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Strategic management control of enterprise groups is a complicated systematic engineering, and important support which promoting the innovation and development of the changing enterprise group in our country. This Ph.D thesis, with the principle of basing on application, grouping for application and serving for application, choosing enterprise groups’strategic management control as its research object, implements detail and studies in depth from theory frame and practical application by utilizing multiple theory tools and methods. This thesis is aimed at systematic understanding and theory construction on the inner rule of enterprise groups’Strategic management control, which could provide some positive instruction and help to the practical work of enterprise group in the future.
     In the process of our research, we take in depth dissection and theory construction of the operation rule of enterprise groups’Strategic management control on the basis of comprehensive study on correlative theories. With the connotation dissection of enterprise groups’Strategic management control as starting point, we propose a systematic strategic management control frame of enterprise group. Under the direction of such frame, we conduct systematic study on multiple aspects such as organization control, process control, evaluation and evolutionary game of strategic management control. And a demonstration by practical application in view of proving the theory frame is given and practical application of this study to be valid and practicable.
     Comparing the existing research works, the Ph.D thesis shows some major innovation character:①setting up a preferable system frame of enterprise group’s strategic management control system;②proposing a management control mode of strategic organization with its choosing mechanism and a series of relative projects;③proposing a process control system of strategic management control basing on application angle;④designing a evaluation system about the effect and efficiency of enterprise groups’strategic management control;⑤analyzing the evolutionary game path of the relationship of enterprise groups’strategic management control system.
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