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     背景介绍:595nm脉冲染料激光(Pulsed dye laser,PDL)临床应用已10余年,脉冲染料激光治疗血管异常性皮肤病已经取得很好疗效。国内有关595nmPDL治疗浅表性血管瘤(Superficial hemangioma,SH)疗效和不良反应未见临床长期随访观察研究。
     结果:657例血管瘤患儿入组,男261例、女396例。男性患儿痊愈率为41.61%,无效率为10.73%;女性患儿痊愈率为38.64%,无效率为7.58%。采用Wilcoxon-Ranksum test秩和检验,结果效应值Z=-19.807,P<0.001,男女两组疗效等级的差别有统计学意义。女性秩和大于男性秩和,女性患儿组疗效更好。40例血管瘤患儿(男14例,女26例),20例非血管瘤患儿入组雌二醇测定。治疗前血管瘤组E2值27.245±19.079pg/ml,非血管瘤组E2值11.385±5.506pg/ml,两组E2值差异有显著统计学意义(P<0.001)。血管瘤组男患儿E2:18.671±8.935pg/ml,女患儿E2:31.861±21.518pg/ml,男女差异有统计学意义(P=0.01)。
     研究背景:脉冲染料激光(Pulsed dye laser, PDL)和光动力疗法(photodynamictherapy, PDT)治疗婴幼儿浅表性血管瘤(Superficial Hemangioma, SH)并不能使所有患者获得满意疗效。本研究目的比较ALA局部外用后,以595nm脉冲染料激光为辐射光源(ALA-PDL),与单纯595nm脉冲染料激光(PDL)治疗SH疗效和安全性比较,评价局部外涂ALA光动力疗法与595nm脉冲染料激光治疗婴幼儿SH疗效。
     方法:采用前瞻性临床随机对照研究方法,招募SH患儿者193例,随机分为单独采用595nm脉冲染料激光治疗组(PDL组)和局部外用ALA后再应用595nm脉冲染料激光治疗组(ALA-PDL组)。在最后一次治疗6月后的随访,评价2组间疗效和不良反应差异。疗效的判定以获得完全消退或无明显改善的患者比例数为主,不良反应包括色素紊乱和皮肤萎缩等,以及局部感染和溃疡等。并对患者满意度进行调查。采用SPSS10.0软件对获得的数据进行统计分析。结果:共165例患者完成治疗和随访,其中PDL组119例、ALA-PDL组46例;所有患者年龄<24个月,未服用其他药物。最终获得完全消退的患者在PDL组和ALA-PDL组间的分布是(44,37.0%, vs31,67.4%)、皮损几乎无改变的患者在两组间的分布是(11,22.0%vs2,1.7%),两组疗效比较差异有显著性(X2=10.302,p=0.001),ALA-PDL组优于单纯PDL组;两组间不良反应发生无明显差异性(X2=3.32p=0.564)。
     方法:人体血管瘤取自1例2月龄男性患儿左腹壁血管瘤,迅速转移至裸鼠生活的无菌恒温实验室中行瘤体移植,自标本活体取下到移植结束不超过2h。血管瘤组织标本切成约5mm×4mm×3mm大小,分别经裸鼠双侧背部近臀部皮肤切口,植入裸鼠皮下。移植后定期观察移植瘤体生长状况,判断移植物是否成活。并于移植2月后取2个不同部位移植成活瘤体,进行组织学观察以判定是否是血管瘤组织。移植60天后,取移植成功的实验动物模型建立随机对照实验,随机分为3个实验组,A组(595nmPDL组):以595nm PDL照射血管瘤瘤体表面一次;B组(激素组):血管瘤瘤体内均匀注射曲安奈德混悬液0.5ml一次;C组(对照组):不作任何处理。给予不同干预措施再连续观察2周,此时对裸鼠模型瘤体分别进行:体积测量、组织病理学分析和免疫组织化学分析。分别观察瘤体体积变化,组织病理学变化,并以免疫组织化学法检测血管内皮细胞生长因子(VEGF)、基质金属蛋白酶2(MMP-2)和组织基质金属蛋白抑制剂-2(TIMP-2)表达。使用SASS10.0统计软件对所有实验结果进行统计学分析,以P<0.05为有显著性差异。
     结果:免疫组织化学检测显示移植成活的血管瘤CD31呈阳性表达, CD31定位于血管内皮细胞的细胞膜上;血管瘤裸鼠模型生长良好,瘤体体积大小均匀,A组和B组与对照组(C组)相比,体积有显著缩小;A组和B组的组织标本观察到血管减少,瘤体萎缩、退化,血管腔闭塞、破裂,血管间纤维脂肪组织浸润。对照组裸鼠模型血管瘤瘤体体积继续增大,呈增生期改变。实验处理后,A组和B组MMP-2、VEGF表达明显降低,而TIMP-2阳性表达升高。
PartⅠ Efficacy and Side Effect in Chinese SuperficialHemangiomaTreated by595nm Pulsed DyeLaser--Results of10-year Analysis
     Background:The595nm tunable pulsed dye laser(PDL) has been used in China formore than10years clinically. However, no studies about its effect and side-effect in thetreatment of superficial hemangioma have been documented.
     Objective: This study was designed to retrospectively summarize595nm PDL usage inChinese patients.
     Methods: Infant patients with superficial hemangioma, who had received595nmtunable pulsed dye laser treatment in our laser center in the last10years, were recruited.Detailed demographics, results of assessment about their degree of clearance andclinical examination for treatment complications were entered into SASS10.0versiondatabase, and statistical analyses were conducted.
