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The principle of national accounting is a theory system rich in thought and isa methodological framework having widespread application value. At the sametime, the development of modern manufacturing is the major strategic choice underthe background of the present times. Therefore, according to the developingfeatures of modern manufacturing, developing a set of scientific methods tostrengthen the quantitative study of modern manufacturing has a vital significance.Based on this, the cross application of the national accounting principle in themodern manufacturing was studied systematically. The paper consists of sevenchapters.
     Chapter1respectively introduced the research achievements of the nationalaccounting and the modern manufacturing in detail. From the existing literature, itwas lack of expanding application research of principle of national accountingsystematically, so the principle of national accounting would have the great valueof development and application. At the same time, basically, the quantitativeresearch of modern manufacturing was in the blank stage. Therefore, it alsoprovided a broad field of the study. Based on the above analysis, the chapter putforward the research framework.
     Chapter2constructed the methodology system of accounting the consumptionof factors of production of the modern manufacturing. Based upon re-examiningthe connotation and extension of factors of production of the modernmanufacturing, the chapter defined the subject and scope of the accounting of theconsumption of factors of production. And according to the basic idea of samplingtechniques, it put forward a new path measuring the consumption of factors ofproduction. In the meantime, making use of the principle of the account and thematrix, it designed accounts and matrices of the accounting of the consumption offactors of production and constructed models forecasting the consumption offactors of production.
     Chapter3designed the accounting model of the sustainable benefit growth ofthe modern manufacturing systematically. The chapter proposed the concept of thesustainable benefit growth of the modern manufacturing. And by reviewing thehistory of the development of China’s manufacturing, it analyzed the actionmechanism of the system for the sustainable benefit growth of the modern manufacturing. In the meanwhile, in accordance with the basic thought, it built theaccounting model of the sustainable benefit growth of the modern manufacturingand explained the model.
     Chapter4compared the existing methods measuring the concentration of themodern manufacturing and expanded and extended the statistic connotation andeconomic significance of the correlation coefficient. Thereby it constructed analternative method measuring the concentration of the modern manufacturingnamely the coefficient of Concentration R and its reliability was tested by practicethrough the application in the four aspects.
     Chapter5divided the structure of the modern manufacturing systematically.With respect to the different structures, the chapter came up with three methodswith high application value, namely, contingency table analysis, correspondenceanalysis and analysis of variance and analyzed their basic principle in detail. Atthe same moment, it measured the corresponding structure and the evolvement ofthe structure of the modern manufacturing by making use of the three methods.
     Chapter6explained the selection technology of the modern manufacturing atlength. Based on the analysis of the basic process of selection, the chapter shedlight on the technology of measurement score, the efficacy coefficient technology,the weights given by the fuzzy mathematics, the weights given by standarddeviation, the weights given by comprehensive integration, the method of linearweighted synthesis and the method of nonlinear weighted synthesis. In addition,according to the characteristics of manufacturing with strategy and support, itmade an empirical study on the selection of manufacturing with strategy andsupport by choosing the proper methods.
     Chapter7summarized the main achievements made in the paper. Andaccording to the insufficiency in the paper and some problems which are to bediscussed further, the further research orientations were pointed out.
     The paper not only expanded the application scope of the principle of nationalaccounting, but also enriched the methodology system in the quantitative researchof the modern manufacturing. Hence it will help to promote the cross applicationresearch between the national accounting and the modern manufacturing in acertain extent and have a good grasp of the characteristics and the inherent law ofthe development of the modern manufacturing. Consequently, this study hasimportant theoretical significance and practical value.
    ③Aulin-Ahmavaara, Pirkko,“The SNA1993Values as A Consistent Framework fo rProductivity Measurement: Unsolved Issues”, Review of Income and Wealth, Vol.49, No.1,2003, p.117~133.
    ④Ward, Michael P.,“Some Reflections on The1968-93SNA Revision”, Review ofIncome and Wealth, Vol.50, No.2,2004, p.299~313.
    ①Moulton, Brent R.,“The Sy stem of National Accounts For The New Economy: WhatShould Change?”, Review of Income and Wealth, Vol.50, No.2,2004, p.261~278.
    ②May nard, Jean-Pierre; Girard, Andree; Tanguay, Marc,“Producing Hours Worked fo rthe SNA in Order to Measure Productivity: The Canadian Experience”, Statistical Journal,Vol.23,2006, p.179~191.
