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     本文的研究不过是人文生态研究大潮流中的一朵小小的浪花。此项研究与一般性的生态研究在视角上有所不同,主要是通过对黄岗侗寨——一个仍处于前工业社会以传统农业为主体生计的高山侗族村寨——的人口过程、生计需求与家户循环周期的考察来展现人类生态适应的一个小小的截面。作者希望藉此来探索“简单”社会状态下的人类适应过程(Adaptive Processes),探求人类以“社会”为体进行生存适应的基本逻辑。本文以朱利安·斯图尔德文化生态学的“适应研究”(Adaptation)作为主要的理论基点和组织研究框架的内在逻辑。在具体的研究和行文中,同时吸取了马文·哈里斯文化唯物主义的一些相关理论观点。另外,创始于人口学家约翰·考德威尔以社区人口为研究单位的“微观人口学”和法国人口学家阿尔弗雷·索维的“适度人口理论”也都对本研究具有重要的指导意义。
     简单说来,适应研究主要探讨的是人与环境之间的关系。环境自然包括自然环境和社会历史环境。环境对一个社区的人口及其生计既给予了发展的机会,同时也给予了约束性的限制。周边环境给予的机会与限制是个体和一个“人口”采取适当的适应策略(Adaptive Strategies)的前提条件。人的能动性在环境的结构之中不断的适应环境并渐进的改变环境,同时也在不断的重塑自身。这是一个永不停歇的动态过程。完全凝固和停滞的社会在理论上是没有的,在现实中也是极少见到的。个体决策(Decision-Making)、适应策略和适应过程是人类“适应’的不同层次、不同单位的体现。本文的所有内容都是围绕这一基本线索而展开的。
The relationship between population, resource and their environment is high on the agenda in contemporary Chinese academia. The study in human ecology has grown up in China for the need of both social development and academic research. China has developed with unprecedented speed in the process of industrialization and modernization. It is increasingly shrouded in environmental pollution though. Environmental issues are being in the public view; taking control of the environmental pollution matters a great deal to people's livelihood. Achieving the harmonious ecology has made a national policy, guiding the future development of China.
     From a human ecology perspective, the thesis itself is so different than the usual ecological studies. Based on the fieldwork in Huang Gang, an alpine pre-industrial village of Dong people living mainly by farming, we analyze the demographic processes, livelihood and life cycle of the households to gain a cross-section of the human adaptation to ecology. It is expected to explore the human adaptive processes in a "simple" community, also the basic logic of the individual adaptation to its social environment. The framework of the whole research depends on its main theoretical basis——"adaptation" in Julian Steward's cultural ecology. Some perspectives in Marvin Harris's cultural materialism are included as well. Besides, the "microscopic demography" of John Caldwell dealing with the community population and the "optimum population theory" of the French demographer Alfred Sauvy are both of great help to my research.
     Generally, the research on adaptation was to interpret the relationship between human and the environment, the natural, social and historical environment. The environment constrains a community by offering people the opportunities of living and developing. These opportunities and constraints are prerequisite for man to take appropriate adaptive strategies. Through human agency, man adapts to the environment, and gradually changes the structure that always reshapes the agent. Such dynamic a process never stops. Society in itself would not be stagnant. There are different levels of human adaptation, like individual decision-making, adaptive strategies and processes. It is on this basis that the piece of writing is formed.
     Being a so-called eco-village, Huang Gang becomes to a large extent an ideal location for field study. Affected by political movements in the beginning of People's Republic of China and then the market-driven economy since the1980s', many an ethnic village is modeled on the developed areas culturally and economically. Huang Gang embarked on the transformation at the same time, but the truth is that the small peasant economy still prevails at present, the traditional culture of Dong people relatively intact. We can see it from these three manifestations. First of all, endogamy has existed in Huang Gang for over two hundred years. Demographically, it consists a typical "closed population", therefore, is a perfect sample of the population changing naturally. On the other hand, as many Southern villages of Dong people, it has its own methods of population control. The "family planning policy" has not much to do with its social and cultural tradition. In addition, because of the traditional means of subsistence, rice farming, Huang Gang has achieved in ecology a dynamic homeostasis. Thanks to the traditional methods of population control, its population keeps steady and the large-size farmland in Huang Gang can be able to feed it. In this way, it maintains the balance between man and nature. Under the influence of state policy, the Huang Gang population rises faster than ever before, but it is far from damaging the original ecological relationship. In Huang Gang, it is harmonious between man and nature; the ceremonies and daily activities toward nature both indicate the collective wisdom of the local people. In a word, the Huang Gang people put an emphasis on the balance of nature and the maintenance of environment in their material and cultural practice. It would have important implications for the research in human ecology. It is the adaptive interaction between the individual and community that shapes the wisdom of the local people.
     The writing is organized along the interaction between the population and household economy. In the article, I firstly give an overview of the Huang Gang's historical and social situation, that is, the location of Huang Gang, its population distribution, the architectural features, historical facts, the clan, religious life and other social organizations, so as to have a general understanding of the local environment. Its traditional means of subsistence, new economic activities in the background of state policy and market-driven economy, and the life cycle of individuals and households are all discussed ethnographically in the main parts of the paper, also including detailed statistics on the formation of population and its demographic process. Huang Gang's natural resources, its ecological agriculture, the labor forces, new economies, and the economic migrants are intertwined with the important life events of individuals and households, from which we could tell the household economy's characteristics. The demographic characteristics are also of great significance, especially the fertility with relation to the surrounding environment and the modes of subsistence. Base on the study in Huang Gang, I conclude the dissertation with a review of the "adaptation" theory and a brief analysis of the future of Huang Gang in different aspects.
