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    成及其丰富度也不同,荒漠地带 21种,荒漠草原 31种,典型草原 26种,草甸草原
    群落物种—面积关系模型:S_q=2.9571q~(0.2983)[r=0.9534 r_(8,0.01)=0.632]
    并建立了物种一多度模型:N(R)=10exp[-0.097(r-5)~2](X~2=20.43 X~2_(9,0.01)21.63)
Shaanei lied in North Shaanxi, with arid weather complicated terrain and more grass.
    The plague of locusts is one of the most serious factor the hinder the development of
    agriculture and enimal husbandry. The paper mainly studied the composition、Structure、
    diversity of grass-hopper community.
    According to character of geography and vegetaion, Shaanbei was divided into 7
    different habitat regions: desert prairie region、 desert region typical steppe、 meadow
    prairie、bottomland meadow、 farmland region、 river marshland region. The composition
    of grasshoppers community and the distribution laws were studied, Which based on the large
    area investigation in different habitat region. The grasshoppers species, which had been
    collected from this region, were examied inculde 7 families, 2l genera and 37species. They
    belong to Tetrigidae, Pyrgomorphidae, Pamphagidae, Catantopidae, Arcypteridae,
    Oedipodidae and Acrididae. The grasshopper species composition and abundance are
    different in different habitat regions. By comparing the resemblance of grasshopers
    community in different habitat regions and dendorgram and PCA analysis, the different
    habitat region can be divided into 3 types; the Water abundance type include farmland
    region, bottomland river marshland, the damp and better vegetation type include typical
    steppe and meadow praise. The arid and worse vegetation type include desert prairie region
    and desert region.
    Based on the sampling investigation, the patterns of species-area relationship model
    was ehablished S_q=2.957lq~(0.2983)[r=0.9534 r_(8,0.01)=0.632]and the species-abundance
    relationship model was established N(R)=l0exp[-0.097(r-5)~2] [X~2=20.43 X~2_(0.01)=2l.63]
    According to the data obtained from the investigation in different habitat region, the
    diversity index of shannon-wiener (H'), pielou's evenness(E), simpson's dominance (D)
    were computed the relationship of diversity and evenness. Abundance was disussed too.
    The results as fO1lows; the diversity index of different habitat region from high to low wast
    desert Prairie region>yPical stCPPe>meadow prairie>desert region> Bottomland meadoW>
    driland region>river marshland region, By the analyses, the community diversity was the
    fimction of evenness and abundance but not equal in value.
    Stuopng the graSshOPPer coInInunity in oases, the SPecies in oases are fewer than
    Yulin. It is obviously related with the grasshopper SPecies' in oases and soil hUmidity
    weatheT, vegeaion and other factors, but it is not obviously related with the oasis area and
    diStance to the contrast land.
    EffeCt of fragmented forest on grasshoppers is not different in forest edge grass. The
    change of interior forest grass is sligh. Whn the forest area is not small and the tree was
    nOt badiy cul,bu grasshoPPer species and number in foreSt imerior grass don't rise
    violenty When the forest area is small, and was cut badly, the grasshopper sPecies and
    Wer in forest interior rise obviously It showed by PCA and stePwise regression analsis,
    the comPlicated comPosition of grass in fOrest is the mainly faCtor on affecting the
    grasshoPPer sPecies and ntnnber
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