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With the rapid development of global economy and adjustment of world industrial structure, the focus of world economy has changed from manufacturing industry to service industry. Since 1970s, the international trade in service has been flourished developed, and the service industry and the development of service trade have become the important symbol to measure the modernization level of a country. The competition of global economy has transferred from merchandise trade to service trade. The international trade has become the new engine and power to the development of global economy. As a developing country, although the start of China's service trade was relatively late and the development level was relatively low, the developing momentum was strong in recent years. Meanwhile, we should notice that the development of service trade is not only performed on the quantity but also on the elevation of quality, that is the optimization of service trade structure. The experience of the development of world service, especially the countries with developed service industry, the structure of trade in service is one of the most important characteristics of service trade development level and quality. From the current situation of service trade structure, the development of China's service trade structure is on the relatively low level. Therefore, it is necessary to study the relative theories of service trade structure optimization and its impact factors to advance the development quality of China's service trade.
     The dissertation studies the relative issues about the optimization of service trade structure through the way of combining vertical research and horizontal compare. It studies the relative theories of the decision and optimization of service trade structure vertically. And it compares the development stage and impact factors of U.S., Japan, Korea, and China horizontally. This dissertation adopts the microeconomics theories as tools to analyze the impact factors to the optimization of service trade structure. In the empirical analysis, it adopts the co-integration analysis, ADF test, Engel-Granger test, and Granger causality test, and other modern mathematical methods to study the factors that impact the optimization of service trade structure to U.S., Japan, and Korea, and analyze the effect of the three countries' government in the optimization of service trade.
     The main contents of the dissertation can be divided into four parts:
     The first part includes the first chapter and the second chapter. The first chapter introduces the background and significance of the topic, and it reviews the literature before from the practicability of the comparative advantage theories to service trade, relative studies about the optimization of service trade structure, and the impact factors of service trade structure optimization. And it makes comments about the literature before. The second chapter introduces the theories bases about the optimization of service trade structure. It concludes the theories about the formation and optimization of service trade from static and dynamic comparative advantage.
     The second part is the third chapter of the dissertation. This chapter introduces the related issues about the optimization of service trade structure, including the definition of service trade and service trade structure, the general trend of the optimization of service trade structure, and the measure of the service trade optimization. It analyzes the dependent factors that decide the formation of service trade structure, and points out that it is quite easy to follow into the "trap of comparative advantage" if a country arrange its service trade structure. In the end of this chapter, it points out the determination factors of the optimization of service trade structure according to the dynamic comparative advantage. These factors are technical progress, human resource accumulation, and material capital accumulation.
     The third part is chapter four, five, six, and seven. In chapter four, five, and six, the dissertation selects three countries to study the stage, phase,, impact factors, and government effect in the optimization of service trade structure. The three countries are U.S., which is the representative of developing countries; Japan, which is the representative of catching-up economic countries; Korea, which is the representative of newly industrialized countries. In chapter seven, it concludes and analyzes the content of the three chapters before, and points out the similarities and differences of the phase, impact factors, and the promotion policies of the service trade structure. In the end, it concludes the experiences of the development of service trade structure of the three countries'to make reference for the development of China's service trade.
     The forth part is chapter eight. It analyzes the current development of China's service trade and service trade structure. And it classifies the stage of China's structure of service trade, and points out the problem of the service trade structure. In the end, it analyzes the inspiration of the experience of the three countries to China, and proposes the path to upgrade the service trade structure, which can be divided into to parts. The first part is from the factors points of view, that are the technical progress, human resource acceleration, and service industry capital acceleration. The second part is about policies which the Chinese government should take to optimize the service trade structure.
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