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Self-discipline is such a character based on the individual's agreement of social and moral regulations. It also refers to that individual would internalize these regulations into their own requirements which would be used as guidance for behaviors. Moreover, one would obey the requirements to supervise, restrain and adjust his or her psychology and behaviors towards a direction both benefit society and their own. Local government executives are the main parts of cadres and have important responsibilities of connecting the common people, publishing the political course, principles and policies of the party to the public. The report of18th Party Congress says,"The party's primary-level organization is the fortress for unifying and leading the common people to put the party's theory and policies as well as missions into effect. We should be creative during the work of Party building in the primary-level organization, tamping the foundations of the Party's executions. Also, emphasis should be laid on strengthening Party spirit, improving personal qualities, to enhance and improve the administration of education among Party members who are encouraged to set as models." Therefore, the qualities of local government executives are closely related to the relationships between them, party and the common people. And it would influence people's trust to the Party and the implements of the Party's policies. Meanwhile, self-discipline indicates greatly the quality of local government executives. Hence, this analysis concludes the core definition of self-discipline character through collecting and analyzing related documents and combines the features of Chinese culture. Through the analysis of information which is collected by research and interview, the dimension structures of local government executives' self-discipline is extracted. On the basis of that, a questionnaire about self-discipline character is developed as a tool to test local government executives. This questionnaire also shows some Chinese culture features. The author uses the questionnaire and other measurement to survey the executives below the division-level in counties or places below county-level of different provinces. According to the survey, following points are discussed:the demographic differences of self-discipline of local government executives, the distinctions of individual and environmental factors on influencing self-discipline, the influence self-discipline character does to relatively important aftereffect alternating quantity such as individual work and life, the implicit effect of self-discipline character and the relationships as well as aftereffects between implicit and explicit self-discipline.
     There are in total five major research directions designed according to the foregoing thinking:first, the exploration on not only the content and structure of local government executives'self-discipline but also the measurement tools; secondly, the demographic differences of those disciplines; thirdly, the features of the influences self-disciplines done on local government executives; fourthly, the functions of self-discipline for relatively important aftereffect alternating quantity such as work and living; fifthly, the relationships between the implicit effect and the explicit of self-discipline and the aftereffect. The results of each part are presented as follows:
     (1) Through the exploratory factor analysis, the author found out that, under the Chinese culture background, there are four dimensions in the local government executives'self-discipline. They are:shenqing, shenyu, shensi, shenwei. Those four dimensions are separately correspondences to four important factors of the developments of integrity, self-discipline and correct work style. While the results of confirmatory factor analysis show that the structures of the four factors match well with statistics. And it is better matched with statistics than other potential factor structures. The questionnaire which is based on the four-factor structure includes19specific items. After analyzing the reliability and validity of the questionnaire, a positive result can be drawn. It fits the requirements of psychometrics. Which means the questionnaire can be an effective tool for testing the local government executives'self-discipline.
     (2) The results based on demographic differences among the local government executives are listed below:
     Based on sexual differences-the average grade of female executives are higher than the male's. Based on age-individual who is beyond45years old gain higher than those below45. According to rank-in the dimensions of shenqing, shenyu and shenwei, there are no significant differences among different levels. While in shensi, executives who are or beyond vice-office level get higher scores than those below vice-office level. According to education background-in shensi, bachelors and above behave apparently better than those have lower degree. Yet in shenwei, the result reversed that bachelors and below gain much higher scores than the rest. According to the annual income-in shenqing and shensi, no difference is found. In shenyu, executives who are paid more than fifty thousand Yuan per year get higher score than whose income are less than thirty thousand. In shenwei, those who are paid more than fifty thousand perform better than those who gain less than fifty thousand.
     (3) After testing the relationships between local government executives' self-discipline and features of individual and environment, discoveries can be presented as follows: The consciousness and emotional stability of personality traits separately have positive and negative relationship with self-discipline. Whereas other personality dimensions do not reach the level about relationships with self-discipline what statistics required. From the view of humanity, the level of cynicism is negatively related to self-discipline while trusting level is opposite. The atmosphere in family is negatively related to self-discipline from environmental point of view. Self-discipline has a negative relationship with self-interest oriented level and a positive relationship with caring oriented level.
     (4) Self-discipline has distinguished positive relationships with the executives' task performance, contextual performance, satisfaction in life and emotion experience. Naturally, it is negatively related to their disloyalty to spouse. How much they put themselves into work would partly play a mediating function on the relationships and working stress could adjust those relationships except the relationship between self-discipline and disloyalty.
     (5) The result of IAT (implicit association test) shows that self-discipline has its own corresponding implicit factors. The IAT focuses on relative faith and relative behavior of self-discipline. And the analysis about relationship model of implicit and explicit self-discipline shows that they relate to each other while comparatively independent at the same time. The author then did survey on risk-taking behavior combining experiment of gambling behavior and risk-taking tendency scale, as well as the relationships between the implicit and explicit self-discipline and risk-taking behavior. The result shows a negative relationship between them.
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