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     近年来,微螺钉种植体(mini-screw implant, MSI)作为绝对支抗的重要手段之一,因其简便、创伤小、效果确切等特点,逐渐受到广大口腔正畸医生的重视和青睐,临床医生在使用时都极力避免触及或损伤邻近牙根,以降低牙根吸收这一主要并发症的发生率。然而,基于本研究的目的,本课题则是借助MSI有目的地损伤Beagle犬后牙牙根,并观察其自然修复的情况,以此建立稳定、可靠的牙根损伤修复动物模型,并在此基础上对牙根修复机制作初步探讨。
     选择健康成年Beagle犬5只,2雄3雌,犬龄20-22个月,体重12-16 kg。Beagle犬的齿式为2(I3/3,C1/1,Pm4/4,M2/3),全口共42颗牙。
     实验犬以30 g/L(3%)戊巴比妥钠按1 mL/kg肌肉注射行全身麻醉后,术区以2%普鲁卡因/肾上腺素(1:100000)浸润麻醉。每只实验犬在预先设计的植入部位垂直于牙长轴植入微螺钉种植体约10mm,并立即旋出。术后1-3 d给予肌肉注射青霉素(80万u/d)预防感染。术后拍摄CT,并定期观察伤口愈合情况。按预定时间处死实验动物后,分别制作石蜡切片及硬组织切片,行组织形态学观察。
     1.实验所用Beagle犬左右侧同名牙Dm、Dd、Df值差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);Dd值与Dm值基本相等;Df值均大于3.9 mm。MSI以D点为参照点向近远中移动一定的距离(Dm或Dd减去MSI直径的一半)即可触及牙根。
     External resorption of root is a common clinical phenomenon, resulting from trauma, followed by infection, re-implantation, oppression from tumors or impacted teeth, and so on. Progressive external resorption of root would lead to pulp necrosis, teeth loose or even falling off. So far, the real mechanism of root resorption is still unknown. Therefore, it is difficult to forecast the development of root resorption, and lack of effective measures on prevention and treatment, which makes dental clinicians feel helpless on root resorption. Now, root resorption as a difficult clinical issue has attracted more and more researchers'attention and reports on this problem is increasing rapidly.
     No matter basic research or clinical research, both have not been got a breakthrough. The mechanism of root resorption is still unstated and there is no effective treatment. However, it is interesting for us that some authors have reported root resorption would stop quickly and repair of defect parts was activated when removing the trauma factors causing root absorption, and there were new cementum deposition and periodontal attachment formation on the surface of root defect after a period of time, showing teeth root have highly self-repair potential.
     Therefore, we assume that whether we can start a series of studies on the natural repair of root, so as to provide meaningful inspiration for the treatment of root resorption.
     With this problem, we have consulted a large number of literature and found that the study on root natural repair was limited to the level of histology and there were much dispute on the source and type of new cementum, the site of the initial deposition of cementum, new periodontal attachment and so on. So, it is still need rigorous experimental design for demonstrating. Meanwhile, we found that most of animal model which previous research had established adopted orthodontic force to make root resorption and then remove the force for observing root repair. The established animal models were unstable and unrepeatable because of the stress which was susceptible to external factors, degradation problem and the uncontrollable location and degree of root resorption. Hence, it is extremely necessary to establish an ideal animal model with controllable and repeatable feature for study on the biological mechanism of root natural repair.
     As orthodontic anchorage, mini-screw implant (MSI) was used widespreadly in clinical. We always tried to avoid approaching or hurting the adjacent teeth root in order to reduce the rate of root resorption. However, in this study, we used MSI hurt the root of beagle dogs' posterior teeth on purpose, and observed the healing situation. We established a stable and reliable animal model of root damage and repair successfully, and made an initial exploration on the mechanism of root repair.
     1. To make a radiology measurement of posterior teeth of beagle dogs for providing reference data for the implant location of MSI in the root bifurcate area.