     Results:657cases with superficial hemangioma were recruited from the total1037cases treated by595nm PDL during the period time. The overall effectiveness rate was91.17%. Female patients respond better than male, the difference was statisticallysignificant (P<0.001). Lesions at different part of the body respond differently to thetreatment with lesions on extremities show the best result. The response rate does notincrease with time of treatments. The most common side-effects were pigment changesand skin atrophy, which usually resolve spontaneously and disappear completely in afew months. Conclusions: Our experience confirmed the satisfactory clinical efficacy and safety ofthe595nm tunable pulse dye laser in the treatment of childhood superficialhemangioma.
     PART Ⅱ Series research of595nm pulsed dye laser inthe treatment of superficial hemangioma
     PARTⅡ.1Pulsed dye laser in the treatment of infants withsuperficial hemangioma located on facial andlimb:a clinical comparative study
     Objective: There is no research about the natural outcome or prognosis afterintervention in the patients with hemangioma in different parts. The aim of this study isto compare efficacy and adverse reaction of hemangioma located on facial and limbtreated by595nm pulsed dye laser.
     Methods: Retrospective analysis of595nmPDL in the treatment of superficialhemangioma cases in our department from August2002to July2012with period of10years. A total of313cases were enrolled, including214cases which lesion located onface (Group I),99cases on limbs (Group II). Evaluation of curative effect was used tocompare skin photo before and after treatment, completed by the patients`guardian, andsenior dermatologists who did not participate in the treatment. The patient age, skin type,lesion site, size et al was also analyzed. The treatment results were classified according to recur, excellence, valid and invalid, and analyzed using SASS10.0statistical softwareduring two groups, and adverse reaction was also analyzed.
     Results: In group I, the cure rate was35.1%, effective rate was88.8%; and in group II,the cure rate was60.6%, effective rate was100%, there was significant differencebetween two groups (p<0.01). There was no significant difference about adversereaction between two groups (50%vs44.4%).
     Conclusion: Limb SH response to595nmPDL treatment is better than that of facial SH,there is no significant difference about adverse reaction between two groups.
