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Economic growth will be along with the upgrading of the industrial structure,and the upgrading of industrial structure can also promote the economic growth. Thedevelopment of the world economy is also the process of the evolution and promotionof industrial structure. The direction of the industrial structure and reasonable leveldetermines the height that a nation’s economy can reach. The upgrading andoptimizing of the industry structure is tightly integrated in science and technology.The level of the science and technology can also determine the height that the industrystructure can reach.
     China’s economy grows rapidly since the reform and opening up, the GDP havealready overtaken Japan, soaring up to the second largest in the world. However, theeconomic development patterns of china are still give priority to the fixed investmentsand the Low value-added export, the industry of high energy consumption, highcontamination and high emission occupy exorbitant proportion in the economy. Thedominant industry departments mainly are real estate and automobile industry, thepotential of the economy is severely constrained by the natural resources. After the2008financial crisis, the world economy is suffering from a severe blow. Thefinancial system of developed country Suffer severe impact, while will have the directinfluence on depressing demand for Chinese goods. In this occasion, the Worldspeeding up the industrial adjustment pace, which in order to toward economyrecovery. How to dominate in the new round of the industrial structure adjust,establish the proper development model and the dominant industry departments, arethe main current problems of china. This paper emphasizes the science andtechnology factors in the change of the industrial structure and the economy growthbased on the interrelation between industrial structure and economy growth, studiesthe central role in the economy growth. Meanwhile, this paper studies the financialcrisis impact on China and emphasizes the important position of the EmergingStrategic Industries. According to China's current situation of industrial structure andthe science and technology development, do a detailed analysis of the current situation,prospects, national economy contribution of the Emerging Strategic Industries, and studies the primal problem of the development of the Emerging Strategic Industries.
     This paper generally includes the following eight chapters:
     Chapter one, two and three are the theoretical explanation.
     Chapter one “Basic theory of industrial economy” studies the Industrydevelopment theory in terms of industrial structure, Industrial Organization andindustrial policy.
     Chapter two “Effect of the industrial structure to the economy growth” mainlystudies the interrelation between industrial structure change and economy growth.Through analysis the industrial structure change and economy growth, studies theeffect of the industrial structure to the economy growth.
     Chapter three “Influence of science and technology to the industrial structurechange” through analysis the domestic and foreign economic growth theory, studiesthe important role of science and technology factors in the continued economy growthand the industrial structure change. Taking the Information Technology Industry as thekey point, analyze the impact on the World economy when the InformationTechnology Industry as a dominant industry department.
     Chapter four “The World industrial structure change after the financial crisis”mainly studies the industrial structure change and economy growth problem that theWorld needs to face, analyze the direction of China’s strategic readjustment ofindustrial structure, and points out the Emerging Strategic Industries have been thenew trend of industrial development.
     Chapter five “Effect of Emerging Strategic Industries in China’s future economygrowth” explains the concept and connotation of Emerging Strategic Industries,studies the important effect of the Emerging Strategic Industries in the new roundindustrial structure change, especially it as the dominant industry departments.
     Chapter six and seven “Analysis of the national economy contribution ofEmerging Strategic Industries” study the current situation, development potential andthe national economy contribution of the energy conservation and environmentalprotection industries, new generation of information technology industry, bioindustry,high-end equipment manufacturing industry, new energy industry, new energy automotive industry and the new materials technology. According to the currentsituation of China, analyze the national economy contribution of new generation ofinformation technology industry, high-end equipment manufacturing industry, thenew energy industry and the new energy automotive industry with a quantitativeanalysis method. Emphasize the leading role of these industry departments, andprovide recommendations of the direction of Emerging Strategic Industries for futuredevelopment.
     Chapter8“Problem and Countermeasure of China’s Emerging StrategicIndustries” analyze the main problems and the challenges that China’s EmergingStrategic Industries face to. Learning from the experience of developed country infinance, innovation, science and technology, with The Actual Situation of China,proposal the recommendations with decision-making reference value of EmergingStrategic Industries.
     Chapter9“Summary and outlook” gives the general conclusion and the outlookof whole study.
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