     2. To establish a stable and reliable animal model of root damage and repair for the study on root repair mechanism.
     3. To observe the early reparative process histology after root damage with MSI for exploring initially the mechanism of root repair.
     4. To observe the reparative process histology after root damage with MSI by using double labeling of fluorescence for exploring further the mechanism of root repair.
     1. Experimental animals
     Five healthy and adult beagle dogs,2 male and 3 female, aged from 20 to 22 months, weight from 12 to 16 kg, were selected. Each dog had a total of 42 teeth and teeth-type was 2 (I3/3, C1/1, Pm4/4, M2/3).
     2. Radiology measurement
     Each dog after anesthesia was examined radiologically by using CBCT. Seventy posterior teeth of five beagle dog were selected and measured with the software of NNTViewer, including the second, third and fourth premolars of maxillary and mandible and the first mandibular molar of each dog. The measurement method was as follows:firstly, the greatest mesiodistal diameter AB of the crown was measured, which was perpendicular to the tooth long axis. Secondly, the greatest cusp of maxillary or mandibular posterior tooth was marked as the piont C and CD which was equal and perpendicular to AB was drawn. The piont D was planned to be the reference point for miniscrew implantation. Finally, Dm, Dd and Df were measured, which were the distance from the point D to the mesial and distal root surface and root furcation.
     3. The implanting sites of MSI
     The mesial root of the second and third premolars of maxillary and the second, third and fourth premolars of mandible, the distal root of the first mandibular molar, and the distal root surface of the fourth maxillary premolar were selected as the damage object with MSI. Where MSI were implanted was at 1/3 of root surface of furcation toward root tip, except for the first maxillary premolar. Firstly, the reference piont D was marked. Secondly, we estimated the position of root according to Dm and Dd. Finally, the resistance was one of the decisive factors when implanting MSI.
     4. Experimental design
     Four dogs,2 male and 2 female, were selected. A total of 64 sites were selected as experimental objects, including the first, second, third, and fourth maxillary premolars and the second, third, fourth premolars and the first molar of mandible of each dog. Operation were scheduled respectively at 8 week,6 week,4 week,3 week, 2 week,1 week,3 day and 0 day before dogs were killed, that is to say, there was a total of eight observation interval and each contained 8 sites. That is, the eight sites of the first surgery which was scheduled after adaptability breeding for a week were included to the observation interval of 8 week, and the eight sites of the second surgery were included to the observation interval of 6 week, and the others by analogy. Four dogs were killed at the time of 8 week after the first surgery. Specimens were acquired decalcified with EDTA for 8 to 10 weeks. Then, paraffin sections by HE staining were made routinely and observed histologically.
     The other beagle dog was used to conduct another experiment. The second, third, and fourth maxillary and mandibular premolars and the first mandibular molar, a total of 14 sites, were selected. The same surgery was performed, and tetracycline was injected into the neck subcutaneously at the time of 4 week after operation and calcein 8 week after operation. The dog was killed 12 week after surgery, and ground bone slides were made routinely and observed by using fluorescence microscope. Hard tissue slices were made with methylene blue-acidic magenta dyeing and observed histologically.
     5. Surgical procedures and establishment of animal model
     The experimental dog was received general anesthesia with 3% pentobarbital by intramuscular injection according to 1 mL/kg and surgical regions were received infiltration anesthesia with 2% procaine/adrenaline (1:100 000). Then, MSI was implanted perpendicular to the long axis in the pre-designed implantation sites about 10mm deep, and then was immediately removed. After operation, penicillin was injected into the dog to prevent infection by intramuscular injection with 800,000 u/d for one or three days. CT was taken to observe the damage situations. After a period of healing, experimental animals were sacrificed on Schedule, and the paraffin sections and hard tissue sections were made for histomorphology observation.
