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According to the requirements of the classification reform in China, the central-level agriculturalresearch institutes were mechanically divided into different institutes including non-profit, enterprisesand agriculture business units in1999. However, financial supports for these agricultural researchinstitutes obtained from the national government were very different from each other because of theirdifferent types, and were obvious differences compared with agricultural colleges and local agriculturalresearch institutes from the aspects of their financial securities. The reform of each central-levelagricultural institutes has been conducted for years, but it is not yet smooth implementation. Somecentral-level agricultural institutes in need of financial supports face many difficulties, even fall intopredicaments of reforms owe to imperfect and unscientific financial investments, which has seriouslyaffected and restricted the effectiveness of the agricultural scientific resources and the growth of thecontribution rate of agricultural science and technology. In the face of development opportunities ofbuilding up a well-off society and realizing the dreams of strengthening our country and making ourpeople affluent, as well as great challenges of agricultural developments in the early21st century, howto create a scientific financial investment mechanism of affordable funding for central agriculturalresearch institutes and fully take advantages of the potentials from central-level agricultural researchinstitutes is a topic of great theoretical and practical significance.
     Based on the theories of economic growth, public goods, public government selection andoptimized allocation of pubic investment, the author analyzes the status and mechanism of agriculturalresearch investments using the methods of literature review and site investigation, the optimumproportions of security funds investments with qualitative and quantitative analysis, the measures andquantities to guarantee agricultural research funding, and forecasts the quantities of guarantee funds ofcentral-level agricultural scientific research institutions in the next decades using function analysis,empirical and normative analysis. Finally, the author gives a detailed calculation on the demand amountand construction of three kinds of basic costs including basic operation funds, fundamental researchfunds and repairing and purchasing funds.
     The requirement amount of guarantee funds in the central-level agricultural research institutes issystematically studied by quantitative analysis, and the quantity required on guarantee funding offinancial investment of central-level agricultural research institutes is predicted through the model builtaccording to the contribution rate of science and technology to fulfill the future agriculture developmentin China. We study three parts of guarantee funds respectively. After detailing research, the results showthat the public funding is the most serious shortage and the outlay of stuff is the second. Actual spendingkeeps on increasing every year, but the increment ratios of financial allocation are slower. The gap ofpublic funding is10times more than a financial investment, and the gap of the outlay of stuff is twotimes more than a financial investment. The construction of agricultural research investment is veryimbalance, and the proportion of competitive funds is too big. Unbalanced financial input prevents the continuity and stability of agricultural scientific research. According to calculation, the best proportionof the guarantee fund to competitive fund is6:4.
     Central-level agricultural research institutes are national teams of working on important basicresearches, providing public goods to society, and promoting the capacity of agricultural technologicalinnovation, so that their public positions must be enhanced. Meanwhile, increasing financial investment,and providing adequate funds for central-level agricultural research institutes can vigorously lay thefoundation of agricultural research, which has great significance for solving great common problems ofagricultural production and pushing forward the progress of agricultural industrialization. Through theabove research, it can provide an effective solution for simplifying the investment channel of nationalfinance and supporting agricultural basic research steady development in China.
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