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China Hi-tech Zone is an important product of opening-up and reform policy. From 1987 the first foundation of national hi-tech zone, Zhongguanzun, throughout 20 years of development and construction, our country has established 54 state-level hi-tech zones and has scored brilliant achievement. Hi-tech zone has devolved into economic-growth force for regional economics, and it has played an extremely essential role to enhance the ability of independent innovation and to improve industrial structure. In a world-wide, the huge success of hi-tech industrial clusters, represented by the United States "Silicon Valley" has demonstrated that industrial clusters has devolved into typical mode of hi-tech zone development. In light of the problems of hi-tech zone related to relative slow development and weak core competitiveness, it's imperative to establish a set of assessment system based on the hi-tech zone competitiveness of industrial clusters which means realistic and guided meanings to improve core competitiveness and integrate effective resource to cope with the global economic economics crisis. Meanwhile it also provides a theoretic guidance for the hi-tech zone management committee to find itself not competitive enough and a guidance to create an internationally competitive industrial cluster.
     In this paper, based on the related theory of competitiveness of hi-tech zone and industrial cluster, conducting in-depth research on uplifting competitiveness of hi-tech zone, a theoretic model is established based on competitiveness of hi-tech zone and industrial cluster. Rule layer of evaluation system is analysed by theoretic model and index of Rule layer is categorized through broad elections, screening and rational analysis of index which has formed into competitiveness of hi-tech zone of industrial cluster. This paper determined the optimal weights of indicators with fuzzy membership indicators score method and G1-deviations method, and then established the evaluation model for competitiveness on industrial cluster of seventeen hi-tech zones of china. Ultimately, policy suggestions are put forward on the competitiveness of hi-tech zone as example of Dalian hi-tech zone.
     The contribution characteristics lie on three aspects:Firstly, reflect the claim of Scientific Outlook on Development and the new develop mode of improving the hi-tech zone competitiveness through bringing the competitiveness of industrial cluster into the hi-tech zone competitiveness evaluation index system. Secondly, determine the weight modulus a andβthrough the principle of sum of deviation square in largest between one indicator and other indicators which reflects the influence of practical data on the score results and the dynamic changing of future index. Thirdly, The traditional setup of hi-tech zones at state level is changing on the quiet. As shown in positive study, hi-tech zones in Chengdu, Xi'an, Hangzhou, etc. have improved their competitiveness by cluster development, and their comprehensive competitiveness comes out in front, reflecting that industrial cluster competitiveness has become the key to comprehensive competitiveness improvement.
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