     PartⅡ.2A study of gender affect the curative ofhemangioma treated by595nm Pulsed dye laser
     Objective:There is difference about morbidity in the patients with infantile superficialhemangioma between the sexes, whether estrogen play a role is unclear. Pulsed dyelaser (PDL) can be safe and effective in the treatment of superficial hemangioma ininfants, but the gender does play a role in the disease process is not clear. This studywas a retrospective analysis10years of data, uses595nm PDL for treatment of infantilesuperficial hemangioma, in our department, especially the difference result existedbetween the sexes, and combined with blood estradiol levels part with hemangiomawere measured. The aim of this study is to explore whether gender affects the progressand prognosis of hemangioma.
     Methods:A retrospective study method was used to analysis gender differences resultsfor PDL in the treatment patients with superficial hemangioma from2002August to2012July in our hospital. During the same period, serum E2level was detected withradioimmunoassay method in some children with hemangioma and children with lungdiseases, but non hemangiomas.
     Results:657cases of hemangiomas were enrolled, including261male cases,396female cases. Male patients’ cure rate was41.61%, inefficiency was10.73%; femalepatients’ cure rate was38.64%, inefficiency was7.58%. Wilcoxon-Rank sum test wasused, because grouping variable are unordered data, and target variable are ordered data,result shown effect value Z=-19.807, P<0.001, sum of ranks in female> male, it issuggested that there is statistical significance between female and male gorup, femalepatients are more effect than male.40cases of hemangioma in children (male14, female26) and20cases of non hemangiomas in children enrolled for serum E2level weredetermination.E2value were27.245±19.079pg/ml vs11.385±5.506pg/ml correspondto the group hemangioma vs non hemangioma group. There was statistically significantdifference between two groups (P <0.001). And there was statistically significantdifference about serum E2level between male hemangioma and female hemangioma(P=0.01).
     Conclusion: The estradiol may play a role in hemangioma proliferation, differentgender differences may be effect results in the children with hemangioma treated withPDL.
     PartⅡ.3Study on therapeutic outcome for superficialhemangioma treated by595nm Pulsed dye laseraffected by the timing of starting treatment
     Objective: Pulsed dye laser (PDL) is the infantile superficial hemangioma (SH) of asafe and effective treatment, but the treatment period hemangioma choice iscontroversial. This study analyzed the relationship between595nmPDL treatmentresults of the SH and the timing of starting treatment, clear whether there areappropriate treatment period.
     Methods: Retrospective analysis of595nmPDL in treatment of infant SH cases in ourdepartment from2002August to the2012July period of10years according to startingtreatment age within24months. According to the timing of starting treatment age,divided into0-3month (group A),4-9month (group B),10-18month (group C) and19-24month (group D) of four groups. The main evaluation between the four groups forthe first time in PDL treated patients; the lesions subsided whether there are differencesbetween the degree and adverse reaction.
     Results:549patients were selected, the A group of300cases,121cases were cured,101cases markedly effective,49cases effective,29cases invalid,164cases of adversereactions occur;184cases in group B,72cases were cured,74cases markedly effective,29cases effective,9cases invalid,88cases of adverse reactions occur; C group of49cases,23cases were cured,14cases markedly effective,8cases effective,4casesinvalid,22cases of adverse reactions occur;16cases in group D,8cases were cured,5cases markedly effective,3cases effective,0cases invalid,7cases of adverse reactionsoccur. There are no significant differences among the groups about effect (P=0.692) andadverse reactions (P=0.332).
     Conclusion: PDL is a safe and effective method for the treatment of infantile SH, butwithin2years old children, timing of starting treatment has little influence on theprognosis.
     PartⅡ.4Topical ALA administration followed by irradiationwith PDL and PDL in treatment of superficialhemangioma—a controlled clinical study
     Objectives: The role of pulsed dye lasers (PDL) and photodynamic therapy (PDT) inthe treatment of superficial hemangioma (SH) are not satisfactory for all patients. Thepurpose of this study was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the method that topicalapplication of ALA spreading followed by595-nm PDL compared with595-nm PDLalone in treatment of SH.
