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     现有Bag of Words算法以描述符的聚类中心作为视觉单词,但是该方法会产生严重的语义丢失现象。本文提出了两种基于决策机制的视觉单词生成方法,通过决策机制,选取若干类内有效特征点代替聚类中心,形成语义丰富的视觉单词,丰富了视觉词汇表中的语义信息,提高了物体识别过程中的特征点查全率。选取最适合高维数据的SVM非线性分类器,实现了特征描述符到视觉单词的转化以及待测物体的描述符归类过程,提高了语义特征表达的有效性,增加了物体识别效率。
Object recognition is an active research domain in computer vision research direction currently. An object recognition system will identify an object category in the video or image sequence. It is important in real life and science research. In recent years, with the pattern classification technology and artificial inteligence's development continuely, semantic feature extraction based on object recognition technology is increasingly being accepted by the majority of scholars. Semantic features of the object is a class of objects by extracting local features, treatment and follow certain guidelines will describe the local features of a class of objects into the semantic information, form a class of objects in the semantic feature model, achieving a reliable and effective object classification and recognition results.
     According to large amount of information as an object image and the computational complexity, it is a great challenge that extracting and matching the features for effective object recognition. This paper summarizes the state art of object recognition, describes the object recognition and classification of the basic framework of the algorithm, the comparison of visual invariant features, and in-depth study of the SIFT component carried by the scale of information, design a hierarchical clustering algorithm, which effectively improve the matching accuracy. The Bag of Words framework based on SIFT was analysised. The support vector machine was used for feature selection point of the visual vocabulary. The experiments show better performance than the k-means clustering algorithm. Finally, a complete description of the experimental system, analyzed the experimental results prove the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
     This article focuses on the visual object classification and recognition. The main innovations are as follows:
     (1) The SIFT matching algorithm based on the scale component
     Object classification, SIFT feature space with the scale invariance, the general application, directly in the whole sample space for full search, nearest neighbor and second nearest neighbor based on the ratio of the threshold to determine whether the match is successful, the approach creates two problems, one Is a mismatch, the second is within the object can not avoid self-similar feature points. This paper analyzes the same objects under different camera parameters between matched feature point scale to calculate a relative measure of observed objects, design two matching method, the weight scale for decision-making process and improve the matching accuracy and efficiency.
     (2) The algorithm for the production of visual vocabulary in visual object classification
     Bag of Words of existing algorithms to describe the cluster center as a visual symbol of the word, but the method will have a serious phenomenon of semantic loss. In this paper, two kinds of decision-making mechanism based on the visual word generation method, through the decision-making mechanism, valid for certain types of selected feature points instead of the cluster center, forming a rich visual semantics of the word, enriching the visual vocabulary of the semantic information to improve the object identify the feature points in the process of recall. Select the most suitable for high dimensional data nonlinear SVM classifier, feature descriptor to achieve the transformation of the visual word and object descriptors tested classification process and improve the effectiveness of semantic feature representation, increasing the efficiency of object recognition.
     (3) Object Categratzation based on small visual vocabulary database
     Object classification, visual Bag of Words classification methods are generally based on a unified large vocabulary dictionary, a typical histogram based on Bayesian posterior probability classifier. This type of knowledge for the small number of cases pending application, a class of objects the classification of a thesaurus, each category was significantly less than the unified vocabulary thesaurus, the system stability has improved significantly.
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