    ③Ivanov, Youri N.,“Experience and Problems of the CIS Countries in Transition fro mThe MPS to The SNA”, Review of Income and Wealth, Vol.55, No.1,2009, p.466~484.
    ④Fernando, Gonzalez-Laxe; Martin Palmero, Federico; Miguelez Pose, Fernanda,“Relationship between Quantification Sy stems of National Accounting and Indicators ofSustainable Development”, International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics,Vol.14,2009, p.36~49.
    ⑤Vanoli, Andre,“The New Architecture of the U.S. National Accounts and ItsRelationship to the SNA”, Review of Income and Wealth, Vol.56, No.4,2010, p.734~751.
    ④Abey singhe, Tilak; Lee, Christopher,“Best Linear Unbiased Disaggregation of AnnualGDP to Quarterly Figures”, Journal of Forecasting, Vol.17,1998, P.527~537.
    ⑤Abey singhe, Tilak; Rajaguru, Gulasekaran,“Quarterly Real GDP Estimates for Chinaand ASEAN4with a Forecast Evaluation”, Journal of Forecasting, Vol.23,2004, P.431~447.
    ③Washizu, Ay u; Nakano, Satoshi,“On the Environmental Impact of ConsumerLifesty les--Using a Japanese Environmental Input-Output Table and the Linear ExpenditureSy stem Demand Function”, Economic Systems Research, Vol.22, No.2,2010, p.181~192.
    ④Peters, Glen P.; Andrew, Robbie; Lennox, James,“Constructing anEnvironmentally-Extended Multi-regional Input-Output Table Using the GTAP Database”,Economic Systems Research, Vol.23, No.2,2011, p.131~152.
    ⑤Midmore, Peter; Munday, Max; Roberts, Annette,“Assessing Industry Linkages Usi ngRegional Input-Output Tables”, Regional Studies, Vol.40, No.3,2006, p.329~343.
    ⑥Abe, Hirofumi; Shinke, Tomonori; Fujita, Shinji; Hanaoka, Chigusa,“RegionalEconomic Analy sis Using Input-Output Tables from Segmented Agriculture, Forestry,Fisheries, Food and Related Industries”, Studies in Regional Science, Vol.39, No.2,2009,p.283~303.
    ⑦Wier, Mette; Christoffersen, Line Block; Jensen, Trine S.; Pedersen, Ole G.; Keiding,Hans; Munksgaard, Jesper,“Evaluating Sustainability of Household Consumption-Using DEAto Assess Environmental Performance”, Economic Systems Research, Vol.17, No.4,2005,P.425~447.
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    ⑤Klein, Lawrence R.,“Some Potential Linkages for Input-Output Analy sis withFlow-of-Funds”, Economic Systems Research, Vol.15, No.3,2003, P.269~277.
    ⑥Zhang, Nan,“The Theoretical Model and Application of the Global Flow of Fund sAnaly sis”, Journal of Data Analysis, Vol.1, No.4,2006, P.1~20.
    ⑦Struthers, John J.,“Flow of Funds Analy sis: Can It Be Developed for the KuwaitiEconomy?”, Middle Eastern Finance and Economics, No.7,2010, P.63~86.
    ⑧Tsujimura, Kazusuke; Mizoshita, Masako,“Asset-Liability-Matrix Analy sis Derive dfrom the Flow-of-Funds Accounts: The Bank of Japan's Quantitative Monetary PolicyExamined”, Economic Systems Research, Vol.15, No.1,2003, P.51~67.
    ①Yan, Ho-don,“Does Capital Mobility Finance or Cause a Current AccountImbalance?”, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Vol.47, No.1,2007, P.1~25.
    ②Wong, Chorng-Huey; Carranza, Luis,“Policy Responses to External Imbalances inEmerging Market Economies: Further Empirical Results”, IMF Staff Papers, Vol.46, No.2,1999, P.225~237.
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    Abe, Hirofumi; Shinke, Tomonori; Fujita, Shinji; Hanaoka, Chigusa,“Regional Economic Analysis Using Input-Output Tables from SegmentedAgriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, Food and Related Industries”, Studies in RegionalScience, Vol.39, No.2,2009, p.283~303.
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    Fernando, Gonzalez-Laxe; Martin Palmero, Federico; Miguelez Pose, Fernanda,“Relationship between Quantification Systems of National Accounting andIndicators of Sustainable Development”, International Journal of Ecological Economicsand Statistics, Vol.14,2009, p.36~49.
