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Water pipeline in drip irrigation system is composed mainly of mainline, sub-main lineand capillary line. The materials of its network mainly use polyethylene and polyvinylchloride plastic tubing. As they contact with water for a long time, long distance and largearea, the pipe processing additives and their breakdown products migrate to irrigation waterand change the water quality ingredient, which effect the growth of plants. Then, under theamplified action of the food chain, the human health will be threatened potentially.According to the project of Science and Technology Development Program of Jilin―Theeffect of Greenhouse microclimate on Compounds migrating from Drip irrigation pipes‖(number:20090169), the dissertation proceeds from the drip irrigation production reality, bychoosing polyvinyl chloride and polyethylene as the research objects, carry out theinterference effects study of greenhouse microclimate on compounds migrating from dripirrigation pipes. The main research activities and results are as follows:
     1) In order to preferably study the environment effects on chemical substancesmigrating from UPVC drip irrigation pipe, four different brands of drip irrigation pipes arechosen as the test tube. In a standard environment, the greenhouse environment andtemperature variation influences on heavy metal migration and organic compounds areanalyzed. The main experimental results are shown as follow:
     ①As12days experimental results in standard environment shows, the TOC migrationamount in mainline exceeds the limitation of drinking water quality standard; the biggest Pbcontent in tube is289.9times of drinking water quality standard and2.9times of farmlandirrigation water standard, the Pb migrating from mainline to water decreases with time; themaximums of Fe and Al migration exceed the limitation of drinking water quality standardas well(no irrigation water standard); the maximums of Ba and Zn are within the limitationof drinking water quality standard and irrigation water standard;
     ②In the greenhouse environment, the TOC and Ca influences of undergroundmainline (-40cm) are obviously greater than ground-surface conditions. Different placementshave no effect on Pb migration, which decreases with time; the ground-surface environmentis benefit for Pb migration; Buried treatment has a less effects on Al and Zn migration thanground-surface environment; Two different placements have little effects on Fe and Bamigration;
     ③Temperature influence: mainline TOC migration rate and Pb/Zn migration amount increases with rising temperature; higher temperature will clearly increase TOC and Pbmigration; the temperature variation has the biggest influence on Ca migration;
     ④Analysis of comprehensive elements: for the influence factors to mainline TOC andAl element migration, temperature> time> brand; Ca: time> temperature> brand; Pb:temperature> brand> time; Fe: brand> time> temperature; Zn: time> temperature>brand.
     2) In order to preferably study the environment effects on organics migrations fromHDPE pipe, three different HDPE sub-main pipe brands and five different HDPE capillarypipe brands are chosen as the test objects. In standard environment, the greenhouseenvironment and environment variation influences on organic compounds migration areanalyzed. The main results are shown as follow:
     ①In the standard environment, the first72h TOC release quantity from HDPE dripirrigation pipes is positively related to the12days TOC cumulative release quantity;Then,the TOC release amount initially decreases, but turns to increase with time;The mobility ofcapillary line TOC are less than sub-main pipe TOC mobility in various migration periods;
     ②In the greenhouse environment: TOC migration from HDPE pipe is much greaterthan the standard environment; The dynamic analysis during27days shows a unimodaltrend, and the TOC migration in the9th day reaches the peak;
     ③Environmental factors influences: a. Temperature: the TOC mobility from HDPEincreases with the temperature, and not all TOC migration increases with the temperaturesignificantly; b. Humidity: RH changes effects are different for TOC migration with differentbrands of HDPE pipes; RH has the greatest affects on No.5#tube, and the least effects onNo.8#tube; c. Lighting: the lighting effects on sub-main pipe TOC migrating is bigger thancapillary pipe;
     ④Analysis of comprehensive factors: For HDPE sub-main pipe and HDPE capillarypipe, except the light factor: time> temperature> brand> humidity; including the lightfactor, the light transmittance influence are varied for HDPE pipe function.
     3) In order to study the effects of irrigation water quality impact on HDPE dripirrigation pipe better, three different HDPE capillary are chosen as the test objects, fivedifferent kinds of tested water and TOC migration effects of different tomato nutrientsolution pH values are studied. In the role of HDPE capillary pipe, tomato nutrient solution(pH=6) characteristics, as well as the temperature and light intensity influences on organicsmigration with their functions are discussed; the conclusions are as follows:
     ①Impacts of different tested water: in standard environment, the TOC migrationsfrom irrigation pipe to water and tomato nutrient irrigation are much higher than themigration quantity to distilled water; The TOC migration performance to the nutrientsolutions: tomato nutrient solution> cucumber nutrient solution> Gerbera nutrition liquid;With the extension of time, the capillary TOC migration to distilled water are less and less,and the reduction tends to stable over a period; the organics migrations to the nutrientsolution shows bimodal curves; For COD in12days, the accumulated amount of nutrientsolution under different irrigation water quality in capillary pipe: preparing water> thetomato nutrient solution> distilled water;
     ②Different pH value effects of Nutrient solution: For tomato nutrient solution, whenpH=4, it has the biggest influence on capillary TOC migration, when pH=5, it has theminimal impact, this is because in the strong acidic conditions, the pipe organic have abigger migration quantity;
     ③The organics migrating effects from HDPE capillary pipe on nutrient solutionfeatures: nutrient solution pH value decreased with the extension of the migration period.However, they are higher than the initial pH value; the tube stocks have less influence on ECvalue;
     ④Temperature and light effects with the action of tomato nutrient solution: a.Temperature: the maximum migration rate of TOC was appeared on the temperature of40℃,the minimum value occurred at20℃; COD value increases with temperature; b. Lighting:Capillary TOC accumulation migration amount in migration period are as follows:85%lighttransmittance>50%light transmittance>15%light transmittance, compared with thestandard environment, the organics migration from pipe to nutrient solution has asignificantly increase;
     ⑤The analysis of comprehensive elements: Under the effect of nutrient solution, theorder of the factors affecting the tubing organics migration: time> temperature> brand,time> light transmittance> brand, visible, the influence factors of migration cycle is alsovery important.
     4) For comprehensive evaluation of the drip irrigation pipe safety, the dissertation hasstudied the soaking liquids influences in mainline, sub-main line and capillary line within72h on seed germination, radical bud inhibition effect and luminescent bacteriacomprehensive toxicity, the main conclusions are as follows:
     ①Luminescent bacteria acute toxicity test: a. In the standard environment,72h UPVCmainline soaking liquid has a high luminous intensity, low toxicity mostly in the irrigation water; the level of mainline soaking liquid in the greenhouse environment are over Ⅱmagnitude. Low temperature has the greatest impact on luminescent bacteria acute toxicityin mainline; b. the relative luminosity of HDPE pipe soaking liquid decreases withtemperature rise, and the temperature change have little influence on toxicity of dripirrigation pipe soaking liquid; the temperature has a large influence on capillary pipeimmersion toxicity, especially at the high temperature; c. Environment factors influences onthe tubing biological toxicity: light> temperature> humidity;
     ②Seed germination and root elongation toxicity test of soaking liquids in dripirrigation pipe: through the plant seed germination and root elongation change evaluation,ryegrass and wheat, which is the ideal plant for UPVC and HDPE drip irrigation pipesoaking liquid is identified.
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