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Among all the institutional systems of a market economy country, the competition policy plays a key role. At the same time, the importance of competition policy can never be denied in a country of which the economy is developing into a competitive market structure. As for the Network Public Utilities, the intervention of competition policy will promote market competition to its greatest extent, and assist with the development of these industries.
     With regards to the promotion of competition policy in the Network Public Utilities, the specific characteristics of these industries should be taken into consideration. In addition, the existing government regulatory systems will exert a deep influence on the promotion of competition policy and the function of competition authorities. Therefore, regarding the promotion of competition policy in specific industries, this thesis will also emphasize the method to remain the coordination of competition policy and existing government regulatory systems, and the way to deal with the relationship between competition authorities and regulators. Furthermore, special attention will be paid to state-owned enterprises in the Network Public Utilities, as the application of competition policy on these state-owned enterprises will be rather special and complicated.
     This thesis consists of five parts:
     Introduction includes an outline of the structure and main content of this thesis and it covers the background of this thesis, an analysis of existing academic achievements, the methods of research for this thesis. The innovation and what can be further improved for the thesis are also mentioned in this part.
     The First Chapter is an analysis of the characteristics of Network Public Utilities. In order to establish a sound basis for this thesis, relative economic principles are used in analyzing the market structure of Network Public Utilities. The method of historical analysis and comparative analysis are used in concluding the Network Public Utilities’market structures: vertical integration model, vertical segment model and networks competition model. Considering the characteristics of the Network Public Utilities and the current situations in China, the railroad industry, the electricity industry and the telecommunication industry are chosen as the object for research in accordance with the three models above, which making the analysis of this thesis more specific. In the final part of chapter one, there will be an analysis of the government regulatory systems' influence on the market structure, which is often used as a tool of fixing the market failure. In order to promote competition and create environment for the change of market structure, the government regulatory systems should be gradually reduced. If the actions led by government regulatory systems actually restrict competition, these should be prohibited.
     In the Second Chapter, the basic issues of government regulation and competition policy, and the relationship between them, will be analyzed. Through the introspection of the reasons of government regulation, it reflects the failure of government regulation in some circumstances and some improper government regulations which restrict competition. All these defects should be gradually fixed under the background of reduction and the rebuild of the current government regulation. Therefore, the rational government regulation shall be established. Some general issues of competition policy are analyzed. The discussions of competition policy and competition law are made in both broad sense and narrow sense. The competition policy in a broad sense includes its function in the guidance of competition law culture and the promotion of competition. In general, the competition policy in a broad sense can exert influence on an economy entity’s extent of competition and openness through the promotion of ideas and the participation of decision making process. From a microcosmic perspective, it can exert influence on the market through changing the industries’competition structure. There is a new approach in stating the relationship between competition policy and industry policy. The competition policy in a narrow sense means the effective application of competition law. In addition, some significant, unique, and original statements are made on the position and objective of Anti-monopoly Law of the People's Republic of China, Anti-monopoly Law’s legislative purpose, and the relationship between Anti-monopoly Law and industry regulations. This part also covers the possible method to coordinate the regulators and the competition authorities. There will be a detailed analysis of these two authorities and the distribution of powers and duties thereof. The analysis will serve as the basis of next chapter.
     The Third Chapter is the analysis of the competition law’s application in vertical integration model, vertical segment model and networks competition model. To protect the competition in the market and to guarantee the prosperous development of economy, it is necessary to regulate the possible competition-restricting actions and illegal competitions by the competition law. Finally, some comments are made on the monopoly and competition of state-owned enterprises in the Network Public Utilities under the current environment.
     In the Conclusion, some conclusions concerning the application of competition law in the network public Utilities are made based on the analysis above.
    13 W.Baumol, Contestable Markets: An Uprising in the Theory of Industry Structure, American Economic Review, Vol.72,No.1,1982,p.1-15.
