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     定理2.2.1 令{X,X_n,n≥1}是一列均值为0的同分布的NQD序列,且存在β>1使得E|X|~β<∞。令{α_(ni),1≤i≤n,n≥1}是满足条件(2.2)(对某个α>1)的常数组列。则有这里1/p=1/α+1/β。相反地,如果对任意满足条件(2.2)的常数组列都有(2.4)式成立,则E|X|~β<∞且EX=0。
     定理2.2.2 令{X,X_n,n≥1}是一列均值为0同分布的NQD随机序列,存在h>0,r>0使得E[exp(h|X|~r)]<∞。令{α_(ni),1≤i≤n,n≥1}是满足条件(2.2)(对某个
This article consists of three parts. The first part is concerned with the background of the subject, the application of dependent random variables and the significance of this article.In the second part, we show that two strong laws of large numbers for weighted sum, which were proved for arrays of i.i.d. random variables by Bai, Cheng (2000) and Sung (2001), can be also obtained for arrays of negative quadrant dependent (NQD) random variables. We use a more effective method to prove them, so that the proof is somewhat simplified. Moreover for Sung's result in the case of 0≤r≤1,wetake b_n= n~(1/a) log~(1/r) n instead of b_n= n~(1/a) log~((1/r)+β) n(β > 0). Thus, our result extendsand sharpens Sung's theorem.In the last part, we extend a result on complete convergence for the movingaverage process under independence assumptions to the case of ρ~- -mixing random variables sequences.
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