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AIMS:Bone Strength Index (BSI) can reflect the situation of Bone Mineral Density (BMD) and Bone Quality (BQ). Understanding the status of children's BSI, discussing the relative factors which may affect the BSI, and finding the positive factors to the growth of children's bones are the main targets of this paper which may give suggestions to improve the bone quantity in children's key period of bone growth and to the following research work.
     Methods:334children, from Beijing Yuxin Kindergarten and aged from3-5years were recruited. Their height, body mass and body composition were measured, while questionnaires are given to their parents for surveying their daily habits.
     1.The BSI of the children increases along with their aging. There are no differences between the two genders.
     2.Regular outdoor activities of30minutes every day can benefit improvements of the BSI.
     3. The physical activities of the mothers in their young age affect the BSI of their children.
     4. The relationship between the BSI of the children and the fat ratio is not significant according to the statistic analyses. The development of bones is different among different age groups.
     5. The BSI has nothing to do with not only the growth quality of the children in their young age, but their eating habits.
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