    Frey, Bruno S.; Weck-Hanneman, Hannelore,“The Hidden Economy as an'Unobserved' Variable”, European Economic Review, Vol.26, No.1-2,1984,p.33~53.
    Giles, David E. A.,“Modelling the Hidden Economy and the Tax-Gap in NewZealand”, Empirical Economics, Vol.24, No.4,1999, p.621~640.
    Ivanov, Youri N.,“Experience and Problems of the CIS Countries inTransition from The MPS to The SNA”, Review of Income and Wealth, Vol.55,No.1,2009, p.466~484.
    Klein, Lawrence R.,“Some Potential Linkages for Input-Output Analysis withFlow-of-Funds”, Economic Systems Research, Vol.15, No.3,2003, P.269~277.
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    Lyssiotou, Panayiota; Pashardes, Panos; Stengos, Thanasis,“Estimates of theBlack Economy Based on Consumer Demand Approaches”, Economic Journal,Vol.114, No.497,2004, p.622~640.
    Maynard, Jean-Pierre; Girard, Andree; Tanguay, Marc,“Producing HoursWorked for the SNA in Order to Measure Productivity: The Canadian Experience”,Statistical Journal, Vol.23,2006, p.179~191.
    Midmore, Peter; Munday, Max; Roberts, Annette,“Assessing IndustryLinkages Using Regional Input-Output Tables”, Regional Studies, Vol.40, No.3,2006, p.329~343.
    Moulton, Brent R.,“The System of National Accounts For The New Economy:What Should Change?”, Review of Income and Wealth, Vol.50, No.2,2004,p.261~278.
    Peters, Glen P.; Andrew, Robbie; Lennox, James,“Constructing anEnvironmentally-Extended Multi-regional Input-Output Table Using the GTAPDatabase”, Economic Systems Research, Vol.23, No.2,2011, p.131~152.
    Pyatt, F. Graham; Round, Jeffery I.,“Accounting and Fixed Price Multipliersin a Social Accounting Matrix Framework”, Economic Journal, Vol.89, No.356,1979, p.850~873.
    Pyatt, Graham; Round, Jeffrey I.,“Social Accounting Matrices forDevelopment Planning”, Review of Income and Wealth, Vol.23, No.4,1977,p.339~364.
    Stone, Richard,“The Social Accounts from a Consumer Point of View”,Review of Income and Wealth, Vol.12, No.1,1966, p.1~33.
    Struthers, John J.,“Flow of Funds Analysis: Can It Be Developed for theKuwaiti Economy?”, Middle Eastern Finance and Economics, No.7,2010, P.63-86.
    Tanzi, Vito,“The Underground Economy in the United States: Estimates andImplications”, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review, No.135,1980,p.427~453.
    Tsujimura, Kazusuke; Mizoshita, Masako,“Asset-Liability-Matrix AnalysisDerived from the Flow-of-Funds Accounts: The Bank of Japan's QuantitativeMonetary Policy Examined”, Economic Systems Research, Vol.15, No.1,2003,P.51~67.
    Vanoli, Andre,“The New Architecture of the U.S. National Accounts and ItsRelationship to the SNA”, Review of Income and Wealth, Vol.56, No.4,2010,p.734~751.
    Ward, Michael P.,“Some Reflections on The1968-93SNA Revision”, Reviewof Income and Wealth, Vol.50, No.2,2004, p.299~313.
    Washizu, Ayu; Nakano, Satoshi,“On the Environmental Impact of ConsumerLifesty les--Using a Japanese Environmental Input-Output Table and the Linear ExpenditureSy stem Demand Function”, Economic Systems Research, Vol.22, No.2,2010,p.181~192.
    Wier, Mette; Christoffersen, Line Block; Jensen, Trine S.; Pedersen, Ole G.;Keiding, Hans; Munksgaard, Jesper,“Evaluating Sustainability of HouseholdConsumption-Using DEA to Assess Environmental Performance”, EconomicSystems Research, Vol.17, No.4,2005, P.425~447.
    Wong, Chorng-Huey; Carranza, Luis,“Policy Responses to ExternalImbalances in Emerging Market Economies: Further Empirical Results”, IMF StaffPapers, Vol.46, No.2,1999, P.225~237.
    Yan, Ho-don,“Does Capital Mobility Finance or Cause a Current AccountImbalance?”, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Vol.47, No.1,2007,P.1~25.
    Zhang, Nan,“The Theoretical Model and Application of the Global Flow ofFunds Analysis”, Journal of Data Analysis, Vol.1, No.4,2006, P.1~20.