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About the issues of technology transfer from multinational corporations (MNCs), domestic and foreign scholars have made a lot of researches, but most scholars used empirical research methods to test whether technology transfer from MNCs have positive spillover effects on the host country. Of course, some scholars have begun to use game theory to analyze the correlation relationship between some factors (such as the technology gap) and technology spillovers. However, few scholars explore more micro, more specific and more practical problem - the transfer strategy of technology for MNCs. What are the factors that will influence whether MNCs transfer technology to the host country? What kind of MNCs are more willing and more likely to transfer technology to the host country enterprise: the enterprises that have entered the host country, or not enter the host country? Is strong profitability, or profitability relatively weak MNCs? What is the impact of R & D capabilities of host enterprises on the technology transfer strategies of transnational corporations during the business cooperation? When is it more beneficial for the host country in collaboration with MNCs? These problems are very real and urgent to be studied and resolved for the developing countries that hope to take in the scientific and technological resources to enhance capability of independent innovation rapidly.
     In fact, the problems of MNCs’technology transfer are the game theory problems between MNCs and MNCs, MNCs, host countries and local enterprises. Actually, in the process of decision-making on whether MNCs transfer their technologies to the host country, it is impossible to achieve entirely rationality of traditional game theory, but rather a dynamic process of limitation learning and constant adjustment. This paper will introduce evolutionary game theory to the field of MNCs’technology transfer.
     This study uses the model of evolutionary game theory firstly, and then uses the MATLAB software to process numerical simulation to all propositions in order to make ensure validity and reliability of the proof, at last make the conclusions. This study provides some new conclusions, including: first, for the industries who lost too much because of technology spillovers, there will be two kinds of extreme situations, MNCs either do not transfer their technologies, or transfer their all technologies; Second, when the gains of technology transfer is too large, the loss caused by technology spillovers will no longer be a factor that impacts MNCs’technology transfer, and two types of MNCs that have set up factories in China and ready to set up factories in China eventually will choose the strategies of technology transfer; Third, in normal case(the loss caused by technology spillovers is not too large), MNCs that have been set up factories in China are more likely to transfer their technologies to Chinese enterprises than ones that have not been set up factories in China;only under the special situation that the costs of technology transfer are too large, the results are just the opposite; Fourthly, for the MNCs who are just preparing to enter China, the transfer conditions are not related to the strength of profitability of MNCs, but is closely related to the transfer cost, and MNCs with low-cost of technology transfer, is more likely to transfer their technologies to Chinese enterprises. In general, for the MNCs that have set up factories in China and with weaker profitability, are more willing to transfer their technologies to Chinese enterprises; Fifth, for the industry that Chinese enterprises can not research and develop, it is most likely to succeed that Chinese enterprises cooperate with MNCs after their entering, and the return on equity ratio of Chinese enterprises at this time may also be increased;Sixth, for the industry that Chinese enterprises can research and develop, it is most difficult to be successful that Chinese enterprises cooperate with MNCs after their entering. But for Chinese enterprises, cooperation at this time would be more beneficial because their returns on equity ratio will be increased.
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