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In the knowledge economy times, the administration and supervision authorities of organizations begin to realize deeply the strategic value of knowledge in the development and market competition, and knowledge management has got the attention of numerous advanced organizations in the world. Being a new management mode, knowledge management is beginning to be adopted in modern organizations. it is not only the innovation of management system, but also can stimulate the learning enthusiasm of the staff, and promote the forming of the beginning cycle between knowledge obtainment and innovation, and therefore shape the organizations into a learning and open organization, and improve organizational effectiveness. Corporate culture theory originated from Japanese enterprises that put culture management into practice after the World WarⅡ. Then, it evolved into a new and effective management theory, which is wildly applied in many enterprises to have increased organizational effectiveness. Knowledge management and corporate culture are both good to organizational effectiveness and the former research has showed that corporate culture plays a vital part in the success of knowledge management.
     On the basis of survey of related literature in knowledge management, corporate culture and organizational effectiveness research, the dissertation captures a new study idea that is to make an integrated study on the relationship of knowledge management, corporate culture and organizational effectiveness. Firstly, according to the present theory, it explores the connotation of knowledge management, corporate culture and organizational effectiveness. It defines knowledge management in six dimensions which are knowledge acquisition, knowledge organization, knowledge storage, knowledge transfer, knowledge use and knowledge creation; It defines corporate culture in four profiles which are involvement, consistency, mission and adaptability based on the theory of Denison's TMCT (Theoretical Model of Culture Traits); It defines organizational effectiveness in three aspects which are competition ability, innovation ability and development ability. Then, it makes detail statement of the relationship among the three and their components stated above in the connotation exploration.
     Secondly, it establishes a triangle model-named KMCE (knowledge management, corporate culture and organizational effectiveness) based on the above statements. The KMCE model can be divided into five branch models. The first model is the correlation between knowledge management and organizational effectiveness,assuming that knowledge management is the cause,and organizational effectiveness is the consequence,that is the level of knowledge management affects the level of organizational effectiveness. The second model is the correlation between corporate culture and organizational effectiveness,assuming that corporate culture is the cause, and organizational effectiveness is the consequence, that is the leveFof corporate ate culture affects the level of organizational effectiveness. The third model is the correlation between knowledge management and corporate culture, assuming that knowledge management and corporate culture are both the cause and the consequence for each, that is the level of corporate culture affects the level of knowledge management and likewise the level of knowledge management affects the level of corporate culture. The forth model is the moderating effect of corporate culture on the correlation between knowledge management and organizational effectiveness, assuming that the variable of corporate culture can improve the fitness of the equation on knowledge management and organizational effectiveness. The fifth model is the moderating effect of knowledge management on the correlation between corporate culture and organizational effectiveness, assuming that the variable of knowledge management can improve the fitness of the equation on corporate culture and organizational effectiveness.
     Then it develops a knowledge management assessment instrument adjusted from Lawson; it develops a corporate culture assessment instrument based on Denison's TMCT; it develops an organizational effectiveness assessment instrument in three aspects which are competition ability, innovation ability and development ability based on the connotation of organizational effeetiveness in this study.
     The study makes marketing research with the questionnaire designed in both paper and electronic forms. Finally, the research obtains 195 effective samples and tests the validity of the questionnaire. The high validity of the questionnaire enables the following step to analyze the data in correlation, partial correlation and regression by SPSS to validate and express the KMCE model and branches.
     The results of the demonstration are the positive relationship between knowledge management and organizational effectiveness, the positive relationship between corporate culture and organizational effectiveness, the positive relationship between knowledge management and corporate culture, the existing moderating effect of corporate culture on the relationship between knowledge management and organizational effectiveness, the existing moderating effect of knowledge management on the relationship between Corporate culture and organizational effectiveness. Furthermore, the mathematic expressions of the KMCE model and branches support enterprises to predict. At the end of the study, it makes a case study on contrast of two enterprises, the performance of which are good in the market and puts forward appropriate advices.
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