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     (1) 水资源管理的理论基础。基于我国水资源供求现状及其发展变化趋势,结合水资源的自然特性和经济特性,提出了水资源管理制度创新的理论基础,主要包括避免“公地悲剧”、消除集体行动的困境、形成外部性内部化的激励、形成长期合作博弈的制度约束以及响应公平和效率均衡的需求。水资源管理是综合运用制度、经济与政策措施,实现水资源的长期稳定的供求均衡,为实现稀缺资源永续利用的基本目标,水资源管理应遵循效率、公平、可持续和整体性原则。通过比较分析了现有水资源管理形式以及水资源国家集权管理制度、水资源的统一管理制度、分权管理制度和参与式管理制度四种模式及其绩效水平,指明了水资源管理制度变迁的方向,需要根据水资源供求形势的变化,重新定位水资源供求管理和需求管理的制度内涵,通过制度创新协调多个利益
It is well known that there is a shortage of water in China, and it is becoming more and more severe. Traditionally, it is always resolved through engineering solutions, but there has been a lack of adherence to policies, institution and administration ways for policy-maker and water administrators. With the water supply gradually shrinking and the marginal exploitive cost rising, traditional methods are becoming less able to meet water demand day after day. Besides natural environment influences, human exploiting over-usage and poor management are important factors that lead to water shortage. Consequently, it is feasible to solve water crisis through institutional measures due to the limits of technology. The water administration institution innovation is the key to break the institution bottleneck of water crisis.Keeping with the growth of water demand, the competition for scarce water supplies is becoming the determinative factor that affects the efficient allocation of water, so the focus of water administration increasingly turns to how to harmonize the relationship between people. Because of the shortage of water, the value of water has risen. It becomes a necessary problem knows how to fulfill the goal of farina and efficient usage of scare resource. So the goal of resource administration is to carry out a long-term dynamic equilibrium, the frame of water administration should be derived from water resource supply and demand. For this occasion, it is pointed out about the inductive factors of water administration institution innovation in China, which based on analysis of institution causes for water resource shortage. The principal research purpose of this paper is to design the water administration institution based on water supply and demand, the mechanism to form equilibrium of water supply and demand, and the mechanism to resolve overbalance of water supply and demand. It is delimitated anew that the government water administration policies orientation, and formed the institution system of water supervisor under market economy. The government should review its policies and form an institutional system of water resource supervision based upon market economy rules. The principal research content texture of this paper as follows:(1) Water administration theoretic understructure. Based on water resource present state of supply and demand and its changing tendency in China, it is put forward for the theoretic understructure of water administration innovation according to water resource
    natural and economic features in China, which includes avoiding "the Tragedy of the Common", eliminating "the Logic of Collective Action", forming incentives of externality internalization, forming long-term cooperative game institution constraint and responding to the demand of fairness and efficiency. Water administration must exert institution, economy and policies measures in order to fulfill the destination of water resource long-term supply-demand equilibrium. And it should be comply with the basic principle of efficiency, fairness, sustainable and integral. By comparison analysis of the regime of water administration and the performance of state power centralized administration institution, integrative administration institution, decentralized administration institution and participated administration institution, it is pointed out the development orientation of water administration institution. The content of water resource supply and demand admimstration according should be delimitated according to the changing tendency of water resource supply and demand. Water research management, and then is transformed from divergence administration to integrative administration, and the behaviors of all interest parties can be harmonized by institutional innovation.(2) Inducement of water administration institution innovation. It can be seen that the change of water administration institution was increasingly evolving following the changes of water resource supply and demand. In the light of the logic analysis sequence of institutional economics, changes in the water administration institution are the common result of the function of government impulsion and demand inducement along with the transformation of water administration ideas. The factors that promote water administration institutional innovation include reformation of macroeconomic system, transformation of economic growth patterns, malpractice of water admimstration system in force and the changing tendency of water resource supply-demand. Through the positive analysis of the factors of water administration institution development from water supply and demand aspects, the frame of water administration institution is put forward, and its redesigned water administration organization system and relative department accountability.(3) The contents of water administration institution. Firstly, the supplying of administration institution and orientation of policies are discussed. The contents of water administration institutions are expounded, especially the water distributive institutions, supply
    regulative institution, and water conservancy infrastructure supplying institution. By comparing the performance of administrative plan distributive mechanism and marketing distributive mechanism, the development path for water allocation institutions is marketing distributive mechanism and a tradable water permit system. Taking the irrigation and water conservancy infrastructure as an example, it is proved that the supplying institution of irrigation and water conservancy infrastructure restricts the changes of the effective irrigated area along with historical development It is pointed out that the supplying institution changes from coercive supplying by government to dominant supplying by government and voluntary cooperative supplying by citizens. From the development point of view, the performance and the scope of application for four types of supplying institutions in China are analyzed, and its investors are delimitated. Four operated modes are put forward, and the forming mechanism of self-management in the countryside is analyzed by the game analytic method. Induces in this, the focus and orientation of government supplying administration policies are analyzed. Secondly, demanding administration institution and orientation of policies are discussed. From the focal point of controlling water demand growth and offering incentives to save water, the controlling total quantity institution and system of rating are analyzed. The theoretic frame of water rights transaction is analyzed, and its efficiency.,, implementation constraint condition, transaction mode are discussed from the angle of canonical parse and experience. The functions, the forming mechanism of water price are discussed. The collecting water charge institution and the option of government demanding administration policies are analyzed. Thirdly, equilibrium administration institution and orientation of policies are discussed. The running mechanism and procedure are analyzed which are about pricing, property rights and other power. The solution tactics are brought forward that resolve the conflicts between variant interest groups by means of game analytic method. And the option of government policies are designated how to form equilibrium and how to resolve conflicts.
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