    22 JM CLARK, Toward a concept of workable competition [ J], Journal of American Economic Review, 1940, 2: 241~256.
    49 [英]戴维·M·纽伯里:《网络型产业的重组与规制》,何玉梅译,人民邮电出版社2002年版,第193页。
    50 [英]戴维·M·纽伯里:《网络型产业的重组与规制》,何玉梅译,人民邮电出版社2002年版,第223~232页。
    57 [美]丹尼尔·F·史普博:《管制与市场》,余晖等译,上海人民出版社1999年版,第28页。
    65德国前经济部长Guenter Roxrodt以实务界观点出发,发表了“解除管制与经济行政法”之演讲及论文,明确表述上述内容。引自陈樱琴:《管制革新之法律基础与政策调适》,载于刘孔中、施俊吉主编:《管制革新》,“中央研究院”中山人文社会科学研究所2001年,第15~16页。
    66 [英]安东尼·奥格斯:《规制:法律形式与经济学理论》,骆梅英译,中国人民大学出版社2008年版,第12页。
    72 [美]丹尼尔·F·史普博:《管制与市场》,余晖等译,上海人民出版社1999年版,第16~17页。
    74 [美]丹尼尔·F·史普博:《管制与市场》,余晖等译,上海人民出版社1999年版,第19~20页。
    75 [美]丹尼尔·F·史普博:《管制与市场》,余晖等译,上海人民出版社1999年版,第16页。
    77 [美]丹尼尔·F·史普博:《管制与市场》,余晖等译,上海人民出版社1999年版,第11页。
    87 [英]安东尼·奥格斯:《规制:法律形式与经济学理论》,骆梅英译,中国人民大学出版社2008年版,第2页。
    94 [英]安东尼·奥格斯:《规制:法律形式与经济学理论》,骆梅英译,中国人民大学出版社2008年版,第5页。
    96 [美]史蒂芬·布雷耶:《规制及其改革》,李洪雷等译,北京大学出版社2008年版,第19页。
    109 [美]史蒂芬·布雷耶:《规制及其改革》,李洪雷等译,北京大学出版社2008年版,第24~25页。
    110有关外部性的讨论可参见代表性文章F.Bator,“The Anatomy of Market Failure”,72Q.J.Econ.351(1958);R.Coase,“The Problem of Social Cost”,3 J. Law& Econ.1(1960).也可参见文中所引植草益(1992)和史普博(1999)的相关著作。
    111 [英]安东尼·奥格斯:《规制:法律形式与经济学理论》,骆梅英译,中国人民大学出版社2008年版,第34页。
    116 [美]史蒂芬·布雷耶:《规制及其改革》,李洪雷等译,北京大学出版社2008年版,第43页。
    134 [英]戴维·M·纽伯里:《网络型产业的重组与规制》,何玉梅译,人民邮电出版社2002年版,第292页。
    156 ICN 2002 Advocacy Study at iii-iv. See also William Kovacic (1997),“Getting Started: Creating New Competition Policy Institutions in Transition Economies”, 23 Brooklyn J. of Int. Law 403: 441-442.
    157 Advocacy and competition policy, reported prepared by the advocacy working group, ICN’s conference 2002,p59.
    158 Advocacy and competition policy, reported prepared by the advocacy working group, ICN’s conference 2002.p48—53.
    160 See The Role of Competition Advocacy by Competition Authority, Speech by Aiko SHIBATA, Commissioner of the Japan Fair Trade Commission, Presented at ICN Annual Conference Naples, September 28- 29, 2002.
    164 [日]荒宪治郎、内田忠夫、福冈正夫:《经济词典》,讲坛社学术文库1980年版。
    165产业政策(industrial policy)一词最早出现的标志,是1970年日本通产省代表在OECD大会上所作的题为《日本的产业政策》的演讲。参见苏东水主编:《产业经济学》(第二版),高等教育出版社2005年版,第277~278页。
    166 [日]长谷川启之著,梁小民、刘朝译:《经济政策的理论基础》,中国法制出版社1995年版,第205页。
    167 [日]下河边淳、菅家茂:《现代日本经济事典》,中国社会科学出版社1982年版。
    168苏东水主编:《产业经济学》(第二版),高等教育出版社2005年版,第281 ~282页。
    175 Nipperdey,die soziale marktwirtschaft in der verfassung der bundesrepublik,2A,1961,18 und S.25.
    182 [美]理查德·A·波斯纳著:《反托拉斯法》,孙秋宁译,中国政法大学出版社2003年版,第3页。
    208 OECD,Relationship Between Regulators and Competition Authorities,Op. Cit,p.26.
    209 OECD,Relationship Between Regulators and Competition Authorities,Op. Cit,p.26.
    210 Advocacy and competition policy,reported prepared by the advocacy working group, ICN’s conference 2002,p32.
    211 See Pedro·P·Barros,& Steffen·H·Hoernig,Sectoral Regulation And The Competition Authority: Which Relationship Is Best? http://ideas.repec.org/p/cpr/ceprdp/4541.html;周汉华《行业监管机构的行政程序研究:以电力行业为例》,载于《经济社会体制比较》2004年第2期。
    212 Relationship Between Regulations and Competition Authorities, Series Roundtables on Competition, OECD 1999,p 94.
    214 Relationship Between Regulations and Competition Authorities, Series Roundtables on Competition, OECD 1999,P95
    215 Relationship Between Regulations and Competition Authorities, Series Roundtables on Competition, OECD 1999,P95267;DOJ, FTC And Federal Electric Power Merger Enforcement: Are There Too Many Cooks In The Merger Review Kitchen?33 loy.u.chi.L.J.783Loyola University Chicago Law Journal Summer 2002
    216 Relationship Between Regulations and Competition Authorities, Series Roundtables on Competition, OECD 1999,p253-254;issues paper by secretariat, roundtable on bring competition into regulated industries, global forum on competition, OECD 2005,p7.
