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     研究中分别优势树种(组)建立了生长动态预测模型,提出了利用连年生长量模型实现各优势树种(组)的主要测树因子的更新。首次提出了林分胸高断面积连年生长量G的预测模型:G=2 D~*G/D;首次对9种林分蓄积量测定方法进行了对比分析,结果表明:在没有适用的测树用表或数学模型的情况下,最精确的测定方法是等株径级标准木法;在有适用的测树用表或数学模型的前提下,最精确的测定方法是形高表法。
It is very necessary to implement capitalization management on forest resources for forest sustainable development, strengthen the innovation on forestry economy mechanism and establish corp. system of modem forestry, v/hich is mainly based on the amount of value, and changes the enterprise operating mechanism into the management operating mechanism, and achieves the benign circulation of forest resources and strengthens the forest resource monitoring and management by economy. But to really implement the forest resource capitalization management, where the shoe pinches is the capital value evaluation of forest resources.According to the national criterions and programs on law, and based on the especial intent, and keeping to social impersonality disciplinarian on economy and public principia, using feasible scientific methods and uniform money unit, forest resource capital evaluation assesses and estimates the forest resource entity that has capital attribute and anticipation income of it. This evaluation is the estimating and assessing of the market value of forest resource, which according to the state of the evaluated forest resource capital, and the metabolic conditions on market, and based on the analysis of multi-factor presently or in the future.Researching on the national Forestry Center Huangfeng Bridge in Hunan province, firstly putting forward using the methods and theories of expert system into the plan of forest resource capital evaluation, and combining the knowledge of expert system with the technology of forest resource capital evaluation, designs and establishes the forest resource capital evaluation on nation forestry center or county level, which has important value on theory and practice. This paper brings forward conceiving and establishing China forest resource estimate and green GDP system, which based on China forest resource inventory system, especially the forest management inventory.This paper has established dynamic forecast model on the grcwth of different dominant trees (group), and putted forward using successive growth model to actualize the update of all main measure factors on different dominant trees (group). This paper firstly brings forward the forecast model of the successive growth (⊿G)of breast-height basal area: ⊿ G=2 ⊿ D*G/D; Firstly compares and analyzes the methods on 9 kinds of trees, under the condition of no appropriate measure tables or mathematics models, puts forward that the method of equal trunk of trees diameter class on model tree is the most accurate method; and on account that there are appropriate measure tables or mathematics models, the factor-height table method is most accurate.Based on forest resource capital evaluation plan and the date base of sub compartment on forest resource programming and designing inventory, establishes the classification system on forest resource capital, and also provides reciprocal criterions on
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