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Under the background of Innovation, new technology emergescontinuously, technology transfer activities happen constantly. The research oftechnology transfer used to be focused more on technology transfer between countriesand regions, especially discussing the rules and characteristics of transfer fromthe perspective of international trade. And about the study of knowledgetransfer, people put more perspective on the organization and between organizationsto analysis the tacit knowledge and the dissemination of knowledgediffusion model, and the cooperation among the industry, university and research. Butthe research on new technology transferring across industry is very weak. The articleputs forward the "three stages" ideas on new technologytransferring across industry, namely through the analysis of the subjectbasis, leading behavior and the key growth factors of the new technology transferacross industry to grasp the regularity of new technology transfer across industry.
     The paper starts with the analysis of the relationship between science andtechnology, using social network analysis, bibliometric analysis and patent analysis,studying of the relationship of the subject areas of literature and the technology fieldsof patents deeply, and based on this the paper proposed the identification of academicfoundation of new technology transfer across industrial, the study found: thecross-industry transfer of technology is usually based on the subject areas transfer ofrelevant research literature, when the literature studying of this technology transfersfrom initial subject areas to a new one and showing growth, that indicates thatcross-industry technology transfer applications may occur or gradually formed.
     Of course, scientific research is at the early stage of the application of newtechnologies within the industry after all. Only the efforts of scientists are not enoughto promote the transfer of technology to achieve cross-industry. There must haveengineering and technical personnel and companies' patent actions-Pilot behavior.Therefore, this article put forward the concept of pilot behavior of technology transferacross industry and three methods to judge different pilot behavior under differentsituations. The three methods are based on patent citation analysis, potential of patentsto be cited, and assignee behavior respectively. Three regularity features of newtechnology transfer across industry are found. They are performability, potentialityand preliminary. These regularity features is helpful to capture the pilot behavior oftechnology transfer across industry. Main competitors in related application fields canbe identified also. It is also helpful to technology future analysis and can support theresearch and development of emerging industries.
     Cross-industry transfer of new technologies depends on the coordination of therelevant actors and key growth factors. In order to solve this problem, fuzzy Delphimethod and fuzzy AHP method are used on the basis of ANT theory to reveal themechanism of cross-industry technology transfer. Key growth factors are extractedfrom a number of factors affecting cross-industry transfer of technology.The resultsshowed metastatic ability, willingness to accept, absorptive capacity, ability toidentify, mining capabilities and policies are key growth factor. Then the DEMATELmethod was be used to illustrate the cross influence among the factors. Attention&recognition matrix model are used to express how these factors come into play incurrent situation. Corresponding countermeasures are proposed after that.
     The three aspects of the law of cross-industry transfer of technology studied inthis paper are consequential on the time and indispensible in content. The conclusionis important to technology transfer and industrial innovation policy, and also values tothe layout of corporate R&D resources and competitive strategy.
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