    217 Relationship Between Regulations and Competition Authorities, Series Roundtables on Competition, OECD 1999, p254.
    218 Relationship Between Regulations and Competition Authorities, Series Roundtables on Competition, OECD 1999, p95.
    219 Relationship Between Regulations and Competition Authorities, Series Roundtables on Competition, OECD1999, p95.
    220 Relationship Between Regulations and Competition Authorities, Series Roundtables on Competition, OECD 1999,p 257,issues paper by secretariat, roundtable on bring competition into regulated industries, global forum on competition, OECD 2005,p10-11.
    221 OECD, Relationship Between Regulations and Competition Authorities,Op.Cit,pp30-31.
    243 [英]戴维·M·纽伯里:《网络型产业的重组与规制》,何玉梅译,人民邮电出版社2002年版,第192页。
    251也有观点认为,“关键设施原则”应始于铁路行业的Terminal Railroad案。当然,还有一些其他案件被视为其起源,如Associated Press案。
    252 [美]赫伯特·霍文坎普:《联邦反托拉斯政策:竞争法律及其政策》(第3版),法律出版社2009年版,第339页。
    253 MCI Communications Corp.v.AT&T.Co.708 F.2d 1081,C.A.Ill.1983.
    254 [美]赫伯特·霍文坎普:《联邦反托拉斯政策:竞争法律及其政策》(第3版),法律出版社2009年版,第339~340页。
    257 Verizon Communications, Inc. v. Law Offices Offices of Curtis V. Trinko, LLP, 540 U.S. 398, 124 S. Ct. 872, 879(2004).
    259 [美]萨莉·亨特:《电力市场竞争》,易立云等译,中信出版社2004年版,第78~83页。
    268 David M. Newbery ,Privatization, Restructuring, and Regulation of Network Utilities,The MIT Press,1999.p331.
    269 David M. Newbery ,Privatization, Restructuring, and Regulation of Network Utilities,The MIT Press,1999.p336~337.
    270 [英]戴维·M·纽伯里:《网络型产业的重组与规制》,何玉梅译,人民邮电出版社2002年版,第313页。
    271 [英]戴维·M·纽伯里:《网络型产业的重组与规制》,何玉梅译,人民邮电出版社2002年版,第318页。
    278 See the Report for the Secretary of State pursuant to Section 44A of the Enterprise Act 2002 of British Sky Broadcasting plc’s acquisition of 17.9% shareholding in ITV plc.
    279 See the Competition Act 1998(Concurrency)Regulations 2004, 4. Determination of the exercise of prescribing functions.
    280 See OFT&OFCOM:“Liaison on competition matters”, 18 December 2003, P2.
    281 See the Competition Act 1998(Concurrency)Regulations 2004, 5. Dispute.
    285 See Ofcom:“Complaint from Gamma Telecom against British Telecommunications Group plc (“BT”) about reduced rates for Wholesale Calls from 1 December 2004”.
    288 See C.Foster, Privatization, Public Ownership and the Regulation of Natural Monopoly (1992),chs,p1~2.转引自[英]安东尼·奥格斯:《规制:法律形式与经济学理论》,骆梅英译,中国人民大学出版社2008年版,第269页。
    289 A.J.Culyer ,the political economy of social policy (1980),ch3.
    291 [英]安东尼·奥格斯:《规制:法律形式与经济学理论》,骆梅英译,中国人民大学出版社2008年版,第
    292 A Skuse government intervention and industrial policy(2nd edn,1972) ch.8.
    293 [英]安东尼·奥格斯:《规制:法律形式与经济学理论》,骆梅英译,中国人民大学出版社2008年版,第272页。
    295 [英]戴维·M·纽伯里:《网络型产业的重组与规制》,何玉梅译,人民邮电出版社2002年版,第82页。
    296 [英]安东尼·奥格斯:《规制:法律形式与经济学理论》,骆梅英译,中国人民大学出版社2008年版,第275页。
    311 [英]戴维·M·纽伯里:《网络型产业的重组与规制》,何玉梅译,人民邮电出版社2002年版,第168页。
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