     1. The difference of Dm,Dd,Df between the left and right side teeth with the same name has no statistical significant (P> 0.05). The measurement results of all indices assumed a Gaussian distribution. The value of Dd was almost equal to Dm. All of the Df were more than 3.9 mm. If the root was expected to be damaged, the operator should just move the MSI for a certain distance from D toward mesial or distal direction.
     2. At all damaged sites, the wound healed well. Histology showed root damage to 73.4% of the teeth, including damage into the cementum and the dentin. New periodontal ligament and cementum were observed histologically in the injury root surface, which infered that the animal model of root damage and repair was successfully achieved.
     3. What were observed in paraffin sections was as follows. There were a large number of blood clots and root or bone fragments in the defect area on day 0. The day after 3 days, lots of blood clots and plasma effusion appeared in the area, with many inflammatory cells infiltrated. One week later, lots of fibroblast, newborn fibre and endothelial vascular cells emerged in the defect sites. After two weeks, there were a lot of connective tissue and bone-like tissue. Meanwhile, we could see that there were new attachment of periodontal ligament and cementoblst -like cells adhering on the surface of the defected root. So far, there had been a sign of new cementum. After three weeks, the defect was filled with newborn bone tissue, periodontal ligment and cementum, and there was a clear delineation among these three newborn tissues. It was found that newborn cementum attached the surface of defected root obviously, which were cellular cementum and with newborn periodontal ligment inserted in. About four weeks of healing, the three newborn tissues were just changed in the quantity. After six weeks, the defects were filled with new bone tissue, periodontium and cementum with clear delineation. The new bone had occupied a part of the root defect and the width of the periodontal ligment became narrower. There was a growing trend of mineralization of newborn cementum on the surface of defected roots, while cementum cells decreased significantly. After eight weeks, the defect region was filled with new bone tissue, parodontium and cementum with clear delineation. Minerlization of new bone tissue processed further, and the width of the periodontal ligment became narrower. There was a growing tendency in the quantity of newborn cementum with gradual mineralization.
     4. What were observed in undecalcified sections was as follows. After twelve weeks of healing, there weas newborn cellular cementum in the defect area. The newborn periodontal ligment of defect area connected with the normal periodontium fibers and the width of the new periodontium was almost equal to the normal.
     5. What were observed in ground bone slides with fluorescence was as follows. Clear green and yellow fluorescent band stripe in the defect area. The green fluorescent was adjacent to the periodontal ligment, and the yellow fluorescent stripe was outside of the green one. The fluorescent stripe of the newborn bone region which was near the periodontium was approximately parallel to each other, but there were a lot of fluorescent stripes which arranged in concentric circle in most of the defect area in alveolar bone.
     1. In this study, MSI was used to injure the roots of adult beagle dogs, which established successfully animal model related to roots injury repairment and the procedure of injury repairment was observed. The animal model was stable and reproducible and can be applied to research the mechanisms of root repair.
     2. The results of our study showed that cementoblasts cells can attach to the surface of damaged roots 2 weeks after roots injuries, which means that cementum repairment existed; new cementum deposited on the surface of damaged roots gradually and newborn periodontal fibers also attach on it during 2 to 3 weeks; the new cementum can deposit anywhere and cementoblasts may originate from periodontium stem cells which need to be further investigated.
     3. In the process of root injury repairment, defect root surfaces were first occupied by neighboring periodontal fibers and cementoblasts and osteoblasts were differentiated from periodontal ligment cells. Further, cementum was formed on the surface of defect roots and new bone was formed on the surface of bone tissue which is formed by osteoblasts, differentiating from bone mesenchymal stem cells. Periodontium become narrower to the middle during the process and had a trend to maintain the normal width of periodontium essentially.
     4. In the process of root injury repairment, newborn bone in injured sites may stem from different types of cells. The new bone adjacent to periodontium may be from osteoblasts, which were differentiated from periodontal stem cell; and the new bone in the defect of alveolar bone may be formed by osteoblasts which were originated from bone marrow stromal cells.
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