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The low-temperature plasma in aqueous solution is one of the emerging technologies for water-treatment which appeared in the early 1980's. It has received extensive attention in many fields in the world, due to its high degradation efficiency, instrumental simplicity, and amenability to the environment. It is worth notice that there are a lot of energetic species such as hydroxyl radical, caused by contact glow discharge plasma. So far, very few papers deal with the determination of hydroxyl radical yielded in the CGDE process. Thus, one of our purposes is to find a convenience method to detect hydroxyl radical in quantity. And then, an approach to initiate some polymerization was also discussed in detail. .
     This paper includes five chapters:
     Chapter 1 gives a review on the low temperature discharge plasma, the determination of hydroxyl radical and its application to the polymerization. In addition, the arithmetic of orthogonal design was also described in brief.
     Chapter 2 examines the effect of some of variable parameters, such as discharging voltage and electric conductivity, on the yield of hydroxyl radical during the glow discharge process at the solution pH value of 3.2, and semiquantitatively observes the relationship between output of hydroxyl radical and influencing factors.
     Chapter 3 studies the polymerization of maleic anhydride, acrylamide. The effects of applied voltage, concentration of reactants, time of polymerization on molecular weight of scale inhibitor.
     Chapter 4 investigates the polymerization of maleic anhydride, acrylic acid. The effects of applied voltage, concentration of reactants, time of polymerization on molecular weight of scale inhibitor.
     Chapter 5 researches the polymerization of maleic anhydride, acrylic acid, acrylamide. The effects of applied voltage, concentration of reactants, time of polymerization on the molecular weight of scale inhibitor .
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