in Cysticercus cellulosae after action of drugs showed that the two kinds of drugs against cysticercosis resulted in exhaustion of energy and death of cysticerci.
    Inhabition of NXO and NX1 on the activities of fumaric reductase in tissue homogenate of cysticerci was tested.The results showed that the two kinds of benzimidazol carbamate drugs could inhabite the activity of fumaric reductase complex noncompetently.
    The results of influences of drugs on energy metabolism in Cysticercus cellulosae direct inhabition of drugs on the activity of fumaric reductase and structure - activity relation analysis of drugs showed that benzimidazol carbamate drugs could inhabite the
    absorbtion of glucose and inhabite the activity of fumaric reductase complex.
    Depending on the mechanism of action of drugs, type derivation of benzimidazol carbamate drugs and new drug designing were discussed.Next step of reseach will provide better drugs against cysticercosis and other helminth diseases. Cysticercus cellulosae may become an important kind of experimental model for helminth study, while drugs involved may become an important tool in biochemistry and molecular biology study of helminth.
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