     Methods: We did a prospective, randomized controlled trial in which193patients withSH were enrolled. We assigned patients to receive PDL treatment (PDL group) or local5-ALA application and then irradiation with595nm PDL(ALA-PDL group), followedup6months after last treatment session, and evaluate the differences of the curativeeffect and the adverse reaction between the two groups. The main outcome measureswere assessed according to the proportion of the patients whose lesions were completelycleared or not significantly improved, adverse reactions including pigmentarydisturbance, skin atrophy, ulceration, infection and so on. Questionnaires were used to investigate the patients' satisfactory degree. The data obtained are computed andanalyzed via SPSS Version17.0.
     Results: All165patients with SH completed the study, which included119patientswho were in PDL group and46patients who were in ALA-PDL group. The number ofpatients whose lesions showed complete clearance or minimum residual signs at0.5year follow up was significantly different in the PDL group and ALA-PDL group(44,37.0%, vs31,67.4%). Lesions showed no obvious change was significantly differentin the PDL group and ALA-PDL group (2,1.7%, vs11,22.0%). There were significantdifferences about effect between the two groups, ALA-PDL was better than PDL alonein the treatment of SH.(X2=10.302, p=0.001) Adverse reactions between the twogroups had no obvious difference (42.9%vs47.8%, X2=3.32, p=0.654).
     Conclusion: Topical ALA administration followed by irradiation with a595nm PDL ismore effective in the treatment for SH, compared with PDL alone.
     Part Ⅲ Investigation of595nm PDL on the growth ofhemangioma in nude mice and its mechanism
     Objective: Infantile hemangioma is the most common benign tumor in children, itspathological mechanism is not clear; lack of an ideal model for studying is one of themain reasons hindering the in-depth study on the pathogenesis of hemangioma. Thepurpose of this study is to investigate the role and mechanism of PDL on hemangioma by establishment of vascular tumor in nude mice animal model, and using595nmpulsed dye laser (PDL) on hemangioma in established nude mice models.
     Methods: Using tissue transplantation, infant’s proliferative phase capillaryhemangioma surgical specimens were cut into small pieces under sterile conditions,implanted subcutaneously into nude mice, made of infantile hemangiomas in nude micexenograft animal models. Transplant60days later, take the transplants were successfulexperimental animal model of randomized controlled trials, divided into3experimentalgroups were given different interventions. A group intervened by595nm PDL, B groupintervened by Triamcinolone Acetonide0.05ml, and C group without intervention.Given different interventions, hemangioma xenograft model of tumor volumemeasurement, monitoring of vascular tumor growth in nude mice model in vivo;experimental nude mouse model were sacrificed2weeks after treatment to remove thehemangioma made of slices, HE staining for histological analysis, and forimmunohistochemistry staining of the expression of VEGF、MMP-2、TIMP-2. Using theSPSS17.0statistical software for all experimental results were analyzed statistically, P<0.05was thought to be significant difference.
     Results: Immunohistochemistry revealed CD31and CD34were positive expression ingrafted hemangioma tissue, CD31and CD34localized in the membrane of vascularendothelial cells. Produced by hemangioma xenograft model of growth is good, thecontrol group nude mouse model of vascular aneurysm volume continues to increase,the gross and microscopic observation of vascular aneurysm was the proliferation ofchange of the specimen; the others groups nude mouse model of vascular aneurysmvolume were reduced. The hemangioma tumor volume between groups were significantdifferences, tissue observed reduced vascular density, tumor atrophy, degeneration,occlusion of the vessel lumen, rupture, fat and fibrous tissues in the vascular infiltrationwere observed both A and B groups. The positive expression of MMP-2, VEGF in control group was significantly higher than that in A group and B group. The positiverate of TIMP-2was lower in group C than in the A and B group.
     Conclusion: Planting of human subeutnaeous hemnagiomas onto nude micesubeutnaeously is a feasible way to establish a model of human hemnagioma. The studyconfirmed that action of595nmPDL on vascular can reduced MMP-2and VEGFreleasing by action of blocking vessel.
