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The value of any asset or wealth right generally comes from its ability to bring the monetary income, and the quantity of this value is determined by the discount of expected income. For the sake of its exchange flexibility and convenience, the stock which come into the circulation and exchange process has endowed asset holder the free-sale rights to make sure that they could choose to sell asset correctly to get the expected return in the uncertain environment. So, similar to the mechanism of intrinsic value, the stock also has the corresponding value for its liquidity which provides holder the rights to produce expected profit, that is the“liquidity value”. The size of liquidity value is corresponding to the discount value of expected profit and will be reflected in the stock price. In the current market environment, research on the value of the stock liquidity has theoretical and practical value. In particular, it provide a way to understand the phenomenon that stock prices will be much higher than that of its value reflected by the future earning in emerging stock markets with a high turnover rate.
     In this dissertation, the discusssion of the liquidity value problem of stock market is composed of three parts: based on the idea of option, the analysis of the origin of liquidity value of stock and the summary of opion property, the meaning of stock liquidity value is defined. Then, refered to the pricing principles and methods of option, quantitative measurement model of stock liquidity value is established. Finally, under the theoretical support, empirical study on the liquidity value level of A-share market is proceeded. And the main work and achievements of these three parts are summarized as follows:
     I.Theoretical analysis and the meaning defined about the stock liquidity value
     Firstly,according to the pectination of the theoretical development process of the stock intrinsic value, this dissertation discusses the capital value assessment idea followed by the intrinsic value theory, and the development path which is closest to the real value of the stock followed by the series of evaluation model. Based on this, the origin of the generalized capital value is discussed, and the rationality of the stock liquidity value existence is demonstrated by the analogous analysis.
     Then, discuss the essence of option and put the option value into a broad sense. On this basis, option property which is inherent in the stock asset in the circulation is demonstrated and corresponding liquidity value belongs to the option value.
     Finally, according to the summary of stock liquidity value origin and option property, the meaning of the the stock liquidity value is defined clearly for the first time: the trade facilitation brought by the liquidity property of stock, endows the holder the choice in the uncertain condition for the future, which enables them to sell the asset correctly and handle the potential benefiting time ,further more, possess the right to sell without the obligation. This kind of value which is due to liquidity and can provide shareholder choice to produce expected income is called the liquidity value. Liquidity value of asset can also be regarded as a kind of resale option value which is involved by stock itself in the circulation, and this resale option value can be internalized into the effective component of stock prices.
     II. Theoretical model Establishment of the liquidity value in stock market Based on the theoretical analysis and the definition of stock liquidity value, in order to measure the liquidity value involved in the stock prices quantitatively, it is necessary to establish theoretical model of liquidity value in stock market. In terms of the idea that liquidity value belongs to the option value, refered to the option pricing method, the following analysis is carried out within the continuous time equilibrium model frame:
     At first, the J-W model is expanded, and the trade balance and the corresponding resale option value in the two kinds of market conditions are researched respectively. when the uncertainty shows an advantageous possibility and market situation is rising, the overconfidence coefficient of investorsφ∈(1 ,∞), and the asset holders can obtain benefits by exercising the profitable options. On the other side, when the uncertainty shows a disadvantageous possibility and market situation is declining, there is a lack of confidence among investors, confidence coefficientφ∈( 0,1), and the asset holders can decrease the loss by exercising the loss-restricted options. In the expanded J-W model, the confidence coefficientφis expanded to the interval( 0,∞), and the uniform equilibrium option value function is presented.
     Then, model analysis under the uniform frame is proceeded, the logical rationality within the model is discussed and the factors which affect the liquidity value level is analyzed, too. The emphasis of analysis lies in the affection of the parameter-change within the discussed model on the resale option value q*. III. The empirical study on the liquidity value in China’s stock market.
     Based on the theory of stock liquidity value, applyed the expanded J-W model, the empirical analysis of the liquidity value level in A-share market and its affection factors is carried out. In order to acquire the liquidity value as well as the resale option value , each model parameter in the research interval should be calculated. So, the empirical analysis steps are as follows: *
     Firstly, this dissertation proceeds the empirical analysis and calculation of each parameter which effects the liquidity value level in the A-share market. Involved factors are confidence coefficient of investors, risk-free rate, the mean reversion parameter, Poisson parameter, the volatility parameter of the fundamental value of the stock and the market transaction cost. Then, corresponding to the expanded J-W model, the liquidity value level in the stock price rising or declining condition of the A-share market is measured respectively. Within the research interval, market rose continuously from Nov in 2006 to Oct in 2007. Applied this model, the liquidity value is 6.835 ,and the liquidity value level in a related form is 48% approximatly. Market declined continuously from Nov in 2007 to Oct in 2008, the liquidity value level is 2.718, and the liquidity value level in a related form is 20% approximatly.
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