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Recently, Electromagnetic Compatibility Technology (EMC) has been used widely. The test for EMC had been made with the open field in engineering. Because there could be few ideal open testing field, the microwave chambers have been built in many countries. The large chamber must be constructed for giving a big free space in order to make warplane testing. In the United States of American, there are more than 10 chambers with the volume of 80m×76m×26m. The bigger the volume of chamber is, the thicker the absorber lined is, and the better the electromagnetic wave would be taken up. Although the construction cost would be high, many chambers are being built hi advanced countries.
    So far there is no report about the computation for the pure area of microwave chamber in china, hi this paper, the pure area dimensions and shape are given by the computation to the absorbing, reflecting and bobbing of electromagnetic wave with the given absorber in chamber.
    At first, the basic theory of electromagnetic wave has been introduced. The research works reported about the principle, type and structure have been summarized.
    Secondly, the computation of the chamber pure area has been discussed mainly in the paper. With the Geometry Optics theory and the Geometry Optics Bobbing theory, the electromagnetic wave attenuation in and out the absorber has been analyzed by a computer. According to the computed results an optimal design has been obtained.
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