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Antidumping aims at the existence of dumping, and is allowed to protect its members’domestic enterprises and markets by WTO and is one of the main administrative methods to reject the malfeasance competition of importing products. However, as the competition of the international trade becomes more aggravating, antidumping method was used, even abused at the maximal limitation by many countries and became a tool trending to trade protectionism.
     By analyzing the essence, causes and economic effect of antidumping, we can see that antidumping tax, which was used extensively by every country as the main antidumping way, at the one hand, protests the domestic competition industries for importing by increasing the importing price to limit importation, on the other hand, often damages domestic consumers’welfare. And what’s more, the damage of consumers’welfare is often more than the protecting effect which antidumping tax dose to their own economy. So antidumping tax play a negative role in the whole importers’economy. In addition, the effect of trade shifting and direct investment caused by antidumping tax in some degree decreases the protecting result of antidumping tax so that antidumping tax cannot achieve the rational expectancy of trade protestation thoroughly. As one kind of trade policy, antidumping tax should serve for developing domestic economy, raising the whole country‘s welfare, while is not limited in protesting the competition industries for importing. As a result of this, using antidumping tax more carefully and judging their economies’rationality are the problem worthy of more researches for every country.
     On the basis of analyzing the economic effect of antidumping tax and assessing scientifically the current calculate formulae of antidumping tax, we find that the main causes which restrict antidumping tax’s optimization identification are following: the demand elasticity of importers’consumers, the
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