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    16)Wei Chen, Chunjun Yang, Shengxiu Liu,Sen Yang. Curative effect study of pulseddye laser in the treatment of43patients with hand infantile hemangioma. Eur JDermatol.2013(accepted).
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    18)Hemangioma Investigator Group, Haggstrom AN, Drolet BA, Baselga E, ChamlinSL, Garzon MC, Horii KA, Lucky AW, Mancini AJ, Metry DW, Newell B,Nopper AJ, Frieden IJ. Prospective study of infantile hemangiomas: demographic,prenatal, and perinatal characteristics.J Pediatr.2007;150(3):291-4.
    19)Holland KE, Drolet BA. Approach to the patient with an infantilehemangioma.Dermatol Clin.2013;31(2):289-301.
    20)Chen W, Liu S, Yang C, Yang S. Clinical efficacy of the595nm Pulsed Dye Laserin the treatment of Childhood Superficial Hemangioma-Analysis of10-yearApplication in Chinese Patients.J Dermatolog Treat.2013, May23.[Epub ahead ofprint].
    21)Brauer JA, Geronemus RG. Laser treatment in the management of infantilehemangiomas and capillary vascular malformations. Tech Vasc Interv Radiol.2013Mar;16(1):51-4.
    1) Willenberg T, Baumgartner I. Vascular birthmarks. Vasa.2008;37(1):5-17.
    2) Chang LC, Haggstrom AN, Drolet BA, Baselga E, Chamlin SL, GarzonMC,Horii KA, Lucky AW, Mancini AJ, Metry DW, Nopper AJ, Frieden IJ;Hemangioma Investigator Group. Growth characteristics of infantilehemangiomas: mplications for management. Pediatrics.2008;122(2):360-7.
    3) Batta K, Goodyear HM, Moss C, Williams HC, Hiller L, Waters R.Randomized controlled study of early pulsed dye laser treatment ofuncomplicated childhood haemangiomas: results of a1-year analysis. Lancet2002:360:521–27.
    4) Chen WL, Zhang B, Li JS, Yang ZH, Wang YJ, Huang ZQ, Ye YS. Liquidnitrogen cryotherapy of lip mucosa hemangiomas under inhalation generalanesthesia with sevoflurane in early infancy. Ann Plast Surg.2009;62(2):154-7.
    5) Hassan Y, Osman AK, Altyeb A. Noninvasive management of hemangiomaandvascular malformation using intralesional bleomycin injection Ann PlastSurg.2013;70(1):70-3.
    6) Pandey A, Gangopadhyay AN, Sharma SP, Kumar V, Gupta DK, GopalSC.Evaluation of topical steroids in the treatment of superficial hemangioma.Skinmed.2010;8(1):9-11.
    7) Pandey A, Gangopadhyay AN, Gopal SC, Kumar V, Sharma SP, Gupta DK,Sinha CK. Twenty years' experience of steroids in infantile hemangioma--adeveloping country's perspective. J Pediatr Surg.2009;44(4):688-94.
    8) Canavese F, Soo BC, Chia SK, Krajbich JI. Surgical outcome in patientstreated for hemangioma during infancy, childhood, and adolescence: aretrospective review of44consecutive patients. J Pediatr Orthop.2008;28(3):381-6.
    9) Brauer JA, Geronemus RG. Laser treatment in the management of infantilehemangiomas and capillary vascular malformations. Tech Vasc Interv Radiol.2013;16(1):51-4.
    10) Lanigan SW, Taibjee SM. Recent advances in laser treatment of port-winestains. Br J Dermatol.2004;151(3):527-33.
    11) Liu H, Dang Y, Chai X, Wang Z, Ma L, Ren Q. Treatment of port-wine stainswith the595-nm pulsed dye laser: a pilot study in Chinese patients. Clin ExpDermatol.2007;32(6):646-9.
    12) Wei Chen, Chunjun Yang, Shengxiu Liu,Sen Yang. Curative effect study ofpulsed dye laser in the treatment of43patients with hand infantile hemangioma.Eur J Dermatol.2013,(accepted).
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