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With the ongoing development of Reform, the political, economic, and socialstructures of our country have been experiencing massive changes, which lead us to aspecial phase where all kinds of social issues and problems emerged in the same time.As a result, the number of collective actions surged and which would probably causemajor damages to the stability and development of our country. Especially, in the lastdecade, the great leap that we made in IT and internet technology almost changed thecharacters and behavior method of collective action all together completely. In themean time, the so called internet collective action prospered in both number and scale.Moreover, even traditional collective actions have been starting to make connectionand interaction with internet tools and resources which could significantly increasethe chance of success and the social impact of collective actions of all kinds.
     Therefore, we were expecting that the research of internet collective actionswould become a heated topic in academic field for the next a few decades. In thisdissertation, we have been trying to give an insight to the organization structure,characters, action process and the core mechanisms of internet collective actions froma organizational sociological approach using some typical research methods and toolsof organizational sociology. The core mechanisms of it could be summarized asfollowed: a) Internet mobilization mechanism; b) connection mechanism of on/offline. The discussion of organizational structure and core mechanism of collectiveaction would be the most important part of this dissertation.
     From an organizational sociological perspective, internet collective events couldbe defined as a new process of social mobilization based on the platform of internettechnology, whereas the very essence of which remains the same as a traditionalorganized action. As a result, in this dissertation, we use a more academic conceptInternet collective behavior to indicate the more popular yet controversial one Internetgroup event.
     Moreover, in the last part of this dissertation, we analyzed the predicaments and challenges that our government was facing during the process of dealing with internetcollective behaviors and also gave out some useful advice based on the research resultof core mechanism in this dissertation..
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