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In recent years, the urban average temperature is higher than rural ones due to industrial development, population concentration, traffic congestion, air pollution, building materials including mainly stone concrete and the upper wind block on construction, which leads to the urban heat island effect. High temperature in summer directly results in decreased efficiency and productivity, greatly increased artificial heat and energy shortages and environmental degeneration, except the direct impact on human thermal comfort.
     In comparison with common rivers, urban river is closely bounded up with human activities as the foremost ingredient of urban water resources. Furthermore, it has great advantages in the settlement of urban thermal climate on that: (1) water body has large heat capacity and strong heat storage; (2) rivers tend to have more runoff and transfer heat better compared with small artificial lakes and water body landscapes; (3) the flat surface of rivers are propitious to the formation of "wind tunnel". However, people only focus on economic development, while ignoring the maintenance of the ecological environment because they lack correct recognition of river ecosystem, such as the emergence of diverting from agricultural water to urban and industrial water and from ecological water to agricultural water, which causes eco-environment degradation and poses a serious threat on the sustainable development of economy. Meanwhile, thermal climate regulation function of urban river has weakened and even declined owing to social development, industrial restructuring, land and planning control and ecological landscape’s construction on both sides of the river basin.
     Based upon the above analysis, the paper adopts the measurement technologies that combine field measurements with remote sensing data collection. The study area is located in the Harbin Section of Songhua River Basin and the paper researches the regulation function of urban river on urban thermal climate. Firstly, it concludes the temperature and moisture distributions of Harbin and its surrounding areas in summer and winter and subsequently identifies measure site and routes of mobile measurements.
     Meanwhile the paper links fixed-point observation with mobile measurements together. More precisely,the study is operated to measure a series of parameters in a whole day at the two fixed points and to measure temperature, wind velocity and wind direction during three periods of a day at two mobile routes under outdoor conditions and draws the required data. In addition, to the data of fixed points, it analyzes different temperature fluctuation rules of river and different types of underlying surface and parameter calculation of heat exchange between river and the atmosphere according to heat balance method between bank and river surface and eddy correlation theory. Furthermore, to the data of mobile measurements, it concludes temperature, wind velocity and wind direction distributions of both sides of Songhua River according to the methods of temperature correction and wind speed ratio. What's more, it researches the dynamic heat balance relationship between urban river and the atmosphere and investigates the parameter characters of urban river on urban thermal climate under actual situation through field measurements.
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