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     Hepatitis B vaccine knowledge, attitude and practice of the general medicalpopulation was investigated by the theoretical model of KAP, and found the factswhich impact them.Providing a theoretical basis for improving the ordinaryexamination of hepatitis B vaccination rates and strategy of health education.
     Self-designed questionnaire was used. The crowd were site questioned whofrom June to October2010in the Jilin University Bethune Hospital MedicalCenter.732valid questionnaires were required. The results were analyzed utilizingDescriptive statistical analysis, SNK-q test, single factor analysis of variance.
     1. The general situation of the general medical population
     Survey of732people,355men,377women; medical population under theage of35,415,317physical examination population above the age of35and35years old, average age34.87±9.88;265undergraduate qualifications crowd,undergraduate and postgraduate crowd of467people;93workers,155administrative cadres,108technical cadres,45students, others331; married522,unmarried210;
     2. Knowledge of the hepatitis B vaccine
     The survey suggests that hepatitis B vaccine and its related knowledge isgenerally higher in the general examination. Hepatitis B is a highly contagiousdisease. It widely prevalent in China and carriers don't have any symptoms. Theonly effective method for preventing is Hepatitis B vaccine, The method is safe and reliable with less side action, three doses of knowledge are more than50%.44.1%of the general medical populations are aware of detecting antibody levels ayear after inoculation,39.5%of the people are aware of utensils of hepatitis Bpatients sterilized by boiling time more than ten minutes, and39.5%of the peopleare aware of hepatitis B transmitted by sex.
     The source of knowledge are mainly doctors (25.0%), friends and relatives(22.4%) and books (22.7%), TV(21.7), Network(6.7);only2.0%of the medicalcrowd acquire d the knowledge from lectures.
     The average score of knowledge is11.42±4.12. The impact of cognitivefactors are sex and cultural level by the ANOVA analysis test, women knows morethan men, highly educated population more than low educated. The difference wasstatistically significant ((P <0.05).
     3. Attitude of Hepatitis B vaccine
     88.1%of the crowd are willing to understand the knowledge of the hepatitisB vaccine;91.4%considered that it is necessary to hepatitis B vaccine;88.3%thought that must be vaccinated against hepatitis B epidemic when hepatitis Bpatients aside;87.6%are willing to vaccination vaccines initiatively when thedetection of antibodies is negative or antibody is very low;84.8%prompted hisfamily to hepatitis B vaccine initiatively;50%of the medical examination crowdreluctant to have altogether towels, clothing, and at the same table to eat with thehepatitis B patients or carriers.Only34.5%undergraduate or above and30.9%theundergraduate following people can accept it.27.6%o undergraduate degree orabove and25.0%of undergraduate following mind daily contacts with thehepatitis B patients.
     Average score of the attitude is4.77±1.82. Different level of education andgender groups results different attitude by ANOVA analysis test. The differenceare significance (P <0.05).
     4. Behavior of the hepatitis B vaccine
     75.1%vaccinated against the hepatitis B vaccine,83.6%completed the wholeprogress (all injections,3-pin),71.2%detect antibody levels every year aftervaccination.90.1%do not inject, acupuncture, or tooth extracted in poor Healthconditions clinic,27.0%of the population consult doctor in the situation of notunderstanding hepatitis B-related knowledge,39.1%of self-learning through theInternet,27.0%of the population consult friends and relatives, while18.3%of thepopulation choose to turn a blind eye.
     The average score of the behavior is6.37±1.75, gender, education and ageare the mainly factors affecting the behavior of hepatitis B vaccine by ANOVAanalysis test. The result shows significant difference (P <0.05).
     1. Hepatitis B vaccine knowledge of general medical population of cognitiveability is generally good, the knowledge rate is higher, but the mastery ofknowledge there is not an imbalance. Sex and education are the mainly factors,however common knowledge blind spot are exist.
     2. General medical population hepatitis B vaccine with a good attitude, andmost of the medical population is willing to understand the knowledge initiatively.The sources of knowledge are mainly doctors, relatives, friends and books. Only asmall part of the general medical population acquired the knowledge fromlectures.
     3. Hepatitis B vaccination rates of general medical population are higher,However, some medical populations and did not complete the full vaccination.Most of the general medical population do not inject, acupuncture, or toothextracted in poor Health conditions clinic, Gender, education and age are themainly factors affecting the behavior of hepatitis B vaccine.
     4. The HBV five results show that hepatitis B-positive rate of the general examination was1.37percent which far below the national average.
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