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By comparing the experiences and methods of the construction of Animal EpidemicDisease Prevention and Control System(AEDPCS) both at home and abroad, and takinglnto account the status quo of grass-root veterinarian management reform and the goals setby the municipal government for animal disease and meat quality control, this paper puts forwardthe principles, contents, and key points for the construction of AEDPCS in GANSU province, and analyzes the factors affecting it's construction and functioning. It also depicts the achievements and problems of AEDPCS construction in GANSU province.
     The characteristics of disease occurrence at presentstage, like high frequency, more varieties, and massive endangerment, etc. show that prevention and control of animal diseases is becoming imperative and pressing. Moreover, the lack of epidemic disease monitoring and early-warning system makes it not only necessary but also urgent to establish AEDPCS. Meanwhile, previous works, as well asforeign experiences and methods in veterinarian management, disease control mechanism, epidemic disease forecast and the making of veterinarian regulations, have provided strongsupport for the setting up of AEDPCS.
     The core contents for the construction of AEDPCS include: building-up an animalepidemic disease prevention and treatment system with an provincial-municipal-county-township "four-level structure" and provincial- municipal-county-township-village"five levelnetwork",This paper mainly describes the exploration, practices and achievements in GANSU onthe construction of animal epidemic disease prevention and control system, epidemic disease diagnosis and monitoring system, and materials and equipments supply system, as well as the emergency mechanism and medical quality supervising system.
     The construction of AEDPCS is gaining its momentum, but this construction must takeinto account two factors: one is the present situation of our country, AEDPCS must solvepractical problems: the other is international trade of animal products, and to be in keepingwith international practices. Therefore, the thinking and suggestions for future construction of AEDPCS in Gansu province are put up.
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