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Natural resources and ecological environment are the foundations of the national economy and social development. Against the background of traditional developmental model of simply consuming resources and pursuing economic magnitude, China continuously accelerates its industrialization and urbanization, while the enormous demand and commercial-scale mining of human being have already resulted in weakness, depletion and degradation of resource base and precipitous deterioration of ecological environment. So how to realize the sustainable utilization of the natural resources and how to achieve the effective protection, restoration and compensation of the ecological environment have already become a problem that needs urgent studies and solutions.
     This thesis analyzes the logical relation of coal resource type cities’ecological compensation from the ecological and economic perspective, and the ecological crisis that facing the resource type cities at present, as well as the probability of carrying out the ecological compensation. Based on the systematical analysis of the present situation of the environmental pollution and ecological damage and the relevant influential factors, the model and method for the ecological environmental capacity evaluation and computation are established. Aiming at the problems of the interiorization of the negative externality generated by the social economic activity upon the ecological system, the ecologic economics, environmental economics and industrial economics etc. are used here to study the forming mechanism of the negative externality from the coal mining activities, the environmental effect and social economic impact, the ecological compensation content and the calculation methods of the ecological compensation standards for coal resource type cities are also being established. By using the social development factors, the corrected computational models of value-of-service for ecologic system are built. The monetary value of the ecological service system of Fuxin City is also estimated, it can be set as the lower referential limit of the ecological compensation standard. According to the environmental value evaluation methods such as the market value method and human capital method, the value loss of Fuxin City caused by environmental pollution and ecological damage is calculated as the upper referential limit of the ecological compensation standard. On the base of analyzing the ecological economic system cybernetics and controllability model,studied the ecological compensation mechanism constitutive structure and establishment feasibility of coal resource city,and established the ecological compensation mode.
     This thesis took the coal resource exploitation of Fuxin city as an example, qualitatively and quantitatively studied the ecological environmental loss of Fuxin, calculate the interval of the upper and the lower referential limit of the ecological compensation standard. And and also proposed the ecological compensation policies and ecological compensation mode for the coal resource exploitation of Fuxin.
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