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Since 1990s, along with the further development of knowledge-based economy, the manufacturing sector of developed countries experienced a far-reaching change. In the manufacturing value chain, service elements input and service part of the final product increased significantly. This is the phenomenon of manufacturing servicizing. In the era of globalization, countries have been integrated into the global manufacturing value chain, thus the impact of the phenomenon of the industry is no longer confined within a country's domestic economy, but also will expands to international division of labor, employment, industrial structure and the environment and the world economy.
     Scholars have been noted this phenomenon sharply, and carried out large amount of research. However, there are still some deficiencies. One reason is lack of a unified theoretical system; second is the occurrence, development, and the law of this phenomenon needed to be further deepened; third is the impact of this phenomenon need to be summarized.
     Based on previous research this article will research the reason, the law of evolution and the effect on industry upgradings, employment, trade and environmental of servicizing.
     The article consists of 10 parts, each part of the main contents are as follows:
     The first part is an introduction. Introduced the background, research ideas, development and previous research on the servicizing.
     The first chapter describes the concept, features,status and trends of servicizing. Finally, the theoretical framework of this article.
     The second chapter describes the causes of servicizing. Researchers tried to explain the causes of servicizing from enterprise operation and management level,they found consumer demand, competition, product differentiation are 3 main causes of servicizing. But the deeper reason is that with the development of knowledge-based economy, knowledge, especially tacit knowledge of the manufacturing sector played a decisive role in the development of servicizing. Second, the integration of knowledge value chain and the global value chain promotes the further development of servicizing. Gains brought by service activities is another reason. Finally, environmental factors, further contributed to the development of servicizing.
     The third chapter describes the evolution of the mechanism of servicizing. First of all, to clarify the servicizing of the generation process from scratch, then explain the sustainability of this industry trend. And then construct a model of industrial development and numerical simulations of the model have been tested.
     Fourth chapter describes the industrial transformation and upgrading effect of servicizing. And input-output table was used with the middle element of the service to construct econometric model, the promotion of industrial development have been tested.
     Chapter V is the employment effects of the servicizing. First introduced the employment effect in knowledge-intensive industries in developed countries, and then distinguishes between two different employment problems in developing countries, the unemployment situation in the non-skilled workers and knowledge workers.But the servicizing can help solve both of the 2 types of unemployment.
     Chapter VI discusses the effect of service-based international trading. Because of service-oriented trade develop mainly through the middle factor trade, so by building a service factor of intermediate goods trade model the benefits of the service of growth effects were analyzed.
     Chapter VII is the environmental effects of servicizing. Because there are too many topics in environmental issues, and the article is focused on the chemical industry related effects. Service-oriented environment effect are saving the use of natural resources, and reducing the environmental emissions.
     Chapter VIII is the status and development path of China's manufacturing industry, mainly introduces the development of China's manufacturing industry and gives some suggestions.
     Conclusion and Outlook section, views of the above chapters were summarized, and future research directions are discussed.
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