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     从终极控制人角度来研究公司治理问题是目前学术界的前沿领域。过去学术界对公司治理的研究基本都囿于经理人与股东之间的代理问题,鲜有从终极控制人对中小股东掠夺的角度来研究的。有关终极控制人的概念,首先出现在La Portaet al.(1999)的一篇研究全球的所有权结构问题的经典文献中。在分析上市公司所有权特征过程中,为揭示不同国家大股东的主体类型和所有权分布状况,他通过追溯控股股东的终极控制人(Ultimate Controller),进而分析其对公司的所有权也即终极所有权(Ultimate Ownership),同时,考虑到控制权杠杆效应,终极所有权还被进一步分解为控制权(即投票表决权)与现金流量权(实际权益投资)两个概念。而后,这几个概念所蕴涵的新的代理成本之产权分析框架在研究东亚和欧洲资本市场的文献中得以承袭和发展(Claessens et al.,2000,2002;Faccio etal.,2002;Lins,2003;Lemmon&Lins,2003;Fan&Wong,2002,2005)。无疑,这些概念都是基于新的公司治理范式和突破传统治理理论而提出的。
Accounting information plays a leading role in capital market,especially in security valuation and information disclousure. To maintain fair information and promote information efficiency is the key to protect the investors'interest and to realize resources-compounding. So it can realise the demand of CSRC, which demands the stock market of china to be an open, fair and justice market. Earnings preannouncement practices the ideal of high quality information. As an information system, the earinings preannouncement demands the listed companies whose earnings will vary largely to disclose the information to the investors before periodic report, and it is helpful to them to make rationl decision. As a useful supplement to the periodic report, earnings preannouncement eliminates the asymmetry of information and information lag, improve the timeliness of information. It would help to suppress internal transactions and achieve a fair and efficient capital market. The rule is gradually revealed under the concern of more and more people. the earnings preannouncement belongs to the accounting information disclosure arena on the surface, actually it belongs to corporation governance arena. Because the preannouncements are disclosed by the companies' internal controllers, who are subject to actual controllers, and behind the actual controllers are ultimate controllers. To ontrol the listed company's information through agent-internal controller is one of the measures that ultimate controller control the listed companies. Specifically, accouting information is one of the important information in listed company, so the preannouncement characeristics are branded in the ultimate controller' to some extent.
     Researching the governance from the aspect of ultimate controller is an advanced arena. The current main international literatures related to the governance performance of audit committee mostly make use of the agency cost and governance analysis framework based on the traditional governance theory (paradigm). Study from the aspect that ultimate controller exproprate the minority sharesholder is rare. The concept of ultimate controller is showed first on a paper published by La Porta et al. (1999) which analyse the ownership structure in the world. For disclosing the strong stockholder' ownership characteristics, he tracked to the ultimate controller and its ultimate ownership which is the controller of the strong stockholder. Furthermore,he divided the ultimate ownership into controlling right(voting right) and cash flow right(real equity investment).After his paper, the new agent cost analysis framwork is inherited and progressed in the literatures which reaearch the eastern asia and european capital market. The concept is based on the breakthrough of the new governance framework without queston.
     The article studies the earnings preannouncement from the aspect of the ultimate controller. Ultimate controller characteristics will show by preannouncement phenomenon, so it is a new viewpiont to research the preannouncement by classifing the ultimate controller. According to ownership characteristics, we put the ultimate controller into government and non-government; according to control entity, we classify the ultimate controller into three kinds:state institution, state-owned corporation, non-govoernment entity. The papers I have searched rarely research from the ultimate controller aspect. The article has the following chapters:
     Chapter One: introduction
     The chapter introduce the study motivation; concept of ultimate controller, real controller and strong sharesholder; concept of preannouncement and alike; study methold; main conclusion and innovation viewpoint; study limitation and the progressing orientation.
     Chapter Two: study on preannouncement system evolution.
     The chapter introduces the progress of preannouncement system domestic and foreign.
     Chapter Three: literature review.
     The chapter summarizes the literature about preannouncement domestic and foreign.
     Chapter Four: study on the relationgship between ultimate controller characteristics and agent cost.
     The chapter analysizes the relationgship between ultimate controller characteristics and agent cost deeply. Through the analysis we find the self-profit reason of the ultimate controller, it is different to the administrator governance cost.
     Chapter Five: ultimate controller characteristics and preannouncement
     The chapter first explains that the preannouncement belongs to the arena of agent, then we study the ultimate controller characteristics and the preannouncement phenomenon. Based on the study, we develop the hypothesis.
     Chapter Six: empirical study
     The chapter combined by the following content
     1. Ultimate controller characteristics and the preannouncement type;
     2. Ultimate controller characteristics and the preannouncement accuracy;
     3. Ultimate controller characteristics and the preannouncement estatement;
     4. Ultimate controller characteristics and the preannouncement market effect.
     Chapter Seven: conclusion, suggestion and expectation
     The empirical test supports mojority hypotheses. Also it discloses the existing deficiency. Now we only demand the listed company to disclose the real controller behind, but not ultimate controller. Therefore, it is necessary to draw the regulation to demand the listed company to disclose the ultimate controller for information symmetry. Second we should draw the preannouncement regulation by ultimate controller characteristics.At last we should punish the restatement and other phenomenon in the preannouncement strongly.
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