     All in all, with the adaptation theory, this dissertation aims to interpret the intrinsic relationship between population, livelihoods, culture and resources in Huang Gang. To understand the Huang Gang culture and society better, my anthropological research also borrow some demographic ideas. I sincerely hope the study would contribute to the Chinese human ecology. May the demographic anthropology be prosperous in the near future?
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    ① 崔海洋:《人与稻田——贵州黎平黄岗侗族传统生计研究》,昆明:云南人民出版社,2009年,第215页。
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    ② 崔海洋:《人与稻田——贵州黎平黄岗侗族传统生计研究》,昆明:云南人民出版社,2009年,第121页。
    ① 崔海洋:《人与稻田——贵州黎平黄岗侗族传统生计研究》,昆明:云南人民出版社,2009年,第36页。还可参见中央民族大学沈洁的博士论文《和谐与生存——对侗寨占里环境、人口与文化关系的人类学解读》第86页。
    ② 崔海洋:《人与稻田——贵州黎平黄岗侗族传统生计研究》,昆明:云南人民出版社,2009年,第36页及脚注2。
    ③ 黄岗村档案资料中有关于避孕器具发放的记录。
    ① 参见本文第二章第一节有关内容。
    ② 沈洁:《和谐与生存——对侗寨占里环境、人口与文化关系的人类学解读》,2011年,中央民族大学博士论文,第111页。
    ① 资料来源:http://works.5sw.com.cn/html/s1/w4/6804.html
    ② 资料来源:http://style.sina.com.cn/news/p/2012-11-03/1235108716.shtml
    ① Henri Leridon, Human Fertility:The Basic Components. Chicago:University of Chicago Press, p107.
    ② John Bongaarts, Why high birth rates are so low. Population and Development Review 1975, 1(2):p295.
    ③ Henri Leridon, Human Fertility:The Basic Components. Chicago:University of Chicago Press, P16.
    ④ John Bongaarts, A framework for analyzing the proximate determinants of fertility. Population and Development Review 1978,4(1):p107
    ① 参见第四章黄岗初婚年龄分布表。
    ② 沈洁:《和谐与生存——对侗寨占里环境、人口与文化关系的人类学解读》,2011年,中央民族大学博士论文,第154-155页。
    ① Thomas E. Fricke, Himalayan Households:Tamang Demography and Domestic Processes. Delhi:Book Faith India.1993, p108.
    ① [法]阿尔弗雷·索维:《人口通论》,查瑞传等译,北京:商务印书馆,1982年,第58页。
    ① John C. Caldwell, Toward a restatement of demographic transition theory. Population and Development Review 1976,2(3):p343.
    ① 本小节内容主要参考了张齐超《易碎的生命——对一个侗寨高婴儿死亡率的人类学解读》一文,2011年,中央民族大学硕士学位论文。
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    ② [美]马歇尔·萨林斯:《石器时代经济学》,张经纬等译,北京:三联书店,2009年,第75页。
    ③ [美]马歇尔·萨林斯:《石器时代经济学》,张经纬等译,北京:三联书店,2009年,第75页。
    ④ [美]马歇尔·萨林斯:《石器时代经济学》,张经纬等译,北京:三联书店,2009年,第79页。
    ① Meyer Fortes, Introduction. In Jack Goody (ed.), The Developmental Cycle in Domestic Groups. Cambridge:Cambridge Press, p4-5.
    ② 沈洁:《和谐与生存——对侗寨占里环境、人口与文化关系的人类学解读》,2011年,中央民族大学博士论文,第143页。
    ① 沈洁:《和谐与生存——对侗寨占里环境、人口与文化关系的人类学解读》,2011年,中央民族大学博士论文,第163页。
    ① 邓敏文、吴浩:《没有国王的王国——侗款研究》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,1995年,第77页。
    ① 庄孔韶主编:《人类学通论》,太原:山西教育出版社,2004年,第293页。
    ② 庄孔韶主编:《人类学通论》,太原:山西教育出版社,2004年,第294页。
    ① 这种情况可与占里的情况互相参见。沈洁:《和谐与生存——对侗寨占里环境、人口与文化关系的人类学解读》,2011年,中央民族大学博士论文,第六章第五节相关内容。
    ① 沈洁:《和谐与生存——对侗寨占里环境、人口与文化关系的人类学解读》,2011年,中央民族大学博士论文,第172页。
    ① 林淑蓉:《平权社会的阶序与权力:以中国侗族的人群关系为例》,载《台湾人类学刊》4(1):1-43,2006年。
    ① 贵州省民族事务委员会:《贵州‘六山六水’民族调查选编·侗族卷》,贵阳:贵州人民出版社,2008年,第232页。
    ① Thomas E. Fricke, Himalayan Households:Tamang Demography and Domestic Processes. Delhi:Book Faith India.1993, p10.
    ① George M. Foster, Domestic developmental cycles as a link between population processes and other social processes. Journal of anthropological Research 34(3):415,1978.
    ① Thomas E. Fricke, Himalayan Households:Tamang Demography and Domestic Processes. Delhi:Book Faith India.1993, p152.
    ① [美]马歇尔·萨林斯:《石器时代经济学》,张经纬等译,北京:三联书店,2009年,第90
    ① “公”指一个爷爷的后代子孙组成的家户群体,是“斗”(房族)之下的血缘组织。
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