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Global multilateral trading system and regional economic integration organizations running parallel, and the coordination of trade and environment, are the more comprehensive and realistic portrayal of the present world economic and trade development. China’s economic sustainable development also cannot avoid the subject of the times that regional economic integration, and the coordination of trade and environment. Just in the tide of economic globalization, China open wider and deeper to the outside world, the course of China’s economic development is becoming more integrated with the world economy. On the one hand, extensive pattern of economic and trading growth make China pay high ecological prices for its economic rise, and face tremendous environmental pressure. On the other hand, developing extensively the economic and trade cooperation with the world especially with regional countries, and positive implementation of the strategy of free trade zones, which become the inevitable choice after China’s entry of WTO. How to achieve trade liberalization and environmental protection simultaneously has extensive and profound significance for China’s building of a harmonious society and ensuring economy sustainable development. The dissertation is arranged for seven chapters to research on harmonizing trade with environment in international cooperation, probe into the realistic path through international cooperation to harmonizing trade with environment, and using the successful experience of advanced regional economic integration organizations for reference, put forward countermeasures and suggestions for China to promote foreign trade and environmental protection through international cooperation that proceed from carrying out the strategy of free trade zones.
     Chapter 1 is the introduction. It outlines the background and significance, framework and methodology, and characteristics and innovation of the research.
     Chapter 2 is the literature review of trade and environment. It clarifies the environmental effect of trade liberalization and trading influence of environmental regulations. Chapter 3 discusses the theoretical basis of and realistic path to harmonizing trade with environment. Chapter 4 discloses the problems of trade and environment that China is now faced through the empirical analysis of environmental effect of China’s trade liberalization and trading influence of China’s environmental regulations. Chapter 5 analyses the practical course of the coordinated development of China’s foreign trade and environmental protection, and makes it clear that while through practice hard to benefit the internal organs and international environmental cooperation to harmonizing trade with environment, the implementation of China’s strategy of free trade zones should base on the strategy of sustainable development, and pay attention to the environmental protection and harmonizing trade with environment, promote trade liberalization and environmental protection simultaneously through international cooperation. Chapter 6 chooses CAFTA as an example to analyze the problem of trade and environment in regional cooperation. Chapters 7 is conclusion, and proceed from carrying out the strategy of free trade zones, put forward countermeasures and suggestions for China to promote the coordination of foreign trade and environmental protection through international cooperation. What the dissertation emphasizes are as follows: (1) In the light of international cooperation, regional economic integration that includes environmental cooperation is the relatively effective important path to promote the coordination of trade and environment through cooperation under realistic conditions. (2) In addition to the internal efforts, international environmental cooperation and WTO, the overall implementation of the strategy of free trade zones opens a important platform that should be paid attention to for harmonizing trade with environment; during the implementation of China’s strategy of free trade zones, should pay attention to the environmental protection and harmonizing trade with environment, promote trade liberalization and environmental protection simultaneously through international trade cooperation. (3) Pay attention to the realistic and potential environmental risks of CAFTA, bring environmental cooperation into CAFTA’s organizational framework, and promote the construction of FTA through the coordination of trade and environment;“10+3”economic integration conduces to the coordination of China and ASEAN’s trade and environment, the regional environmental cooperation has the probability as issue linkage to promote the construction of“10+3”economic integration through its institutionalized arrangements.
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