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野木瓜为木通科(Lardizabalaceae)野木瓜属植物,拉丁学名Stauntonia chinensis DC.。常绿木质藤本。为我国常用中药。临床主要应用于镇痛抗炎,辅助麻醉。
     化合物分为四个类型:五环三萜皂苷,异绿原酸类化合物,木脂素类成分和黄酮类成分。五环三萜皂苷是这些馏份的主要成分,苷元主要有三种类型30位降甲基齐墩果酸,长春藤皂苷元和30位降甲基长春藤皂苷元;糖链一般是由葡萄糖,鼠李糖,阿拉伯糖,木糖,半乳糖,葡萄糖醛酸组成,糖链大小在3糖到9糖之间,以4糖皂苷,5糖皂苷和6糖皂苷为多。其中未见文献报道的新皂苷26个,命名为Stauntoside A---Stauntoside Z。异绿原酸类化合物在该属中首次分离得到,分离鉴定了2个这类成分,对其他的这类成分用液质联用技术进行了推测。
     单体化合物正在进行镇痛,抗炎相关的活性评价。其中,利用刀豆蛋白(Con A)刺激小鼠脾细胞增殖的模型,观察了部分化合物对T淋巴细胞增殖和活化的影响,结果表明其中一些化合物(化合物6-7,13-15,18,20-23,27-25,36,38,42)表现出一定的免疫抑制活性。在对部分化合物抑制肥大细胞释放组胺的活性评价中,异绿原酸类成分表现出强的抑制肥大细胞释放组胺的活性。
     本论文对其中一株活性真菌094811(泡盛酒曲霉Aspergillus awamori)进行了大量发酵,在细胞毒活性测试(MTT法)的指导下,对菌丝体的细胞毒成分进行了研究。运用现代色谱分离手段从活性部位得到一系列多羟基取代的细胞毒甾类化合物,这些已知的多羟基取代甾类化合物,均有不同程度的抑制肿瘤细胞的活性报道,新甾体的抗肿瘤活性正在评价中。
Stauntonia chinensis DC. (Lardizabalaceae), an evergreen herb, commonly known as "Ye Mu Gua", has been used as a traditional Chinese medicine, especially for analgesic, sedative and anti-inflammatory purposes.The 60% EtOH extract of the rattan of the plant exhibited analgesic effect, evaluated by the acetic acid twisting method. Farther study showed that the n-BuOH soluble fraction of the 60% EtOH extract was responsible for the analgesic effectBy systematic isolation, the n-BuOH soluble fraction was divided into several sub-fractions. The finger prints were established for the major subtractions. The major components of the major subtractions were isolated by chromatography methods, and their structures were elucidated by spectroscopic analysis and chemical methods. Thus, the major peaks in the finger prints were identified unambiguously. And the minor peaks were deduced by the technology of LC-MS.The compounds from the major subtractions are classified as pentacyclic triterpenoids, isochlorogenic acid analogs, lignanoids, flavonoids. Pentacyclic triterpenoids are the major components, the most aglycones of which are akebonic acid, hederagenin, 30-norhederagenin; and the sugar moieties of which are composed of glucopyranose, rhamnopyranose, arabinopyranose, xylopyranose, galactopyranose, glucopyranuronic acid; and twenty-six pentacyclic triterpenoids of which are new compounds, named Stauntoside A—Stauntoside Z. Isochlorogenic acid analogs are isolated for the first time from Stauntonia chinensis DC.The character of the ESI- MS~n of the isochlorogenic acid analogs and the triterpenoids was investigated, based on which the methods of rapid analysis for the isochlorogenic acid analogs and the triterpenoids were established.The analgesic, sedative and anti-inflammatory effects of the pure compounds are undergoing. Compounds 6-7, 13-13, 18, 20-23, 27-28, 36, 38, 42 exhibited the inhibitory activity on T lymphocyte proliferation derived from Con A, which may be responsible to anti-inflammatory effects of Stauntonia chinensis to some extent Furthermore the isochlorogenic acid analogs exhibited the potent inhibitory activity on the release of the histamine of mast cells.
     In our searching for bioactive agents from the sea, About 200 fungi strains were collected from mangrove area at Wenchang, Hainan Province. Cytotoxic screening of the extracts of their mycelia presented 8 mangrove fungi exhibiting potent cytotoxic activities.
     A strain exhibiting potent cytotoxic activity, No. 094811(Aspergillus awamori), was fermented and the acetone extract of the mycelia was isolated. The inhibitory activities on B 16 cell line proliferation of the fractions from the acetone extract of the mycelia of Aspergillus awamori were assayed by MTT method. Several (Give a number) bioactive polyhydroxysterols from the active fractions were isolated by chromatography methods. These known sterols have been reported to exhibit inhibitory activities on cancer cell line proliferation. The inhibitory activities on cancer cell line proliferation of new compounds are undergoing.
     Up to now, 27 compounds were elucidated by spectroscopic methods. Fifteen compounds were polyhydroxysterols and polyhydroxysterol fatty acid esters, of which all six new compounds were polyhydroxysterol fatty acid esters and the related fatty acids and monoglyceride were also identified. Besides, a series of Cyclic dipeptides and nucleosides were isolated and idenfied.
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