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Along with globalization of economy, regional collectivize and integrative trend, international competitiveness become more and more impetuous, the research of competitiveness has become international pop task. And regional knowledge competitiveness is one important part of competitiveness, advancing and strengthening the regional knowledge competitiveness, will insure region’s development more expeditiousness, persistence and health. Carrying on research to the regional knowledge competitiveness of China, it seems theoretically that it introduces the research vision contributing to widening regional economics, thus offers a new thinking to regional economy strategy policymaker. Seem from reality, carrying on research of regional knowledge competitiveness will contribute to people’s strengthening the understanding of region, which will help to hold regional strategic position better. Thus develop the region better at a higher and newer level.
     The research applies a method with both qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. Firstly, it expatiates the theoretic foundation of regional knowledge competitiveness. Secondly, structure a set of indexes system according to the reality of Chinese regional development, use the factor analytical method and clustering analytical method to analyze the knowledge competitiveness of 31 areas, draw the assessment result of the regional knowledge competitiveness. The result indicated that the regional knowledge competitiveness arrange from east part, middle part and west part, the east part keeps ahead as a whole, however, exceptional provinces drop behind for the moment. In addition, Midwest improved incessantly. Thirdly, find out the diversities of regional knowledge competitiveness, its dynamic variational character, and the reason of diversities. Finally, base on these diversities of regional knowledge competitiveness, put forward the policy choice about promoting the regional knowledge competitiveness.
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